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  1. Jungibaaz

    Jaibi, from PDF to PAF!

    Congrats @jaibi. Way to go!
  2. Jungibaaz

    Alpha1............. UN-Retiring - part-2

    I've deleted previous posts here that are aimed at other members. I hope you all understand, I truly have no idea what this is all about, nor do I take sides anyway. I am just telling you ALL, don't make it personal, this is not what this forum is about.
  3. Jungibaaz

    Alpha1............. UN-Retiring - part-2

    I don't know what game you lot are playing here, forum politics and any sort of personal relations I tend to avoid. But, you should all try to avoid making personal comments. Good luck, study hard and stay off pdf.
  4. Jungibaaz

    Alpha1............. UN-Retiring - part-2

    Welcome back.
  5. Jungibaaz

    Kaisa dia ??? ROFL

    The end had me in stitches. :lol:
  6. Jungibaaz

    Welcome to Pakistan's Unmanned Warfare Command.

    Guided AGM, not rockets. Most likely, like the hellfire missiles of the US.
  7. Jungibaaz

    I have less faith on my army that you have on yours, Sharif told Manmohan Singh in New York

    There's a time and place for that. The army has no doubt wronged in the past. But the army has also sat back, well away from politics in the last few years, much to their credit. We are in a state of war, our army is being attacked on the ground and by forces from within and outside who seek...
  8. Jungibaaz

    I have less faith on my army that you have on yours, Sharif told Manmohan Singh in New York

    Regardless of what this guy has seen in the past with the army. What could posses a head of state to make a statement like that at a time like this?
  9. Jungibaaz

    Game of Thrones fans?

    No idea who that white walker was at the end, but I assume he's their king, the sacrifice was offered to him. And those spikes resemble a crown. I liked this ep personally, they're laying the foundations for something epic again, castle black might kick off, the former night's watch vs John...
  10. Jungibaaz

    Classical music thread

    The flower duet! First heard this while playing Killzone 2 on PS3 a long while back. One of the most menacing and sinister pieces of music I've ever heard. That saxophone is pure evil. Facades, by Philip Glass.
  11. Jungibaaz

    Save Balochistan from separation, Altaf asks Punjab

    Stop BSing for the love of all that is holy. You people talk way more than your vocabulary and background knowledge should allow.
  12. Jungibaaz

    Najam Sethi "warns" Army and ISI to back off or else..................

    Useless remark, one after the other from you in this thread, ill informed to say the least. Excuse me if I seem too frank. But you aren't doing a good job of backing your first few posts either.
  13. Jungibaaz

    Best Sci-Fi movies?

    Good series, I did like the Episodes II and III. The episode I, I loathed, terribly made, jar jar binks made me sick to my stomach.
  14. Jungibaaz

    British Monarchy, time to end, no?

    Yeah, no kidding. Similar names, same flags, very similar views.
  15. Jungibaaz

    Video Gamers report in!

    Come at me bro. '300 confirmed kills'!
  16. Jungibaaz

    British Monarchy, time to end, no?

    That's not true. Most and the vast majority of Brits like their monarchy and even more still want them around. Albeit, some might ask for cut backs in the luxury. But the monarchy is part of the history, heritage and identity. It's here to stay. Hear, hear! Long live the Queen.
  17. Jungibaaz

    Best Sci-Fi movies?

    Huge sci fi fan here. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Planet of the Apes (1968) Soylent Green (1973) Logan's Run (1976) Alien (1979) Aliens (1986) 12 Monkeys (1995) Minority Report (2002) Sunshine (2007) Moon (2009) Many more, but these ones are the kind that most people seem to agree on.
  18. Jungibaaz

    Hamid Mir defiant, still holds ISI responsible for attack. Statement from Hospital

    First of all don't edit and write in to a post like that, it's unclear for other readers. Secondly, stay on topic, the stupidity of other Pakistanis on other unrelated topics has nowt to do with this.
  19. Jungibaaz

    Hamid Mir defiant, still holds ISI responsible for attack. Statement from Hospital

    Aye they need to be investigated, no-one says anything against that. But jumping the gun is poor journalism, geo's conduct was nothing short of shameful. And I agree, there's a slight possibility that even IF it was ISI, it may have failed. But it was highly unlikely in the first place that...
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