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  1. Kolaps

    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    How did I forget about this...??? Taiwan didn't drag US to South China Sea over fight with Vietnam and Philippine...how stupid!!! :hitwall:
  2. Kolaps

    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    Actually Japan was sending more ships to the disputed islands, but you didn't hear it because China didn't say anything... Because of that bad karma, China today pay the consequences...
  3. Kolaps

    North Korea says Japan has crossed military ‘danger line’

    You never heard about China export?
  4. Kolaps

    Govt drops Arunachal, Sikkim from proposed World Bank loan

    I can understand about South Tibet, but Sikkim??? What is the connection between Sikkim and China?
  5. Kolaps

    Poll Ranks India Among Most Dangerous Countries for Women, Cites Rising Rat

    The title is misleading.... India is the best country for men! :cheers:
  6. Kolaps

    Japan's war threat to North Korea

    But I don't think North Korea dare to drop nuclear weapon in Tokyo and New York. They are CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN! Are there North Korean members here?
  7. Kolaps

    Canada turns page, wants to sell nuclear reactors to India

    I thought India nuclear industry is pretty good. India even have Thorium technology.
  8. Kolaps

    War in Northeast Asia

    I think, China should take responsibility about this. Evil country! Japan, Vietnam and Philippine must do something about it. Destroy China, to save the entire East Asia!
  9. Kolaps

    North Korea says Japan has crossed military ‘danger line’

    Mayan didn't say that! They said they out of stone from miscalculation, during carving their calender...which is the Armageddon should be in 2014.
  10. Kolaps

    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    Like USSR...? I think you should find a way to win the war against the West and their puppets without using nukes. Taiwan hate Japan? You are kidding, isn't?
  11. Kolaps

    *MOST EXCLUSIVE: Held in HP, a spy who ‘triple crossed’

    A person from Sikkim? A Buddhist follower? Are you Mongoloid? This is amazing. My first time meet and chat with people from Sikkim. So, what is the condition there? I'm a Buddhist follower from Taiwan. I think you are more hardcore than me since you are from India.
  12. Kolaps

    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    You forget NATO..! China vs Japan+NATO. China is a pathetic country. In embarrassing way!!! I wonder, why don't China balance out US by supporting and arming Latin America? And supporting and arming Middle East to balance out Western Europe? I do believe China will be hugely...
  13. Kolaps

    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    Anti-Submarine Helicopter Carrier... I don't think China have such kind of creativity.
  14. Kolaps

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    It's true that I never learn political science seriously. But, I dislike the idea. And we should not use Western perspective on this one. It's just twisting with words, like trying to claim selfishness and legitimacy for a certain individual to govern everyone. And it's called political party...
  15. Kolaps

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    Confusionism is actually happened now.
  16. Kolaps

    Top 10 | 2013's Most Powerful Politicians in the World.

    You forget Latin America leaders, that form anti-US alliances.
  17. Kolaps

    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    Japan was already guilty for the first place. As they want to became a world strong power to rival Western colonial power. All of these dramas, was to make sure Japan to attack and then US had a moral reason to annihilate it. It happened again in '80-'90, as Japan was trying to cross the red...
  18. Kolaps

    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    What you said is true! China is pathetic as usual. Crying like a baby! That is why Taiwan and US want to overthrow CCP and replace it with the capable one. Who will have more responsibility to the world peace, by starting to deal with Japan internal politics, then continued with South and...
  19. Kolaps

    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    The future is all about drones...
  20. Kolaps

    Top 10 | 2013's Most Powerful Politicians in the World.

    I think he is pretty sad leader. He want to reform North Korea to be a wealthy, prosperous and advanced country, but family business won't allow him to do so.
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