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  1. A1Kaid

    153 Indian refugees at risk as their boat leaks en-route to Australia.

    Countries have a priority to take care of their citizens first, illegals are criminals that wish to illegally enter a country, they are undocumented, they can bring disease (which has happened on US border) and look at Afghanistan-NW Pakistan where polio still exist, increase in crime rate...
  2. A1Kaid

    153 Indian refugees at risk as their boat leaks en-route to Australia.

    I am saying because here in US we also have a big illegal alien problem. Recently 40k illegal children from Central America tried to enter the US they luckily were apprehended and will be deported. Illegal aliens are a problem for many countries in the world, and those perpetrators create a...
  3. A1Kaid

    153 Indian refugees at risk as their boat leaks en-route to Australia.

    Let them drown, illegal aliens are a problem all over the world. Those who think this is okay way to enter a country bring it upon themselves. They become a burden for the host countries.
  4. A1Kaid

    Mossberg 590A1 12 Gauge

    I'm thinking about getting this Moss 590.
  5. A1Kaid

    U.S. lawmakers seek to honour Modi with address to Congress

    PM Liaqat Ali Khan also met with Pres. Truman, given full military honors, state dinner, etc. Though Pres. Ayub Khan was received better than any Indian PM was ever received by the US. He was given some of the highest state honors bestowed upon a foreign head of state. Pakistan Prime Minister...
  6. A1Kaid

    U.S. lawmakers seek to honour Modi with address to Congress

    You clearly don't understand; Pakistani leaders were long respected before your Indian leaders, and now you are jumping because one congressman out of 435 wrote a letter of invitation. As for Rajiv Gandhi he was received as just a visiting political foreign speaker, even Netanyahu and Berlusconi...
  7. A1Kaid

    U.S. lawmakers seek to honour Modi with address to Congress

    Then you know nothing about Pres. Ayub Khan's first visit to US in 1961, where he was greeted by Pres. Kennedy and other US officials as he stepped off the airplane, full military honor and welcome, etc. This was an official invitation from Pres. Kennedy, not some little known congressman. He...
  8. A1Kaid

    U.S. lawmakers seek to honour Modi with address to Congress

    One congressman out of 435 wrote a letter of invitation and Indians are jumping...
  9. A1Kaid

    If The Earth Stopped Spinning, Some Really Bad Things Would Happen

    The Core was one big sci-fi film. The plot was for scientist and engineers to drill to the center of the Earth (impossible) and set off a nuclear explosion in the Earth's inner-core to help restart the rotation of the Earth.
  10. A1Kaid

    If The Earth Stopped Spinning, Some Really Bad Things Would Happen

    If Earth stopped spinning it would lose it's magnetic poles. Another situation would be one side facing the sun would experience permanent daylight and the other side away from the sun in permanent night.
  11. A1Kaid

    Amazon 3D phone!

    Next other countries will try and manufacture 3d smart phones and claim they innovated and/or invented them.
  12. A1Kaid

    My Work displayed on Airforce HQ in Rawalpindi

    You probably put it there...
  13. A1Kaid

    Iraq crisis: US urgently deploys hundreds of armed troops to Baghdad

    They are there to protect their embassy.
  14. A1Kaid

    These Men Heard A Girl ‘Being Raped’ In A Parked Car. How They Reacted Will Leave You Speechless

    Would have been interesting to see the reaction if a woman walked by the van, though I suppose no woman would be walking the street at night in the first place.
  15. A1Kaid

    88% Pakistani civilians willing to go to war for Pakistan

    And do you know what he did? Was there ever a major or minor case he did not fight against an enemy?
  16. A1Kaid

    ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

    Who cares let them kill each other...
  17. A1Kaid

    What is your most favorite ancient empire / civilization? Give 5 reasons why

    I like the Roman, Ottoman, Mughal, Venetians, and Vikings history and civilizations.
  18. A1Kaid

    Nawaz speaks English during Press conference with PM Erdogan

    This has nothing to do with the "international community" this was a conference between two head of states addressing their nations. You don't see French Presidents, German PMs, Italian PMs, when they visit US or UK speaking English, they speak their own languages and that sets a difference.
  19. A1Kaid

    Nawaz speaks English during Press conference with PM Erdogan

    You don't hear PM Erdogan speaking English and he has more power and influence in regional and international politics than PM Nawaz Sharif. Clearly, you're false attribution that speaking English equates to power is foolish. Did translation of PM Erdogan's speech bring his down voice? Not at...
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