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  1. Kolaps

    Chinese Cyberwarfare

    Talk about cyber warfare...China can't even make their own Operating System for PC. What a joke! :omghaha: I know some people here try to hype it, promote it to something equal to US cyber warfare capability or even surpassed. Chinese cyber warfare is just a child play, a teenager level...
  2. Kolaps

    Role of Espionage in Chinese Technology

    I don't think Chinese espionage is that great. Compare with the US (world biggest) and Pakistan (world best). China get the attention and over hyped by the media because of the Cold War between US and China. If there's no Cold War between US and China, I don't think everyone will bother with...
  3. Kolaps

    India permitted CIA spy planes to use Indian air base to spy china

    1962...up to today. It's already became a public secret, that India willingly to be used by CIA, betrayed China-India friendship. By allowing CIA to be operated in India to create rebellion in Tibet. Then accepted Dalai Lama in support to CIA rather than China. I also believe that US give...
  4. Kolaps

    Why So Few Nobel Prizes For Muslims? Why Are Muslims Killing Each Other?

    China have Dalai Lama and Liu Xiaobo. :china: Chinese characteristics are superior! A peace loving people!
  5. Kolaps

    Panel to propose Japan help defend all allies, not just U.S.

    China also have a military pact with Russia too. China and Russia held a joint military exercise recently, in purpose to counter balance US-Japan military alliance.
  6. Kolaps

    Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

    There are different between China and Han Chinese. China is the whole China. As Han Chinese, it doesn't mean we can sell out Tibetan territory to foreign country for personal gain. That is a betrayal. I don't think majority of Indian know about Northeast India too and their situation today. If...
  7. Kolaps

    25 years of Al Qaeda

    Al Qaeda changed their tactics. From a blind terrorism into a politics stage, by supporting separatism in the issue of human right, and winning election in secular Muslims country (then transformed it to Islamic country).
  8. Kolaps

    Chinese officials release horrifying pictures of Western execution

    A communist country! :cuckoo:
  9. Kolaps

    India's Forgotten Chinese Internment Camp

    What is the connection with American and Japanese? While you are not representing China too. You are communist, you hate Chinese civilization.
  10. Kolaps

    Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

    McMahon line is a disputed borderline which no side sign an agreement on it, accept McMahon himself. The correct border is the official China-British's India border. Beside, there's no the so called United India before. The border and territory of modern India was created by the British. Is the...
  11. Kolaps

    New Han Great Walls found outside China

    But it's good that I'm not in the communist block. I don't understand their logic.
  12. Kolaps

    War in North East Asia - Possible Senario ( article series from Russia )

    We make agreement with the US, that the battlefield will be excluded mainland China and mainland US. Ordinary Japanese people already forget about the WW2. A bit provocation by their politicians, things will be good...I mean ugly. You told that to Japanese politicians, which is they will not...
  13. Kolaps

    New Han Great Walls found outside China

    People can also wrote that kind of narrative. But also can wrote as war against separatism, to keep unity and friendly among East Asians. People who didn't think twice will fall into the trap. Anyway, not many people willingly and have time to think twice.
  14. Kolaps

    New Han Great Walls found outside China

    Well, today they don't want to come back to China... The power of nationalism education! :smokin: I understand this very well. We were also almost forming our own country and nation, Republic of Taiwan and Taiwanese. I understand the nationalism education surrounding it. I live in the...
  15. Kolaps

    Chinese Editor Suspended for Article on North Korea

    Actually China should abandon his alliance with North Korea. Chinese people don't have any relationship with North Korean people and North Korean hate Chinese the most (beyond Americans). China should play hero by liberating North Korea and built a large military seaport base facing Sea of Japan.
  16. Kolaps

    War in North East Asia - Possible Senario ( article series from Russia )

    Actually I really really hope there will be a war between China and USA. Since, it because of Japan issue, I really really hope the battlefield will be in the mainland Japan. Actually I know that most of Japanese prefer a peace and friendly life. Unlike the Japanese WW2 princeling...
  17. Kolaps

    Canada shifts warships to West Coast in response to China’s aggressive

    1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 But they anger and hate us now...for their own mistake. Ok, back to Canada vs China. I think, China is dead or will dead in the miserable embarrassing way!!! The communist don't know how to defend their people. Useless!
  18. Kolaps

    Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

    Against Indian troops, not to Sikkimese and Bhutanese. Beside the whole Sino-India war is about Indian want to grab Tibet, but propagandized as Chinese invasion to India. Which is the lie already take a root and people expanded the false story. And why Indian troops prefer to retreat to Sikkim...
  19. Kolaps

    Iran seizes Indian ship

    SERIOUS??? I read a lot of news about North Korean and Iranian ships being seized around the world. But no one ever call it as SERIOUS thing. Indian is too dramatic on this one. You are potentially losing Iran as your friend. Or...Times of India is the mouthpiece of the West, which is they...
  20. Kolaps

    Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

    Chinese ideology was Confucianism and Legalism, both were developed during Zhou dynasty. Buddhism was widely accepted in China, because it resemble Daoism. Basically the teaching is very good too, not just acknowledged by Chinese people, but also some of Westerners too.
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