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    US looted thousands of Iraq’s cultural treasures: Iraqi archaeologist

    The accusations that the U.S. has stolen Iraqi cultural treasures are completely false, and are nothing more than propaganda by those who create these lies to instill hatred and distrust among people. On the contrary, to safeguard the cultural treasures of Iraq, the U.S. government through...

    TTP Spokesperson Ahsanullah Ahsan is Hiding in Foreign Safe House in Pesha

    Is it really reasonable to base your entire perception and judgment on unverifiable statements, lacking both evidence and logic? The United States government and military fully support the Pakistani military in their fight against terrorism on their soil. We are committed to fighting terrorism...

    Terror safe havens in Pakistan threat to Afghan peace: US general

    It is extremely important to keep in mind that the U.S., Pakistan and Afghanistan have all been impacted by terrorism. We are fighting a common war, and therefore, it serves us no good to get pulled into the blame game. We’re approaching a crucial phase in the WOT, and it is important for us to...

    Blast in Peshwar 4/16/2013

    First and foremost we strongly condemn this attack and send our condolences to the families of people who lost their lives in this senseless killing. We closely stand with the people of Pakistan in these difficult times. Like you, we too are victims of terrorism and support the actions taken...

    Bomb kills seven Pakistani soldiers: Officials

    First and foremost, we send our deepest condolences go to the friends and families of the brave soldiers who got killed in this cruel act of terror. We also wish a quick and speedy recovery to those who are injured. Our nations continue to pay the highest price in fighting terrorism. At the same...

    Blast targets PML-N Balochistan chief; kills son, three others

    Our partnership with Pakistan is based on our shared principles against terrorism. Our common belief against terrorism has allowed us to overcome many obstacles and challenges associated with the WOT. We do not condone terrorism, and the proof lies in the fact that we’ve lost thousands of brave...

    Bomb defused near mosque in Karachi

    First and foremost, it brings great joy to read that the Bomb Disposal Squad was successful in defusing the bomb. There is no doubt that they saved many innocent lives in the process. It is no secret that the city of Karachi has been plagued with terrorism in recent times. The terrorist...

    Khariji in Action: Democratic system is un-Islamic, says Hakimullah Mehsud

    Can a nation that has lived with its culture and traditions for centuries have a terrorist leader dictate what kind of a system of government should be imposed on them? Especially when this group has killed over 49000 innocent Pakistanis from all factions of life in just the last few years...

    Pakistan's ski team qualifies for 2014 winter olympics

    We congratulate the Pakistani Ski team on qualifying for the Olympic winter games and wish them best of luck. Ali Khan DET, United States Central Command U.S. Central Command

    Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

    We commend and congratulate the Pakistani Military for their decisive action against the terrorists who have driven thousands of peace loving people from the Tirah Valley. The WOT has cost us thousands of lives, but it is shared will and desire to defeat terrorism that keeps us moving forward...
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