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  1. Kolaps

    Japanese culture grips Indonesia

    Indonesia will become the next Taiwan. Congratulation! :smitten:
  2. Kolaps

    Punishing Assad's WMD Supplier

    C'mon.... Everyone already know the real story behind chemical weapons in Syria. It was done by the rebels and they get it from Saudi Arabia.
  3. Kolaps

    China has much at risk but no reach in Middle East

    It's true! Stupid COMMUNIST! It's time for the communist to drop the stupid non-interfering policy and start to became a responsible country to the world. Let's start it with overthrowing the Japanese WW2 worshiper regime and ban them for enter Japan politics forever. It's better if China can...
  4. Kolaps

    Economist Caution: Prepare For 'Massive Wealth Destruction'

    Problem? What problem? It's already being solved as usual. The problem have been exported to the unlucky third countries... Like India, Indonesia, Brazil, etc for example. Yes, there's Massive Wealth Destruction, but not in US. SMART!
  5. Kolaps

    Military strikes against Assad's Syria | Updates & Discussions.

    What a joke! Russia and China should send investigator team there, and they will reveal the truth, that the gas attack was done by the rebels and supplied by US. Why is the more superior and better equipped official Syrian army desperate to use gas attack while they actually already won...
  6. Kolaps

    South Koreans Moral Freaks of US Decadent Culture?

    Taiwanese is not far behind... The so called Confucian state of Taiwan. What a joke!
  7. Kolaps

    China’s contribution to Japan’s defeat

    Gurkha is not a Indian proud, but Indian traitor. Who sold the whole India to British. It is the effective perfect tool to colonize and enslaving India.
  8. Kolaps

    Is China's Space Program Shaping a Celestial Empire?

    I think the article should not forget about India. India is also have a very great and ambitious space program. India planned a moon landing 5 years earlier than China.
  9. Kolaps

    Is China's Space Program Shaping a Celestial Empire?

    Moon Landing is an old tech....1969!
  10. Kolaps

    Asian economies heading towards a crisis?

  11. Kolaps

    China Economy Forum

    I think India should not be dictated by Nokia. It's Nokia who need India to make big profit, as labor cost in India is very low and it even lower with the fall of Rupee. Why should India return the tax that Nokia paid. That is stupid.
  12. Kolaps

    India's rupee crisis has muted obsession with overtaking China

    But that is impossible. Indian politicians and economists must know that they were screwed up by it. Superpower is the future of India, and their politicians and economists know about it very well.
  13. Kolaps

    China Only BRIC Country Currently Worthy of the Title -O’Neill

    Speak rationally plz! 7.5% is very hard to achieve for China now. Unlike years ago. Yes, it is sick.
  14. Kolaps

    Even stupid Chinese officials don't discuss graft by phone: Bo Xilai

    China is selling out their country to UK. WH*RE!
  15. Kolaps

    China Economy Forum

    Don't get too exciting with the short gain.
  16. Kolaps

    China Economy Forum

    Taiwan is a small island with a small population. Not even bigger than a single city like Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo. What are you expecting? Beside, we are more focus on RnD that more related to commercialization. And I don't agree with the low end crap, Taiwan has very strong IT sector. But...
  17. Kolaps

    China Only BRIC Country Currently Worthy of the Title -O’Neill

    China economy is sick too, very sick!
  18. Kolaps

    China Economy Forum

    $10 billion A value of a HYPE. Don't get too exciting about it!
  19. Kolaps

    Changing Colonial era Names (Philippines, Indonesia)

    I saw members here, in this forum with the flags of: SYPHYLLISia and INDIA-nesia
  20. Kolaps

    Govt measures are HOPELESS, I am not optimistic on India: Jim Rogers

    I don't understand. This is the same government who gave India a very high economy growth years ago.
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