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  1. BigDaddyWatch

    Rule of law doesn't exist in America

    Tell that to the millions of Americans who have lost their homes.
  2. BigDaddyWatch

    Rule of law doesn't exist in America

    You are missing the point the corruption in the US and Europe is not like in India or China where local officials ask you for bribes. So its far less visible but its there which in some ways make it even more dangerous. Because you are not aware of it happening and people will be more surprised...
  3. BigDaddyWatch

    Rule of law doesn't exist in America

    You seem to be pretty emotional about it to me.
  4. BigDaddyWatch

    US drones killing rescue workers

    US drone strikes target rescuers in Pakistan
  5. BigDaddyWatch

    Key US institution protects rapists

    double post deleted
  6. BigDaddyWatch

    Key US institution protects rapists

    It's has now become clear that the modus operandi of our American members when confronted with topics that they don't like. They just resort to name calling or going off topic rather than to talk about or debate the issue at hand. This is also typical American behavior. They always knows best...
  7. BigDaddyWatch

    Key US institution protects rapists

    PressTV - 'Rapists go unpunished in US military'
  8. BigDaddyWatch

    Rule of law doesn't exist in America

    This clown is simply giving the Americans a tast of their own medicine. And apparently it's to bitter for them !
  9. BigDaddyWatch

    Rule of law doesn't exist in America

    You're favorite refuge name calling. How about we talk about the issue at hand. John Corzine has bankrupted MF Global and stoll 1,25 billion dollars from his customers segregated accounts. Instead of being charged and let away to prison he's now one of the biggest campaign fundraisers for...
  10. BigDaddyWatch

    Rule of law doesn't exist in America

    You're the ones that's trying to deflect attention away from America. When you're face with the truth you just begin to call names and go off topic. And what happend to all that "We Americans can take criticism" i guess that's a myth too.
  11. BigDaddyWatch

    Rule of law doesn't exist in America

    Nope i'm trying to show you the truth about America that you won't see from you're mainstream media. And since Americans are so good at criticizing others i think this is just fair.
  12. BigDaddyWatch

    Japanese activists land on the Senkakus amid Chinese protests and threats

    And look how well the response to 9/11 has worked out for you. More than 6500 soldiers dead almost 50,000 wounded not to mention the hunderds of thousands of young soldiers traumatized for life. And spend about 3 to 4 trillion dollars on two wars. Only part of the 16 trillion dollars of national...
  13. BigDaddyWatch

    Rule of law doesn't exist in America

    Jon Corzine political connections protect him from prosecution - conservative news
  14. BigDaddyWatch

    Slave labour in America

    No need to go back hundreds of years it's happening in America right now. American Sweatshops
  15. BigDaddyWatch

    Slave labour in America

    You are trying to justify the unjustifiable and thats why you are going off topic and getting into personal attacks. People still wants to go to America because those people don't knows the true state of the country. How do you think the financial crisis happend ? How do you think it will all...
  16. BigDaddyWatch

    Slave labour in America

    First of all this tread is not about China but America. So you are going off topic. But if you think that America is sooooo much better than other countries it's not. If you want to talk about violating international law, corruption, indebtedness, hypocrisy and simply living in denial there is...
  17. BigDaddyWatch

    Slave labour in America

    America is the capital of exploitation, you just look at what is happening on Wallstreet and in Washington DC. You look at what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan nothing surprises me any more about America. As i said you Americans are living in denial about the true state of you're country...
  18. BigDaddyWatch

    Slave labour in America

    Always making excuses. Why would they work for 23 cents an hour without benefits ? And how do you know that every one are doing it out of their free will ? BTW the article doesn't criticize the fact that this prisoners are working for 23 cents an hour but its criticising the fact that jobs are...
  19. BigDaddyWatch

    Slave labour in America

    Americans cannot take any criticism what so ever. Keep telling them selfs the Shangri La story. Americans cannot face the fact that America IS a poor country. The income inequality in the US are as bad as those in China but poverty and inequality in America has been masked by the availability of...
  20. BigDaddyWatch

    Slave labour in America

    Prisoners working for 23 cent an hour and without benefits. Factory owners: Federal prisoners stealing our business - Aug. 14, 2012
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