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  1. Kolaps

    India's Forgotten Chinese Internment Camp

    Republic of China government in Taiwan CCP is the communist. :china: They don't care about fellow Chinese. They were busy preparing Cultural Revolution to annihilate Chinese civilization.
  2. Kolaps

    Fukushima - the continuing saga

    Did you know that Chinese people, both in mainland and Taiwan, are the victims of Japan nuclear disaster? How many crippled and brain damaged babies born? How many cancers among elderly? And we all so silence about it. Are we good people or stupid people? If the nuclear disaster and water...
  3. Kolaps

    Nuclear attack on China?

    Why US need a nuclear attack against China? I mean, what is the target they want to defeat? tanks? bunkers? In my opinion, the nuclear attack more likely as a psychological pressure rather than destroying a military target. The main target will be Chinese cities and civilians.
  4. Kolaps

    Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

    Don't you think they are being brainwashed? Since at the time most of them believe China will invade Sikkim propaganda, as China will invade India. While we know the threat was fabricated, because it was India who invaded China during Sino-India war. India was the real threat to Sikkim, not...
  5. Kolaps

    Panel to propose Japan help defend all allies, not just U.S.

    TOTALLY AGREE...!!! They should form a kind of protection alliance for Colonial Powers against the EVIL Third World Countries. They should protect Japan from the EVIL China. As they should protect British from the EVIL India. And US too, from the EVIL Philippine. etc...
  6. Kolaps

    Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

    And Sikkim was actually invaded by the Indians. Sikkim king get a wrong information. But the Sikkim's Tsherring22 give a thank to the post above.
  7. Kolaps

    Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

    It should be a compliment for India... But I don't know if Indian people should feel proud about it, because you rejected Buddhism. Just like the compliment will not work for the modern Afghans and Pakistanis. I tried before, they unhappy about it. Well, Buddhism teaching is very good and well...
  8. Kolaps

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    :lol: So, you are impressed! The superiority of democracy. One of the 100 most influential people in the world, Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng praise it! :tup:
  9. Kolaps

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    One day you will understand. Taiwan media is like US media, exactly like you said. Biased...But we believe we know everything about mainland China. While ignorant mainlanders is being fooled by their government, their opinions are misleading. So after living in US and NZ long enough...what...
  10. Kolaps

    Japan Times : Another view of China’s strategy

    The problem was in the bureaucratic. It's like the root of a tree, when the root is sick, the entire tree will be broken. When the government culture is broken, it will affect the entire country. Actually Qing dynasty was not suppose to be the loser side in Opium War. A lot of very selfish...
  11. Kolaps

    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    The current foreign policy of the communist China is not very desirable. I prefer they are more active, contributing the world peace and defending human rights around the world, like US did.
  12. Kolaps

    Japan Times : Another view of China’s strategy

    You mean the Qing dynasty? That is why Qing being overthrown. But whatever how bad the situation of China at the late period of Qing dynasty. They did huge contribution at the early and middle period. They did very well defending almost all China territory from colonialism until Qing collapse.
  13. Kolaps

    Japan Times : Another view of China’s strategy

    Of course there's no Beijing-Taipei hotline. Republic of China have responsibility to defend Tibet people and land.
  14. Kolaps

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    Tiananmen will always be celebrated and remembered each year. It's a GREAT SYMBOL of Chinese DEMOCRACY. It's 1000x more importance than the Sichuan earthquake. It's 1000x more importance than the Chinese New Year. It's 1000x more importance than the Yellow Emperor birthday. But it...
  15. Kolaps

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    Well, it's true that we have close relationship with Falun Gong. How did you figure it out?
  16. Kolaps

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    You speak exactly like what happened in Taiwan... We are celebrating Tiananmen square protest every year, while no one ever mentioned about Heroes of Sichuan earthquake. Actually we talk a lot about Sichuan earthquake corruption and how evil the communist officials are.
  17. Kolaps

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    Taiwan can help you with that. Taiwan is 1000x better than the failure mainland China. You must be feel so suffering under the communist. I understand, there are a lot of story about Chinese people suffering and oppression under the communist.
  18. Kolaps

    Japan Times : Another view of China’s strategy

    After Sino-India war, there's a border negotiation between China and India. At the time, Chiang Kai-Shek, the president of Republic of China (established 1912) called Mao Zedong the idiot. Chiang Kai-Shek said at the telephone: Are you insane giving Chinese territory to the junior country of...
  19. Kolaps

    North Korea says Japan has crossed military ‘danger line’

    You are a living prove, that you don't know the news. You must be heard about the Orwellian (censorship) all the time. How about Aldous Huxley's Brave New World?
  20. Kolaps

    North Korea says Japan has crossed military ‘danger line’

    Since you are living in UK...China aids news was probably not being reported there. I know the game, I'm living in Taiwan. We are in Cold War.
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