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  1. Alchemy

    Saudi crown prince to visit Pakistan by end year

    Are you implying that Saudis buckling to US pressure and Irans firm stance against them does not come into picture at all when an average pakistani thinks about the two ! I bring USA into the context because many in Pak according to recent survey consider USA as prime threat , say even beyond...
  2. Alchemy

    MiG-29 makes first landing on Indian Navy aircraft carrier

    Should say MIG-29K is the best choice for Vikramaditya and its STOBAR configuration / Yet another milestone passed !
  3. Alchemy

    Emergence of Afghanistan?

    I am proud of the fact that India has played its part in developing infrastructure and generating jobs for the people of Afghanistan ... wish there comes a day when Afghanistan becomes self sufficient once again . :)
  4. Alchemy

    China cut up as India allows Taiwanese Consulate in Chennai.

    It appears that except few tiny middle african nations no one else balls ... jeez :no: On a more serious note , i think most of the countries indirectly recognize ROC too , and Except for PRCs veto power it would have been more smoother transition for ROC .
  5. Alchemy

    Dozens hurt critically in protest against power outages

    PTI comes to power and gives 24/7 power to everyone ??? I hope the "power" situation improves in Pakistan !!!
  6. Alchemy

    South China Sea:India to continue exploration.

    Congrats China and Pakistan for holding each other :yahoo: It is more than enough to send fear down the spine and at 3.0 mach almost unstoppable flying at such low altitudes... can be fired from land, sea , air highly versatile and recent reports say depending on load it carries can strike 500...
  7. Alchemy

    “We want to be India’s most trusted long-term supplier of technology”

    What makes you think that India would be really sad if China is encircled ? By the way USA needs us more than we need them ... for India if not USA then EADS or Russian firms but for USA India is key for a variety of reasons ...
  8. Alchemy

    Saudi crown prince to visit Pakistan by end year

    I wonder if all pakistanis agree your viewpoint . i am pretty sure that most admire it for not buckling down like Libya or Iraq and standing on its own in the face of adversity . A country like Saudi , most would feel that they are sold out to USA
  9. Alchemy

    “We want to be India’s most trusted long-term supplier of technology”

    Forget the buck , we have a lot to spare .... however Being on a defense forum you should also realize the positives it brings to India and negatives to a country like Pakistan !!! :coffee:
  10. Alchemy

    “We want to be India’s most trusted long-term supplier of technology”

    Admire your sense of humor :rofl: By the way nice to see more competition .... competition increases options, quality , etc etc but we expect US to supply technology "with strings attached"
  11. Alchemy

    Saudi crown prince to visit Pakistan by end year

    Relax dude , i have followed the viewpoints of your fellow pakistani members who have been posting ill about Saudi and how they have buckled down to Uncle sams Diktat ... Atleast the Iranians are standing firm on their own What makes you say this , Dont Pakistanis who now absolutely hate USA...
  12. Alchemy

    Saudi crown prince to visit Pakistan by end year

    You have a fair point there but i am not asking about the central leaderships official stand .... i am talking about who is more closer to the from general public view point , For example Indian govt might have excellent relationship with both USA and Russia, but closeness/sympathies of most...
  13. Alchemy

    India eyes Russia to overcome ammunition shortage

    Thanks for showering crocodile sympathies .... however the word quality is always "relative" and not "absolute " ... compared to Pakistani/chinese standards i am pretty sure the quality of India's indigenous ammunition is very high , however compared to standards of Russian,EU or US , yes may be...
  14. Alchemy

    Saudi crown prince to visit Pakistan by end year

    I would like to have a fair comment on this question and justify ...In a long run does the majority of Pakistan sympathize/wants close friendship with Saudi or does majority of Pakistan sympathize/wants friendship with Iran ? Pls refrain from giving very diplomatic answers like "both" ...
  15. Alchemy

    If Burma won’t take Rohingya Muslims why won’t you, Bangladesh?

    Respecting your views of not letting refugees to an already overpopulated country .. just asking you to go back in history say about 41 years, you need to understand the situation India was facing with the influx of millions and millions of aggrieved refugees and making arrangements and...
  16. Alchemy

    Capt Lakshmi Sahgal dead

    @ Dinesh article already posted yesterday , may be the posts can be merged .... RIP to the legend !
  17. Alchemy

    South China Sea:India to continue exploration.

    Congrats SinoChallenged you finally got banned is it ? Stay to the topic and use less megatons you will do much better .. To the topic ..... India increasing investment in Vietnam , Continuing oil Exploration in Vietnams EEZ and offering Brahmos among other defense equipment along with...
  18. Alchemy

    Obama: India Limits FDI, needs reform !

    I am sorry but I dont buy this logic ... was it the same case in 1991 ??? Were the Indian companies in full throttle to face the western companies head on back then ??? Competition creates quality and opportunity and not a closed socialistic approach !
  19. Alchemy

    Congrats truthseer for completing 2000 posts

    Congrats buddy .... we officially confer you the title of Mr Sinochallenged of Pakistan !:toast_sign:
  20. Alchemy

    Drone strike kills six people in North Waziristan

    Why is the pakistani leadership both Civilian and Military so hapless that US keeps doing what it wants and Pak isnt able to do anything apart from issuing harmless warnings . by the way of which dozens have already been issued without any effect on USA... how long does it take for Pakistan to...
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