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  1. American Eagle

    Pakistan’s response to Indian Cold Start doctrine

    Thank you for your sensitive to your life's experiences comments. I am very much aware of the water issues often raised to justify Kashmir psyching of the population in Pakistan. I was in Pakistan (then Wet Pakistan) when the Mangla Dam was being built. Water rights are a common intra and...
  2. American Eagle

    Pakistan’s response to Indian Cold Start doctrine

    With both Pakistan and India strong militarily, all this unhealthy speculation is still used inside Pakistan to avoid 100% addressing and fixing he huge needs Pakistan has regarding public education; health (a huge issue); industrial development; and consumer power needs. India has enough...
  3. American Eagle

    Sanctions against Russia could have a serious impact on German Exports, GDP Growth and Jobs

    Economic in common business growth among all nations is healthy and natural. China until very recently actually had an advantage by not letting the Chinese currency "float free." China has "restive" areas where other faith systems can/do generate need for internal security. Places like Tibet...
  4. American Eagle

    Sanctions against Russia could have a serious impact on German Exports, GDP Growth and Jobs

    The sheer size of China tells me, at least, that anyone "using the word Threat" is all wet and doesn't know what they are talking about. Back in the late 1980s, early 1990s I was (as a reservist, USAF) the shadow Assistant Chief of Staff for all services combat logistics for Headquarters US...
  5. American Eagle

    Sanctions against Russia could have a serious impact on German Exports, GDP Growth and Jobs

    PS - My good friend Alabama US Senator Jeff Sessions has a Chinese son in law, hence a half Chinese grandson. The Chinese Americans, of pure Chinese immigrant stock, and good solid US citizens, education over achievers, and very sturdy and productive small business owners.
  6. American Eagle

    Sanctions against Russia could have a serious impact on German Exports, GDP Growth and Jobs

    Your premise is false or incorrect. The US depends on China to buy chunks of our national debt. China and the US are each other major trade partners. Since Nixon (pre-Watergatge) got China to open it's commercial trade to Pepsi Cola we have built a very valuable relationship with China...
  7. American Eagle

    Putin/Russia provoked what has turned into shooting war in Ukraine

    If you read the article, then you saw or see that it is written by Matthew Boldner for USNEWS & WORLD REPORT MAGAZINE an old established major news magazine here in the USA. I did not write the article, but I like it to have posted it. Matthew Bodner is researcher at the American Foreign...
  8. American Eagle

    How Russia gets robbed by Eastern Europeans

    "Romania wants Gold treasure back from Russia" Before it is too late and a major world war erupts, Russia could at least guarantee a free to Romania until it's self defined debt owed to it by Russian has be reclaimed via Russian transfer in installments the currently collapsed growth Russian...
  9. American Eagle

    Ukrainian Army self defense clearly led to Putin getting involved to free military observer hostages

    FROM THE SATURDAY, May 3, 2014 WASHINGTON POST, a partial quote: "In one sign that the Kremlin may still retain sway over the actions of allies in eastern Ukraine, a group of seven international observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe were released by separatists...
  10. American Eagle

    Sanctions against Russia could have a serious impact on German Exports, GDP Growth and Jobs

    The US is anything but anti-Chinese. China has several factions, among which it's own defense. As is the case with any nation, the number one duty of government is to provide security and safety, national defense, to it's peoples. The Polit-bureau of China today has been doing a commendable...
  11. American Eagle

    Sanctions against Russia could have a serious impact on German Exports, GDP Growth and Jobs

    Hitler didn't smile as much as does Putin, but indeed Russia's internationally illegal, UN Treaty abrogation's, are most akin to what Hitler did in the 1930s. Interesting that you Russians in one of two instances here now show your flag. No one dislikes you as grass roots Russians, we...
  12. American Eagle

    US Memorial Day, Monday 26 May 2014

    PS - I think this was the Battle of the Somme site.
  13. American Eagle

    US Memorial Day, Monday 26 May 2014

    The old Indian Army in WW I supplied over 1,250,000 soldiers to the Allies during the now 100 years ago start date of the First World War. My late Father, a Corporal, who joined our state Army National Guard two weeks after he turned age 14, was the Youngest US Veteran of WW I. Wounded twice...
  14. American Eagle

    Sanctions against Russia could have a serious impact on German Exports, GDP Growth and Jobs

    You are too young to remember that: 1. After WW II the US developed the Marshall Plan used to help Germany, Italy, all of Europe start life fresh and anew post WW II. That was and still remains how much the US cares about after war recovery at our US taxpayer expense. 2. The US did the...
  15. American Eagle

    WASHINGTON POST Friday, May 2, 2014 news coveage of Ukranian War

    ​Ukraine suffers deadliest day in months; 34 killed in Odessa - The Washington Post WASHINGTON POST Friday, May 2, 2014 Video: Clashes between pro- and anti-government activists in Ukraine's previously calm southern port of Odessa led to a fire that police said killed at least 30 people...
  16. American Eagle

    George W Bush taken to US court for his war crimes in Iraq.

    Your remarks are spoken to a mirror. The government and some of the people of Pakistan harbored bin Laden, and the fact the Pakistani MD who most in the West view as hero and patriot for finding his hideout. Now the heroic and brave Pakistani MD is facing trial for discovering the murdering...
  17. American Eagle

    Sanctions against Russia could have a serious impact on German Exports, GDP Growth and Jobs

    Unhappily the Nazis are the masked Spetznatz special forces now in pitched battle with the Ukrainian National Army. The Russian's game now is to beat the announced Ukrainian nationwide vote scheduled for 25 May to President and Parliament with a Russian Spetznatz driven 11 May separatist...
  18. American Eagle

    George W Bush taken to US court for his war crimes in Iraq.

    If as you claim "the world and you" saw what you think, then you are indeed deaf, dumb and blind. Afghan mercenaries in the hire of the US and our Western allies simply refused to close the loop and kill Osama bin Laden...and instead "let their Muslim brother escape." US had at the peak of...
  19. American Eagle

    MOSCOW TIMES still showing "some" indepence in news it writes of late

    Andrew McChesney and I collaborated on some news of mutual interest stories. Andrew is a Scot who married a Russian girl. McChesney and others on his staff have existed in a deeping anti-democratic, anti-freedom of the press environment for some years now. I wish for him and his wife peace...
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