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  1. yusheng

    China Economy Forum

  2. yusheng

    China Economy Forum

    except football team, China is everywhere in Brazil World Cup:
  3. yusheng

    South China Sea Forum

    “981”钻井平台作业:越南的挑衅和中国的立场 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Republic of China “981”钻井平台作业:越南的挑衅和中国的立场 (供稿) (供稿) 2014/06/08
  4. yusheng

    South China Sea Forum

    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference on June 5, 2014 Q: The G7 Summit issued an announcement on June 4 expressing concerns over the current situation in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. How does China respond? A:China is a staunch champion of peace and...
  5. yusheng

    South China Sea Forum

    Offer some details about China Vietnam SCS conflict for PDF friends Recently, there is a way of saying that the area which 981 working now is the area where Vietnam and Mobil has explored for years and after the exploring Mobil handed the most important data to China, that is why now 981 began...
  6. yusheng

    China Economy Forum

    Volunteers finish their 105 days experiment in "Moon Palace 1" Captain Xie Beizhen(C) and crew members Wang Minjuan (R) and Dong Chen (L) of the"Moon Palace 1" pose for photos in front of the chamber for cultivating plants after living in the closed lab for 105 days in Beijing, capital of...
  7. yusheng

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    文章摘自《中华人民共和国国务院公报》1956年43期 越南民主共和国 总理府 尊敬的总理同志: 我们郑重的向总理同志声明: 越南民主共和国政府承认和赞成中华人民共和国政府于1958年9月4日所作的关于中国领海的决定和声明。 我们向总理同志致以诚挚的敬意! 1958年9月14日于河内 敬致北京,中华人民共和国国务院总理周恩来同志 越南民主共和国政府总理:范文同(签名、盖章) 附:中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明(1958年9月4日)...
  8. yusheng

    Vietnam-China trade to suffer from violence: official

    2014-05-20 12:58 Xinhua Web Editor: Qin Dexing 0 Trade between China and Vietnam will suffer if the violence targeting foreign firms in Vietnam escalates, an official of China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said on Tuesday. Zhang Ji, head of the MOC's foreign trade department, made the remarks...
  9. yusheng

    ASEAN leader 'sends wrong signals on conflict'

    ASEAN leader 'sends wrong signals on conflict' 2014-05-20 08:38 China Daily Web Editor: Wang Fan 0 Wang Chaoyong, 47, receives medical treatment in Chengdu, Sichuan province, after he and colleagues fled anti-China riots in Vietnam. ZHU XINGXIN / CHINA DAILY Bloc urged to avoid interfering...
  10. yusheng

    Chinese state councilor meets Vietnamese DM in Myanmar

    2014-05-20 09:28 Xinhua Web Editor: Mo Hong'e Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Chang Wanquan, who is currently in Nay Pyi Taw to attend the ASEAN-China Defense Ministers' Meeting, met with Vietnamese Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh on Monday. Vietnam has recently disrupted...
  11. yusheng

    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    Will war break out? Recently South China Sea rages again, Vietnam saw America acting in Asia, trying to use American power to force China remove 981. However, what the Vietnamese is unclear is that under present international situation China must control SCS, the Vietnam’s provocations only...
  12. yusheng

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    every Chinese member knows what 五指山 means. heheh, new measurements will soon........
  13. yusheng

    South China Sea Forum

    Vietnam now tasted, certainly the riot services his right very well. After Vietnam war, Vietnam copies almost every policy from China both on social and economic development; however, like on military, he only learned small tricks, without full understanding essences of Chinese culture...
  14. yusheng

    South China Sea Forum

    officially denied, just for reference: maybe only routine exercise
  15. yusheng

    South China Sea Forum

    cannon is naked
  16. yusheng

    South China Sea Forum

    see where is csb8001?
  17. yusheng

    China Economy Forum

  18. yusheng

    China Economy Forum

    TWAD-200隔墙侦听探测仪 LR-66近程反导系统,从示意图中可见该系统可以控制多种型号的火炮武器拦截反舰导弹 LR-63海防雷达,可以为多种型号岸舰导弹提供目标指示 国产JYL-1机动式3D监视雷达,是目前国内大量装备的成熟型号 JYL-1A远程三坐标警戒雷达,目前也是国际市场畅销产品 中电科集团战时的电子干扰车 国产定向强声武器系统,可用于驱散人群,海上宣示主权等用途
  19. yusheng

    China Economy Forum

    展会上出现的光纤水听器 美国“弗吉尼亚”级核潜艇上使用的光纤水听器 光纤水听器阵列演示装置 光纤水听器操作台,该装置灵敏度远超传统声呐。中国的光纤水听器将首先用于组建海底监听系统,用于监控南海水下形势,保护中国核潜艇活动的“堡垒海区”安全,将来也能用于潜艇上 中东某国装备的JY-11B低空补盲雷达 中电科集团展示的电子战无人机
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