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  1. American Eagle

    French jet 'destroys Libya plane'

    I am sorry not to have addressed your view on the death of General Patton. He died as the result of an auto accident, he was not murdered. That is a story off and on over the years that some who like to deal in science fiction topics raise. General Patton was not murdered. He was of great...
  2. American Eagle

    French jet 'destroys Libya plane'

    My late father and uncle (on my mother's side) did understand "big picture" issues, yes. But my Uncle James Irving Gillis died in 1942 of Lung Cancer dating from his two times being poison gassed during WW I. So didn't live long enough to be conversant in perspective of WW II and thereafter...
  3. American Eagle

    French jet 'destroys Libya plane'

    Yes, my wife and I vacationed a few summers back in France. We stayed with friends for four days in Paris, then at a new (affordable) hotel in Honfleur on the sea coast, near Le Harve. Paris was full of WW I and WW II museums and memorials. Very meaningful to us was the Honfleur top of a hill...
  4. American Eagle

    French jet 'destroys Libya plane'

    Yes France had millions under arms in WW I by far the largest ally vs. the Germans and the old Austro Hungarian Empire, which included Turkey as our enemy in WW I under their Ottoman Empire. My late father, Corporal Bennett Powell Singleton, was a Squad Leader in the 31st Infantry Division...
  5. American Eagle

    Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami

    Can anyone tell me factually if the CAK land voluntarily ceded by Pakistan to Chinas was then the site of the road which China built down to PAK? Water rights/control of passing and disbursement for various uses of river waters is integral to a proper overall some day, years to time, Kashmir...
  6. American Eagle

    Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami

    Your last paragraph touches on the concept of the Andorran Model I favor. Sir Creek goes back to the 1965 India Paksitan War as then spoken of as the Rann of Kutch, unless I am mistaken. The letter outlining my Andorran Model opinions for PAK, IAK, and CAK ran in 2006 in the TIMES OF...
  7. American Eagle

    Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami

    So far, as an American who only served 1963-65 in then West Pakistan, but has tried to keep up, admittedly more heavily tried to keep up informationally since 911, I am still reading very short term thinking which does not discuss the Confidence Building Measures, which are on going, the reality...
  8. American Eagle

    Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami

    Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (Yasin Malik) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (Yasin Malik) is a break away faction of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front, led by Yasin Malik. It is a secular separatist movement, demanding a united Kashmir independent...
  9. American Eagle

    Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami

    Can you provide a dated timeline with specifics as you and a few others seem to be providing glittering generality negative remarks and a foundation of your remarks step by step would be helpful for open evaluation. Thanks, and by the way, about five years ago Mr. Malik gave a speaking at US...
  10. American Eagle

    Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami

    JKLF has not been a militant organization for many years now...and Mr. Malik likewise swore off violence years ago.
  11. American Eagle

    Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami

    I think the JKLF and it's pacific (peaceful, non-violent) leader who have done in person petitions and studies among all the people of all parts of Kashmir, except the Chinese held portion of Kashmir, understand a general mood for neither Pakistan nor India to dominate them. In that context I...
  12. American Eagle

    Turkey offers five ships, submarine for Libya Operations

    "Western arrogance" is a foolish term to perpetuate. The UN Security Council and separately the Arab League asked the civilized world to stop the slaughter Ghadafi had begun in Libya.
  13. American Eagle

    Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

    The number of posthumous awards speaks loudly.
  14. American Eagle

    Honoring our Martyrs

    The number of posthumous awards speaks loudly.
  15. American Eagle

    Pakistan army to penalise tainted generals

    To clarify my earlier comments, trying General Officer(s) via Courts Martial depending on the level of court martial (in US UCMJ parliance I would think a General Courts Martial would be in order) and separately, seeking stolen funds recovery via a civil court suit do not involve the subject of...
  16. American Eagle

    US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

    Desert has many faces. Not all deserts are pure sand. N. Libya backs up to the Great Sahara Desert, and sand is air borne over all of Libya. As I recall from my years stationed in Pakistan the Sind Desert is far from a pure sand desert. It is rough and scruffy with some wild growth...and...
  17. American Eagle

    US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

    Denmark is a NATO Member and NATO is the core group of Air Forces together with Quatar and the UAE.
  18. American Eagle

    US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

    Dust into the engine air intakes for both jets and propeller engines (helicopters) is a perpetual problem, there is no simple remedy for such. Remember, except for Qatar Air Force all other Air Forces are not experienced with flight over the Sahara Desert. President Carter's failed rescue...
  19. American Eagle

    US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

    Not shot down, crashed due to mechanical failure, most likely desert dust into engine intake would be my guess.
  20. American Eagle

    US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

    Deleted by writer.
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