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  1. jkroo

    China Economy Forum

    It's good to hear this business news. CSR is really a giant and develop fast these years. The company also manufacture the wireless charging electricity powered bus. More new transportation toys will emerge in the coming years.
  2. jkroo

    China unveils landmark urbanization plan

    Service market must be enlarged in the urbanization process and this has nothing to do with the manufacturing industries. This kind of investment don't consume much money.
  3. jkroo

    Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

    The world is complex than you can imagine. What damn happened?
  4. jkroo

    China unveils landmark urbanization plan

    Guys, invest money into service economy sector!
  5. jkroo

    Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

    I have 3 points after read update news every day. 1. The MH730 may not land an island except the island is totally isolated from outerside world which seems impossible. A week past and we still don‘t find it. I think the plane maybe crashed in Indian ocean though I dont want this happen. 2...
  6. jkroo

    Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

    This news will explain what happened. The others Uyghurs have nothing to do with the attack. The criminal was shot down and the case will close. But we need to do much to avoid this kind of things happening. 长沙砍杀案嫌犯砍同事后情绪失控继续砍民众_新闻_腾讯网
  7. jkroo

    Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China’s Stealth Fighter

    The original comments of this news is also very interesting Comments (67) Brad 15.03.2014 12:51 And this is coming from the MIC that stole Russian MiG 25 data for their f-15s, corporated Japanese aircraft carrier designs and copied German military hardware. Wow the steaming pile of hypocrisy...
  8. jkroo

    Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

    Guys, calm down. Please ignore those emotional comments and it's not difficult for you.
  9. jkroo

    Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

    赞同你的观点,如同三聚氰胺案件,政府管理机构也有一个学习成长的过程,之后的情况只会逐渐好转。成都的事件我了解到了,甚至了解到普通维族百姓为了生活用100元一天请人烤羊肉串而不现身街头,这些事件确实伤害了维族百姓本身。 民族政策不会说改就改,但是行政管理机构的管理方式、行动效率确实有很大的提升空间,社会心理的成熟也需要一定的时间。分裂势力的存在只会让中国更强大,至于国内舆论,接下来还会整肃,也会更开放,法律法规应更细致和完善,我们静观其变,安内攘外,这个也是需要很长时间。...
  10. jkroo

    Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

    I mean the Uyghur. They are members of China family.
  11. jkroo

    Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

    Hmm, a 'literate' person start to teach English. Good work and go ahead.
  12. jkroo

    Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

    No need to respond idiot, friend. Idiot is idiot even your teaching work is the best. Friend, you can ignore the emotional response. Some of Muslim Uyghurs have done evil things to other people including Uyghurs people. Show your respect and use the proper word of ethnic, please...
  13. jkroo

    Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

    Use the word ‘criminals’ for the title is rational at current stage. But why Uyghurs again?
  14. jkroo

    Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

    You are telling the truth. Changsha is where I am. You can search many pics and videos through the internet. The dispute lead to an Uyghur killed another Uyghur cruelty and the insane killer also called persons for help and ran out and killed 3 innocent people.
  15. jkroo

    China’s Tencent is now a bigger gaming company than Microsoft and Activision

    Actually, ‘LOL’ is also a game name of Tencent. It has more means in Chinese and it's very popular in university.
  16. jkroo

    China’s Tencent is now a bigger gaming company than Microsoft and Activision

    There are many types of game pc games, mobile games, and the rapid growing sector is the mobile games. Addict to games especially online games is not a good thing. Tencent growed up rapidly by meeting clients' needs and step into many business such as communication, game, electronic commerce...
  17. jkroo

    Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

    Current searching area and situation 马方首次披露失联客机与塔台最后通话内容_新闻_腾讯网 Malaysian Airlines release the dialog from MH370 and the tower. Information like this: 马方塔台:“已把你们(MH370)交接给胡志明市管辖区。” MH370航班回答称“好的,收到。” 失联前MH370未有任何通报飞机出现异常,雷达扫描不到飞机编号信息,但仍能跟踪到空中有物体在飞行,几分钟飞行物体的信号消失。 The point is before lost...
  18. jkroo

    Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

    Oh, please Malaysian military.
  19. jkroo

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    Hukun line will be ready this year. Personally, I travel by Wuguang line much.
  20. jkroo

    Will Chinese Smartphones Surpass Established Brands in Sales?

    From ABI Research news show that ZTE rank 5th, Huawei rank 6th and Lenovo is catching up. London, United Kingdom - 10 Mar 2014 ABI Research reports that Chinese handset vendors will account for over 50% of mobile handsets in 2015. Chinese vendors already accounted for 38% of mobile handset...
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