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  1. Kolaps

    News Analysis: Why Chinese two sessions matter to the world?

    ^ China should send assassin to kill Soros right now. :sniper: 1 person die to save 1.3 billion people.
  2. Kolaps

    In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

    ^ ???? You are pretty crazy! Why should China annex them? No one in China ever have a think or desire to do so.
  3. Kolaps

    China media hurls racist slur at departing US envoy

    BANANA!!! :victory: It's pretty accurate.
  4. Kolaps

    How Communist China freed the Tibetan People and gave them Human Rights

    Actually it was not part of the Hindu culture of the past. It was enforced because of Ashoka with his Buddhism.
  5. Kolaps

    Does turmoil in Thailand signal the failure of global democracy?

    Can you prove it in India first? :-)
  6. Kolaps

    72 per cent Americans view India favourably: Poll

    I agree if holy person is not for a country, but for all humanity and living beings. If you understand about the effort of holy persons and Bodhisattvas to convince, to safe the "stubborn" and the heavily "material addicted" living beings, you will understand they will not go straight and tell...
  7. Kolaps

    China plays down Indian opposition leader’s border remarks

    The moderator call me as racist for writing Ch*nkies below the photos...and I got a warning. Although what I want to say in that post, is that people in India call these people as Chinese and discriminate them because of their look. As it related to Modi's political statement in the first...
  8. Kolaps

    72 per cent Americans view India favourably: Poll

    I just want to say, it's hard to say whatever Buddha is from and for India, unless you understand the teaching of Buddhism, Gautam Buddha's previous life as Bodhisattva and the spread of Buddhism. I think it's has been calculated carefully. Are you a Buddhist?
  9. Kolaps

    72 per cent Americans view India favourably: Poll

    It's hard to say, whatever Buddha from and for India or not, if you want to talk deeper about it. But most people believed that way. It's hard to say whatever I support KMT or not.
  10. Kolaps

    China's GDP reaches $9.3 trillion in 2013

    Because China have one-child policy. It's like killing your own babies for foreigners. I also obsessed with the idea of pure race. :-)
  11. Kolaps

    China plays down Indian opposition leader’s border remarks

    You actually should ask Tibetan people in China for it.
  12. Kolaps

    72 per cent Americans view India favourably: Poll

    I think South Asian here want a good impression about their country, isn't? Buddhism came from India. :pakistan: oh...
  13. Kolaps

    China refutes Modi's 'expansionist mindset' remark

    ^ I don't think Northeastern is integral part of India. People in the mainland India streets indicate that.
  14. Kolaps

    China's GDP reaches $9.3 trillion in 2013

    Agree! Never make past mistakes. :toast_sign:
  15. Kolaps

    Upside-Down Propaganda: How China Keeps Fooling The New York Times, The BBC, And Other Wishful Think

    BS! Western audience love the doom story of China, the media were just feeding them with the news they want to hear. Experts who predict the coming collapse of China became popular, than those the realistic ones. Like Gordon Chang.
  16. Kolaps

    US military may have secretly returned to Subic Bay in Philippines

    And we should give credit to Philippine to have a good excuse for military modernization and build up.
  17. Kolaps

    Kerry names Sarah Sewall as Tibet special coordinator

    In my opinion China should establish an NGO to protect minorities and native people in USA. In the name of human rights and anti-racism... Although it's actually a covering up for political dirtiness to kill USA. Let's start by an investigation to Hispanic immigrant in USA, to provoke angry...
  18. Kolaps

    Kerry names Sarah Sewall as Tibet special coordinator

    More riots and more Tibetan life will be sacrificed by US... US and Dalai Lama should look the far bigger problem about Northeastern people in India instead. It's all about politics to kill China. Not about Tibetan nor Northeastern people themselves. Stupid Dalai Lama for being used.
  19. Kolaps

    ‘China given evidence of its aid to NE insurgents’

    ^ WOW! Just wow! India is a country full of problems.
  20. Kolaps

    72 per cent Americans view India favourably: Poll

    Actually Indian and South Asian are not categorized as Asian (Mongoloid East Asian) in US term. It's an effort of Indian American lobby to include South Asian to be categorized as Asian (Mongoloid East Asian), so here today. Originally South Asian to be planned as Middle Eastern group. As we...
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