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  1. Martian2

    What the world will look like in 2023!

    China is currently building 27 of 100 planned new nuclear reactors In ten year's time (2023), China will be well on its way to building 100 new nuclear reactors. China grabbing up uranium to secure nuclear lead | SmartPlanet "Mar 19, 2012 – China is on track to build up to 100 nuclear...
  2. Martian2

    China: 30, India: 0, thanks to bureaucracy: Narayana Murthy

    Indian Parliament: 1, Modi: 0 The Indian Parliament has the final say. Modi can't make drastic reforms without the Indian Parliament's approval, which is unlikely to occur.
  3. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    You're clueless 1. I've already cited Global Security to note that Japanese Aegis don't have Tomahawks. The Japanese Aegis are strictly defensive in capability. They are crippled destroyers. Let me say it again. Japanese Aegis are inferior to American Aegis. Tomahawks are offensive weapons to...
  4. Martian2

    What the world will look like in 2023!

    Chinese Moon landing in 2025! China will land on the Moon around 2025.
  5. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    U.S. also downgrades exported navigation and targeting pods I think I'll just start ignoring Indians spouting crap. They make claims that are untrue and fill people's minds with garbage. I don't have the time or inclination to keep responding to every Indian troll that jumps into the middle of...
  6. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    Japanese Aegis ships are inferior to American Aegis 1. Japanese Aegis ships lack Tomahawk missiles (see first citation below). 2. American Aegis Flight III uses superior dual-band radar (see second citation below). This is my last post on this topic. I'm tired of you retarded Indians...
  7. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    Japanese Aegis are inferior to current American Aegis The Japanese Kongo Aegis are equivalent to the earliest American Flight I Arleigh Burke. The Japanese Atago Aegis are equivalent to the third-generation American Flight IIA Arleigh Burke. The current American Aegis is the fourth-generation...
  8. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    Thank you. I hate dumb Indians. Where the hell am I going to find specifications for a classified Aegis system to prove the specific downgrades? It's hard enough to find the citations for the specific F-35 and M1 downgrades. Unless some government ministry in a foreign country unintentionally...
  9. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    Inferior versions of comparable American Aegis. In the F-35, the stealth was significantly reduced. In the M1 Abrams, the armor was significantly reduced. With the Aegis, I would guess the range, resolution, number of simultaneous targets, etc. were all reduced. ---------- I will make one...
  10. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    You're an idiot. F-22, F-35, and M1 Abrams tanks. They are all downgraded. Aegis is no exception. My citation proves you can't trust a Lockheed Martin press release. The U.S. government determines foreign policy and U.S. policy is to degrade military equipment for export.
  11. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    U.S. downgrades Australian F-35s and contradicts Lockheed Martin claim of no downgrade Not so stealthy: the $15b fighters - National - smh.com.au "Not so stealthy: the $15b fighters Like a beach ball on the radar … the former defence minister Robert Hill with a mock-up of the fighter...
  12. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    Show it to me with reputable citations for the American and Japanese Aegis. If you can't, concede this debate.
  13. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    Show me the specifications on the range, resolution, power, etc. A press release is not an indication of capability. Only retarded Indians believe American naval weapon systems are not downgraded, while air force and army equipment are downgraded. That is called a conflicting foreign policy.
  14. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    How stupid are you? The U.S. refuses to export downgraded F-22s. The M1 Abrams is low-tech and it's downgraded for export. The Aegis system is cutting-edge missile defense integration. It ranks below the F-22 and far above the M1 Abrams. The low-tech Abrams is downgraded for export and the...
  15. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    I hate idiots like you. Firstly, I already gave you a citation for the refusal by the U.S. Congress to export DOWNGRADED F-22s. Secondly, I will give you a second citation for DOWNGRADED Abrams tanks for export (see citation below). How many examples do you need before you realize it is...
  16. Martian2

    Chinese Air Force (PLAAF) News & Discussions

    China's J-STARS China has at least four J-STARS (or Tu-154M/D Careless) for ELINT (i.e. ELectronic INTelligence). ---------- Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force "Tu-154M/D Careless A number of Tu-154M/Ds (Type I/II) have been converted into ELINT aircraft, even through they are...
  17. Martian2

    New 63 m Stealth Fast Missile Patrol Vessel (Indonesian Navy)

    What are its armaments? Who cares about a trimaran design? We've seen it before. I want to know about its capabilities. How does the new Indonesian stealth missile vessel compare to existing vessels, such as the Type 022 from China (see citation below)? ---------- Type 022 Houbei-class Fast...
  18. Martian2

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    Chinese "Red Aegis" is superior to downgraded Japanese and South Korean Aegis An indigenous Chinese Type 052C "Red Aegis" destroyer is superior to non-indigenous and watered-down Japanese and South Korean Aegis. Chinese Type 052C/D DDG with AESA radar is superior to Japanese and South...
  19. Martian2

    PLA Navy's new 052D DDG Launched today (Photos and discussion)

    Chinese "Red Aegis" is superior to downgraded Japanese and South Korean Aegis An indigenous Chinese Type 052C "Red Aegis" destroyer is superior to non-indigenous and watered-down Japanese and South Korean Aegis. Chinese Type 052C/D DDG with AESA radar is superior to Japanese and South Korean...
  20. Martian2

    After DF-41 test, China tests JL-2 and DF-5B

    Who can rebuild faster? Hard-working Chinese or soft rich Americans? You misunderstand. China will clearly lose more people, about a billion more. I'm discussing the strategic situation after a thermonuclear war. If China has more underground facilities (including stored food and fuel) then...
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