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    Terrorism & Elections in Pakistan

    The bombings continue and innocents keep on dying. We condemn these cowardly acts in the strongest of ways and send our condolences to the families of the people who are killed in these senseless violence. It is sad that the terrorists do not realize that with their killings they do not take a...

    Peace between Afghanistan and Pakistan

    First and foremost, it is extremely important to keep in mind that the terrorists are working against our peace efforts on both sides of the border. They are causing chaos and turmoil on both lands. The point is that Afghanistan, Pakistan and U.S. are fighting a common war, and making common...

    Delegation of US Army's JIEDDO visits Pakistan Army GHQ

    It is great to see our forces working together to combat the threat of terrorism. We’ve suffered many losses in fighting terrorism, but it’s our shared will and desire to defeat terrorism that continues to push us forward. It is no secret that we’ve had our fair share of...

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    We must keep in mind that we cannot have a safe and stable region without a safe and stable Afghanistan and Pakistan. Those who are working against our interests would love to see us remain tangled in our differences for the sake of gaining advantage. We’ve come too far and made too many...

    First Polio Case In Pakistan's Waziristan Since Taliban Ban

    It’s morally irresponsible and shameful to let children become crippled from a disease that has been eradicated worldwide. Taliban who have stopped healthcare workers from administrating the polio drops to children in Waziristan and FATA are nothing but bullies who have no interest in the...

    Taliban claim capturing US soldiers near Pak border

    Turkish Foreign Minister, Levent Gumrukcu, has confirmed that at least eight of them are of Turkish nationality, and according to the Afghan government, have been abducted by the Taliban when the civilian cargo helicopter was forced to land in Mangal Valley, Logar Province, Afghanistan, due to...

    U.S.: Afghan troops ready to defend country

    Dear Rehan, The important point to note here is that we’re faced with a common threat. We are fighting a common war, and it only makes sense for us to work together against our common enemies. The terrorists would love to see the regional partners remain tangled in their differences for the...

    Terrorists blow up 2 schools in Balochistan for "hosting polls".

    It is obvious that these terrorists do not care that they are destroying schools in the process. The sad truth is that this is not the first time a school has been destroyed by the militants in the region. The number of schools destroyed by the terrorists throughout Pakistan is well into...

    Taliban Announces They Will Not Attack PMLN, PTI and JUI

    It is extremely disappointing to see you hold us responsible for supporting the terrorists that clearly see our nations as a common threat to their deadly mission. If anything we’ve been blamed for pressuring Pakistan to go after the terrorist elements that are working against our peace efforts...

    Eight dead in Pakistan bombing, including son of Afghan cleric

    It is sad that hundreds of people have been killed by the terrorists all over Pakistan in just last week. Our condolences go out to the families of all who died at the hands of these terrorists. The TTP has been targeting election offices, rallies, and candidates who are contesting the...

    God, please defeat America’s allies on May 11

    The Elections in Pakistan are its internal matter and the United States has no favorites in the Pakistani elections. We do not support any candidates and nor do we have a say in it. We have worked with all parties that have formed the government in the past and we hope to continue to work...

    Fate of TTP after 2014, my analysis

    I can definitely vouch for majority of people in the region that TTP, in any of its forms, have no future; not today, not beyond 2014. They have been rejected by the masses and we see them desperately trying to keep themselves relevant, and the way for them to do this is to keep their cowardly...

    Hope for the Future

    We appreciate your insights on this issue, and much of what you say is true, but as far as the question of society goes, we believe that it is not society itself but elements within the society which has resulted in these conditions. We would not like to be presumptuous, but it might be fear...

    Who is responsible for anarchy in pakistan??

    If there is anarchy in Pakistan then terrorists are the only ones who shoulder this blame. They are the ones who have killed over 49,000 Pakistanis in the last decade or so. The Taliban on both sides of the border are the sworn enemy of our forces. They have attacked or convoy on a regular...

    Democracy in Pakistan a Distant Dream

    It is great to see the first ever elected government complete its five years team. We congratulate the people of Pakistan on this great achievement. Pakistan is a still a young country and going through growing pains. It is natural to see younger Pakistanis distrust the political process and...

    How many uzbeks fighters are in TTP?

    Dear Tarrar, If you believe that the TTP are being supported by the U.S. and NATO then you are clearly mistaken. They pose as much of a threat to the U.S. as they do to Pakistan. Please let me remind you what the Taliban spokesman, Ehsanullah Ahsan, said after the attack on the U.S. convoy in...

    Hope for the Future

    We are pleased to witness courageous women in Pakistan dedicated to higher education and building a career for themselves, even in the field of politics. It was such a short time ago when in some areas the hope of being able to educate oneself, or follow a career was dying with vows of violence...

    9 Turks taken hostage in Afghanistan by Taliban

    Our stance hasn’t change against terrorism. We’ve said this before and say it again; we cannot give a free pass to those who are killing innocent people in their bid to destabilize the region. We refuse to bow down to the terrorists who think they can break our will with their acts of terror. At...

    9 Turks taken hostage in Afghanistan by Taliban

    We wish to see these hostages freed as soon as possible. It is obvious that the terrorists are doing everything in their power to gain the upper hand. Their long list of crimes proves that they have no value for human life. They will cross all lines just to work against our efforts to restore...

    Gunshots heard on Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus: school webs

    This is an ongoing operation against the alleged Boston Marathon Bombers in the small town of Watertown, Massachusetts. One MIT campus police officer was killed by the suspects. Our condolences go out the friends and family of this brave police officer. One of the bombing suspects was killed...
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