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  1. ptldM3

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    I wish the designers at Sukhoi and HAL were as smart and knowlagable as the people on this forum. It sure does seem that there is a lot of Chinese aerospace engineers and scientists that specialize in electro magnetic frequencies reduction and they all just seem to be members of pkd forum.
  2. ptldM3

    Historical : Sukhoi Su-22 Afghan Air Force

    Anti government = those people that that sent Afghanistan into the dark ages, you know the ones that destroyed schools, hospitals, factories, took away women's rights.
  3. ptldM3

    'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than The United States'

    Very few Russian Muslims in Russia, most live in the south and are not ethnically Russian although they are technically Russians. As a whole Muslims are still a minority. About 80% of Russians are Slavic and a similar number are either christian, atheist or some other religion. With that...
  4. ptldM3

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    [/B] And with supercruise an aircraft consumes less fuel and stays in the fight longer, which also translates to longer range, range that can be exploited to achieve longer strike missions or penetrate further to engage enemy aircraft. Consider that during both interception missions as well as...
  5. ptldM3

    SHTF: Why I Choose the AK

    Most Realistic situations such as zombie outbreak or someone breaking into your home will warrant close quarter combat. That is why I always recommend a tactical vest and plenty of magazines. A quality red-*** also does wonders for quick target acquisition. And why is d-o-t encrypted? Drum...
  6. ptldM3

    SHTF: Why I Choose the AK

    Drum mags are not very tactical. And those plasticy picitany rails are homo.
  7. ptldM3

    SHTF: Why I Choose the AK

    Millions of people disagree with that opinion, many people including current and former military servicemen chose less accuracy over better reliability, easier maintenance, and more penetration for their duty weapon or personal weapon. Have you ever personally shot an AK? The recoil is not...
  8. ptldM3

    Princess Kate gives birth to royal heir

    Who gives a ****?
  9. ptldM3

    Mig 35 for Iraq

    And you can continue to believe that the mig-29 is junk based on flawed understanding and umfaforable circumstances. As stated earlier Mig-29s have achieved radar lock, the only thing that prevented the Mig-29s from scoring kills were the Mig-29 pilots killing themselves. going back to your...
  10. ptldM3

    Mig 35 for Iraq

    I expect these type of empty comments from fanboys that want to pound their chests at how their aircraft can shoot down the enemy (in this case Indian Mig-29s) If you did a little research you would know that during the Gulf War several Mig-29 locked onto F-15s, the only thing that prevented the...
  11. ptldM3

    Mig 35 for Iraq

    How is the Mig-29 a failure when It does everything better then the JF-17 and actually has sales? The Germans, Malaysians, Bulgarians, ect have at worst had draws with their NATO counterparts while operating the Mig-29 and at their best have flat out humiliated their counterparts. The Mig-35...
  12. ptldM3

    Israeli death squads involved in Sandy Hook bloodbath: Intelligence analyst

    When life sucks and education lacks it's always best to blame the Jews.
  13. ptldM3

    5th-Gen fighter plan hits hurdle as Russia hikes cost ! Chinese Ping Pong ?

    Can you name one aircraft program that has not had delays or cost escalation? LCA or F-35 come to mind? :rolleyes: When changes and modifications are introduced cost and delays occur, in this case India has proposed dozens of 'improvements' to the pak-fa, with that comes further design work...
  14. ptldM3

    China Has World’s Most Active Missile Programs, U.S. Says

    Contribute something positive or at best something with substance. it's true and runs from the common people to people in authority. No people or country is immune to people with low morals.
  15. ptldM3

    Russian Proton-M Rocket Falls Shortly After Launch

    Partially true, some of the past accidents could have been avoided; however, Russia launches far more rockets into orbit then any other country so proportionately they will have more failures.
  16. ptldM3

    Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

    Those peacekeepers in South Ossetia hate Georgia and welcome the Russian peacekeepers, unlike how Romania came uninvited to Iraq and Afghanistan. But the main topic behind the debate is how you accused Russia of "brutalizing" Georgia which is funny since Georgia started the 2008 war with...
  17. ptldM3

    Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

    Right, we are Mongol, by that logic every White American is an inbred of African Americans and Hispanics, every white Englishmen is an inbred Arabs or middle easterners. Your racism and ignorants has no ceiling. On one hand you call the Russians barbarians and invaders on the other hand...
  18. ptldM3

    Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

    6 JDAM BOMBS EXPLODE IN AFGHANISTAN - YouTube Sure you don't. :lol: Let's see, Afghan village--check. Airstrike--check NATO--check Where is the outrage? All I see is double standards. When the Soviet Union was in Afghanistan and even much prior it built most of the countries...
  19. ptldM3

    Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

    What is there to think, and what destroyed Russia or the Soviet Union...Pakistan? Reform and countries declaring independence in the wake of Gorbachev's perestroika was responsible for the Soviet Unions collapse. study history--real history before believing your nationalistic propaganda that you...
  20. ptldM3

    Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

    Russia has aircraft that can reach Saudi Arabia without needing to be refueled. In fact those aircraft can launch cruise missiles safely from hundreds of km away. This is not taking into account the large fleet of refuelers Russia posseses or the fact that Russia has new command and control...
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