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    Pakistani Gunmen Kill Professor Who Promoted Education For Girls.

    One of the biggest threats to the ideology of terror is education. The terrorist leaders know this! Isn’t that the only reason they have tried for years to curtail the younger generation from getting any type of real education? Anyone who stands for educating the youngsters gets targeted...

    US says Pakistan has suffered gravely from terrorism

    To say the least, we cannot over emphasize Pakistan’s importance in the region. We have always said that we cannot have a stable region without a stable Pakistan. We greatly appreciate all of Pakistan’s sacrifices in our decade long struggle against insurgency. Our common sacrifices...

    Pakistan Taliban 'sets up a base in Syria'

    Let’s not forget we joined hands in the first place to make our lands safer. We’ve lost thousands of brave soldiers and innocent civilians to acts of terrorism. It is our common quest for peace that continues to binds us together. It is also our shared wish and desire to see peace...

    PCB selects Moin Khan as chief selector for Pakistan cricket team

    He has spoken against the selection and the team set up in the past. I am curious to see what changes he plans to implement. He was known as a fighter during his playing days. I really hope he will select players with the same mentality. Ali Khan DET, United States Central Command

    Swat girls throng to school in defiance

    Congratulations on her 16th birthday. Indeed, a woman worthy of praise and a source of pride. We hope that she will, in the future, continue to be an inspiration to us all. Haroon Ahmad DET - U.S. Central Command www.facebook.com/centcomurdu

    Suicide attack at Pak-Afghan border kills seven, injures 10

    Incidents like these emphasize the importance of cross border coordination between the regional partners. The U.S., Afghanistan and Pakistan have been making common sacrifices for the sake of restoring peace in the region. It only makes sense for us to combine our strength against our common...

    Zardari's security chief assassinated in suicide attack.

    It is unfortunate to witness the audacity of these militants who conduct attacks in broad day light. Isn’t committing suicide a sin in Islam? It is difficult to understand how anyone can justify killing another person by committing suicide, that too another Muslim, in the holy month of Ramadan...

    TTP’s ex-spokesperson challenges sacking in Taliban court

    We shouldn’t be surprise to read about their hypocritical ways. Unfortunately for them, the people started seeing the truth and it became obvious they are only concerned with achieving their deadly objectives. They’ve left no doubts in regards to their dangerous agenda in the region...

    Can any one answer this question by TTP supporters?

    Dear Aeronaut, If you really believe that the TTP is being supported by the U.S. then you are seriously mistaken. We’ve come to a point where we shouldn’t have any doubts regarding their deadly agenda in the region. They are only focused on achieving their deadly objectives in the region...

    Blasts kill at least nine in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

    We stand by the nation of Pakistan during these testing times. The terrorists continue to claim innocent lives in their bid to destabilize the nation. It would be safe to say that their terrorist operations have spread throughout the country. We just witnessed an act of terror in Old Anarkali's...

    Bomb Blast in Purani Anarkali - Lahore

    Who can deny that the only objective the terrorists have is to create mayhem and fear among common citizens. Why else they would attack families and friends who were out for some fun and good food? These are cowards who never have any regards for human lives. Our condolences go out to the...

    Afghan Officials Say More Than 20 Taliban Fighters Killed In East

    Dear Dash, This news above proves that Afghanistan has come a long way since the Taliban rule. There is no reason for us to feel pessimistic and not think optimistically in regards to its future. Afghanistan continues to take steps towards a safe and secure future. At the same time, ANSF...

    Ramadan Greetings from United States CENTCOM

    As Ramadan nears we send our salutation to the Muslim world on this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of reflection and giving; a time for compassion, happiness and hope. We hope and pray for peace and tranquility for all in this blessed and holy month. Abdul Quddus...

    Destroying a Nation State: US-Saudi Funded Terrorists Sowing Chaos in *****

    Amazing, this has to be by far the most “creative”, for lack of a better term, conspiracy theory I have ever read. It sounds more far-fetched than a plot for a sci-fi movie, not to mention the self-contradictions throughout. It is disappointing to see anyone paying attention to some of these...

    Militants kill 6 paramilitary soldiers in northwest Pakistan

    Should we be surprised by the TTP statements? I guess not! If there is still a person in Pakistan who has an iota of doubt that the TTP are in anyway; their friend, then they should be in for a rude awakening. They are only the enemy of Pakistan. They kill without remorse and are proud of...

    Militants kill 6 paramilitary soldiers in northwest Pakistan

    We send our heartfelt condolences to the friends and families of these brave soldiers who died for their country. We sincerely hope that their families will find the strength to deal with this misfortune. We also wish a quick and speedy recovery to those who are injured. The terrorists have been...

    Karzai offers 'anti-terror cooperation' to Pakistan

    It is important to keep in mind that our nations share a common goal of restoring peace and order in the region. We’ve all been impacted by terrorism, and continue to face common challenges on both sides of the border. To say the least, we are fighting the same terrorists and suffering at...

    Afghan Peace Talks

    The U.S. government supports the Qatar office, known as the Political Office of the Afghan Taliban, and the peace talks between the Afghan government and the Afghan Taliban. For the record, the government of Qatar, which is facilitating these peace talks, has made it clear that the sign labeling...

    Commander US Air Force Central Command calls on Air Chief

    Our officials have been coordinating and communicating regularly and maintain a healthy relationship. These meetings allow us to address our shared concerns and prevent any issues from arising. We’ve come a long way in our decade long partnership, and it is imperative for us to remain...

    Portraying terrorist as heroes

    The fact is that recent polls clearly indicate that Pakistanis overwhelmingly have rejected terrorism and they view it as the biggest threat to the nation. With their blatant and relentless attacks and then by boldly claiming responsibilities, the terrorists validate the poll results. Killers...
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