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  1. BigDaddyWatch

    How many Indians here would support annexation of Katchatheevu island from Sri Lanka ?

    China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka should work together to snatch back the territory that the Indians illegally occupy from us. We need to band together to confront India.
  2. BigDaddyWatch

    The Uyghur issue

    Except for Okemos, that guy is ready for genocide.:D But we also have to see that China has many Muslims living in its borders. The Hui, Uzbeks, Kazachs etc. we don't have a problem with any of those people just the Uyghers. Perhabs that is also something we should look into.
  3. BigDaddyWatch

    The Uyghur issue

    This thread created a miracle ! i see Indian members defending China ! :woot:
  4. BigDaddyWatch

    The Uyghur issue

    These countries will take China's lower end manufacturing. But China is moving up the value chain and the economy of China is increasingly doing more value added work. China last year exported about 2 trillion dollars worth of goods. You don't think that China is able to export so much by just...
  5. BigDaddyWatch

    The Uyghur issue

    Who are these so called many friends and allies of Turkey ? Its certainly is not Europe people here look down on Turks i know because i live in Europe and the debates about the EU and Turkey is one litany of Turkey bashing. Its not Russia, Iraq or Iran because you angered them by supporting...
  6. BigDaddyWatch

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    We shouldn't attack the nation of Brazil because of the opinion of this one guy. Let him live in his ignorence. If the Chinese government is treating the Chinese people so bad then why are their so many Chinese members here to defend the Chinese government ? You only know what you see in the...
  7. BigDaddyWatch

    Look at America. What Do You see?

    What i see is a country that is forced to debase its currency due to the massive pressure of its unprecedented foreign and domestic debt. If the central bank was to stop printing money and raise interest rate then the US federale government, the big commercial banks, the pension funds, a lot of...
  8. BigDaddyWatch

    China Economy Forum

    The problem is that the (Western) media sees the world through a ideological narrative. In this narrative there are the good guys and there are the bad guys. China at the moment falls firmly in the latter category. What that means is that they see what they want to see. And they end up...
  9. BigDaddyWatch

    China media hurls racist slur at departing US envoy

    No political prisoners in the US ? What about Bradley Manning ? Isn't he a political prisoner ? Why did Edward Snowden have to flee ? What about Julian Assange ? What do you call these people ? They are not murderers, rapists, thieves or involved with drugs in anyway. Of course American...
  10. BigDaddyWatch

    America totally overestimated/faked their Growth Numbers for the 4th Quarter (2.4% now, not 3.2%)

    In America you have the FED chair person Janet yellen blaming the bad weather for the poor economic numbers. She said that in a room full of people while the camera was rolling. And no one laugh out loud. This shows you how bad the situation is in America and how deep the denial is about it...
  11. BigDaddyWatch

    China media hurls racist slur at departing US envoy

    The US has on a per capita bases 4 times more people locked up then China. How do you explain that for the land of the free ? And the US is an example for the world for human rights ? You must be kidding. America these days is not being seen as an example for anything anymore. Because the world...
  12. BigDaddyWatch

    China media hurls racist slur at departing US envoy

    But not as despicable and callas as the American members here that are bending over backwards to justify the murder of innocent women and children's in multiple countries that is being perpetrated by the US. How more racist can you get when you don't care about the lives of others by trying to...
  13. BigDaddyWatch

    Indian economy's worth expected to rise to $1.7 trn

    Over the past 4 years the INR has lost about 40% of her value. That explains the 1,7 trillion $ number, its only in dollar terms but in INR terms the Indian economy is now considerably larger then in 2008.
  14. BigDaddyWatch

    India's GDP growth revised to 4.5% for FY13

    The difference between China and India is that China is focussing on manufacturing ie production and export while India has been focussing on services and consumption. Therefore China for the past 20 years has been a surplus nation while India has been a deficit nation. India was dependent on...
  15. BigDaddyWatch

    USA killed civilians including women and children in pawan air strike.

    Because of the poor quality imagery from the drone cams. They can't tell from those images who is a militant and who is a civilian.
  16. BigDaddyWatch

    Japan tells world to stand up to China or face consequences

    Just shows you that Japan is getting desperate.
  17. BigDaddyWatch

    USA killed civilians including women and children in pawan air strike.

    You are the one here bending over backwards trying to justify the killing of innocent people. Not me.
  18. BigDaddyWatch

    USA killed civilians including women and children in pawan air strike.

    Your a guy that fits the bill of "Right or wrong my country" perfectly. If tomorrow the US drops an atomic bomb on someone you will be here to defend it. We know that drone operators have difficulty distinguishing between civilians and fighters and this is not the first time that drone strikes...
  19. BigDaddyWatch

    USA killed civilians including women and children in pawan air strike.

    Is there any evidence that these women and children's where Taliban ?
  20. BigDaddyWatch

    Beijing’s Bad Air Would Be Step Up for Smoggy Delhi

    :-) Remenber reading this that the Indian economy is only 1/5 of that of China's and the industrial sector is perhabs just 10% of China's. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/26/world/asia/beijings-air-would-be-step-up-for-smoggy-delhi.html?_r=0
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