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  1. American Eagle

    Pakistan army to penalise tainted generals

    If such had happened within US General Officer ranks they would be subject to General Court Martial. If convicted by a military jury of their peers (at least equal if not superior to the accused in rank is the panel's qualifier) the then convicted fairly General Officer would be subject o...
  2. American Eagle

    US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

    NEW YORK TIMES Tuesday, March 22, 2011 American Warplane Crashes in Libya as Ground Fighting Continues WASHINGTON — An American F-15E fighter jet crashed in Libya overnight and one crew member has been recovered while the other is “in the process of recovery,” according to a...
  3. American Eagle

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    I am a conservation Republican. In this instance we got a consensus via a UN Resolution, endorsed by the Arab League. We, us Americans, have to put aside our political differences and back our President who is constitutionally our Commander in Chief, and support the alliance's efforts to keep...
  4. American Eagle

    Davis case - Pyrrhic Victory

    PhD candidate: You and I have been conversing on private e-mail. Did you ever notice on this open site that I started this Thread which you posted to? Cheers, American Eagle.
  5. American Eagle

    Raymond Davis and Aimal Kansi

    Your opinions are just that, opinions, not fact whatsoever. DAWN had a lead article last week, which some on this site attacked as racially prejudiced involving Punjabi vs. Pakhtun ethnic differences. The lady who wrote the article noted that at the least the two who failed in their stick up...
  6. American Eagle

    Earth Quake in Pakistan

    I wonder what is happening to the earth's plates and core for so many widespread quakes, worldwide? One of our adult children is this week doing volunteer earth quake relief work for and with her US church in Haiti following their very bad earth quake there earlier this year. Northern...
  7. American Eagle

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    My Pakistani friends, local folks, who live and work in Karachi tell me that terrorists are running a muck more and more there, which they as loyal Pakistanis do not like and do not support.
  8. American Eagle

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    Untrue. Not correct. Did not happen. Canadian Air Force flying element has just arrived in the Theater of Operations...that is true. Canadian pilots starting fighting tomorrow after a day's crew rest.
  9. American Eagle

    U.S. contractor sentenced to 15 years in Cuban prison

    Cuba remains a Communist dictatorship, whereas Paksitan is trying to emerge as a free world democracy, despite radical religious elements who abhore anything and everything associated with democracy.
  10. American Eagle

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    China has vast coal lands. What is China doing to self help itself to extra petroleum from coal and coal tars?
  11. American Eagle

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    Perhaps in the near future China can be seen as a friend of the Libyan people and whoever the next, new Libyan government consists of?
  12. American Eagle

    US launch attack on Libya

    How do you know the jet was shot down by mistake?
  13. American Eagle

    Forum Moderators/Administrators have thankless job we should all appreciate

    Since 911 I am, was, and am still in many instances active on severalWar on Terrorism Forums on the Internet. It is clear to me that the PDF Moderators/Administrators in most cases work gratis, free, as volunteers to keep us all in line to the extent necessary. I for one want to thank all PDF...
  14. American Eagle

    When was first documented military use of hot air balloons>

    Hot air balloons used in war belongs in military aviation section I thought. Where would you move it to, what other section by name? Thanks.
  15. American Eagle

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    I wonder why anyone cares any longer what Gadhafi says since he is nuts and his word provably, multiple times a day means zed.
  16. American Eagle

    Pentagon chief heads to Russia

    Secretary Gates has delayed his Russian trip to attend to current events inside Libya.
  17. American Eagle

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    All that is being done or will yet be done is provided for and allowed under the UN mandate of earlier this week.
  18. American Eagle

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    You do understand that for over 6 weeks the Arab League has asked for this military intervention to save the civilians inside Libya who are fighting to end Gadhafi's 40+ year long dictatorship? No UN or NATO ground forces are or will be involved. Only the people of Libya fighting for...
  19. American Eagle

    When was first documented military use of hot air balloons>

    Did the Ancient Egyptians Build the Great Pyramids with Hot Air Balloons?, page 1 The above citation from the Internet raises the question of possible use of hot air balloons, at night, during winter months, for maximum lift, of ancient Egytian hot air balloons. I think during the late...
  20. American Eagle

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    Correct. French Air Force reconnaisance air craft are currently per worldwide news and French news media in specific flying and checking out the air defenses of Libya.
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