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  1. Kolaps

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    You are doubting that Chinese people are a good capitalist? Culture that hugely developed from market economy. It's true if we have a strong socialism from Confucianism. CCP is no longer communist anymore. You are twisting it. Like saying China naturally suit with authoritarian government...
  2. Kolaps

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    KMT is not a Japanese worshiper. It's the others... Actually mainland is the only hope and can fix this problem, by doing good. So far, mainland destroyed their own image, that makes every Chinese feel shameful. No wonder if some Taiwanese feel...it's better to sworn allegiance to Japanese...
  3. Kolaps

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    The corruption survey was done by mainland communist worshiper company! Extremely biased and full of lies!!! They probably surveyed it in mainland but relabeled as Taiwan. We still need more time to observe and judge mainland's one country two systems policy in HK case...it turn out to be...
  4. Kolaps

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    A lot of Chinese people don't see CCP and China as communist anymore. Like you said, everything is about practical. But what if these people forced to bowing Mao Zedong statue, sing praising communism and sworn loyalty to communism? Officially CCP and China is a communist. Any official ceremony...
  5. Kolaps

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    I thought Tocharian are Uighur? Probably Tocharian are just Finns of the East.
  6. Kolaps

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    Well, that is probably true... And we also bowing to another Yellow master, Japanese... I'm agree that Taiwan is pathetic on this one. That is the right thing!!! :smitten:
  7. Kolaps

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    Mao Zedong should read this! But I don't think communist revolution will happen in China, nor other developed countries. Seeing Chinese people behavior, they actually fit with the current capitalism, free market economy system. Market economy itself invented by Shennong thousands years...
  8. Kolaps

    U.S. Deploying Jets Around Asia to Keep China Surrounded

    Actually, the border issue have been talked since decades ago. China solution is to divide it to two, fair and win-win solution.
  9. Kolaps

    Xinhua Insight: China's desertification reversed through constant efforts

    1733 years is still very long...There will be technology innovation that will accelerate the process in the future. But some said, China's desert should not be eliminated entirely. It's part of China unique geographic landscape and without it there's no Chinese civilization too.
  10. Kolaps

    China risks following Japan into economic coma.

    That is the game. Inflated or not...it became real. As US depend on domestic consumption, the money circulated in their domestic market is big and make goods price became cheap to their people (aka high standard of living). Why some countries have higher standard of living than the high tech...
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