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  1. ptldM3

    No doubt China has confidence in its HQ-9s

    If the average Russian is many times wealthier then the average Chinese and we are third world, then what are the Chinese? :lol: Never mind Russia is wealthier than any European country. If you concede that Russia has an edge in engines than Russia has an edge in mechanical engineering...
  2. ptldM3

    No doubt China has confidence in its HQ-9s

    And remind the readers of the WS-10s TBO and service life, it's appalling. Mind sharing those 'superior spects'? I will give you the benefit of the Doubt, I have no information on the WS-15 but I certainly I don't take exaggerated claims as a foundation for an argument. With that said this...
  3. ptldM3

    No doubt China has confidence in its HQ-9s

    And again you're ignoring facts. China won the competition because it offered the cheapest system and the shortest delivery time as well as technology transfer. On the other hand the S-300 which is not Russia's most capable air defence system was eliminated because it was too expensive. And if...
  4. ptldM3

    No doubt China has confidence in its HQ-9s

    What does an economy have anything to due with technology? Israel and just about every major European country can produce technology that is on par and superior to Chinese equivilants even though Israel and European economies are smaller. In my link it clearly stated that the Chinese system was...
  5. ptldM3

    No doubt China has confidence in its HQ-9s

    And different wing geometry, intake geometry, forward fuselage, even the engines placement and width is different. By your notion the J-20 is just a j-10 with planform alignment and a shaped nose. In any case, you would be shunned for such grossly negligent nonsense by anyone in the aviation...
  6. ptldM3

    No doubt China has confidence in its HQ-9s

    This is sad :lol: Chinese pounding their chests because their cheap skate missile system was chosen. Do some research before running your mouth. Turkey right in awarding China missile defense system tender, analysts say - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news The Chinese system...
  7. ptldM3

    Israeli Soldier Killed after being kidnapped by Palestinian.

    And if you were in that soldiers shoes would you want to get your head cut off? Better yet what if that was your brother of father that was killed?
  8. ptldM3

    Church targeted by Pakistani Muslims

    I remember having a conversation with a few members on here about Pakistanti Christians. They claimed that Christians are not harassed or discriminated, kind of hard to believe when churches are blown up, neighborhoods are burned down, and people including children are beat up because of their...
  9. ptldM3

    New Russian IFV "Boomerang"

    I didn't know one can gauge the quality or effectiveness of armor just by looking at it... Interesting design, a radical departure from the traditional low Silhouette designs we are accustomed to seeing. The gun is unnamed and is in the 5x caliber range, based on barrel length it should be...
  10. ptldM3

    Romania wants EU compensation for abandoned Nabucco project

    No need to stoop to flamer84s level. Just because Flamer84 calls Russians parasites, Mongols, drunks and subhumans doesn't mean you should lower yourself to his level. It only demonstrates racism, lack of self control, and immaturity. Back to topic, I recall one particular member saying how...
  11. ptldM3

    Saudis Go on Full Alert after Putin Threatens to Hit S. Arab in Reprisal fo

    I can't say I'm surprised by such comment; I would expect nothing less from a country that openly discriminates and in fact has laws that treat outsiders, minorities, and women like subhumans. As for your you assertion that ballistic missiles won't do much damage. Look at it this way, if a...
  12. ptldM3

    Military strikes against Assad's Syria | Updates & Discussions.

    let's see the proof that the Syrian government gassed civilians before declaring wars. Obomer only briefed congress on supposed 'proof' of Syrian government involvement but hasn't shared their information with Russia or the UN even when asked by Russia--easy to see why. This look awfully...
  13. ptldM3

    Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

    fotografersha: Aviator.ru, Some terrific hanger pics.
  14. ptldM3

    Obama Cancels Summit With Putin

    I know sucking up runs in your blood but let's look at this in a subjective manner. Russia has requested that the US extradite/not give political asylum to individuals, yet Washington ignored Russia. When the tables have turned and an American (Snowden) received political asylum, Washington was...
  15. ptldM3

    MiG Signs Stealth Attack Drone R&D Contract

    You're so funny. All 'stealth' drones look basically the same because of what they are made for. No V-tails reduces RCS, so obviously those will be removed, the serrations in the wings help control/redirect EM energy, so again that will be used, the flying wing is one of the simplest and...
  16. ptldM3

    Can Muslims take criticism of the Prophet?

    You do know that the 'mujahideen' attacked schools, government buildings, bridges, ect as well as planted mines and indescrimanently mortared Soviet and Afghan troops with total disregard of collateral damage? So how do you destinguish how many people the mujahideen killed and how many the...
  17. ptldM3

    Can Muslims take criticism of the Prophet?

    I suppose you are talking about the old testament vs the new testament, in that case are confused. Language has also changed through the centuries , so some (not all) verses have been modernized, for instance, if in biblical times a vail was called a hoot then obviously nothing is changed. It...
  18. ptldM3

    Historical : Sukhoi Su-22 Afghan Air Force

    Am I hearing this right? :lol: Pakistan was responsible for the Taliban, the Pakistani military trained, sheltered, equipped, fed, and recruited those radicles to fight the Soviet Union. I'm in shock that anyone would embarrass themselves with such a statement, so either read up or forget...
  19. ptldM3

    Christian couple charged with blasphemy in Gojra

    Let's use our brains...can you do that? If Christian countries implemented the same standards and vigilantes simply murdered people that were occused of blasphemy then a whole lot of people including Muslims would be put to death.
  20. ptldM3

    Christian couple charged with blasphemy in Gojra

    You hurt my feelings...whaah....whaah, crybabies. How evolutionary backwards and insecure do you have to be to burn people alive because they were 'accused' of blasphemy. Cry me a river.
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