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  1. Kolaps

    Chinese fury at US adoption revelations

    Yes, we DO! Yes, our Christians political leaders are trying to brainwash our people all the time, to worship Westerners. But the different is, we are democracy country where people have VOICE and FREE SPEECH. People is still have a power to maintain his Chineseness, although being eroded...
  2. Kolaps

    Taiwan's armed forces capable of deterring China: Minister

    Don't take the article seriously. Everyone know Taiwan has a very little change to win against mainland invasion. Before the invasion everyone will leave Taiwan, even the military personnel too and all the big-mouth politicians. Everyone know the outcome, no need to think twice. The only people...
  3. Kolaps

    Japan's ATD-X "Shin-shin" start static trials

    We always help. ;) Your politicians should not sacrifice Japan relationship with China and South Korea for the sake of foreign country like US. East Asian should think about themselves.
  4. Kolaps

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    He is a Christian as his whole family members. Had he ever visit Chinese temple and praying there? Had he promote Mandarin over English? Had he promote Chinese value into Singapore society over the Western Christian value? Had he build more Chinese temples and schools over Christian ones...
  5. Kolaps

    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    People said Singaporean government is serving Foreign Master and enslaving Chinese people is true. There are 1 millions of mainlanders in Singapore. Many of them held a good position, as they are work harder and willingly to be paid smaller than the local, because they were experiencing a...
  6. Kolaps

    China Science & Technology Forum

    Human will adapt into the new situation in the future. Robot will change the world, probably sooner than most people expected. As developed countries are having an economy crisis from the cheap Made in China goods. The only solution for them to keep compete with China is to embrace third...
  7. Kolaps

    Indian-origin scientist develops 'brain' for robots

    Indian-origin scientist opened the pandora box... I don't know if we should thank him or not. Just one step behind the Skynet.
  8. Kolaps

    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    The so-called foreign talents are mainlanders... Chinese governments all over the world are the same. They are GARBAGE!!! Foreign Master worshipers and oppressing the Chinese people. Serving Foreign Master first and then Chinese people second (just to make sure they don't rebelled). HK, Taiwan...
  9. Kolaps

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    Yeah, I notice that differences. I wonder, Can mainland Chinese members here explain it to us the reason?
  10. Kolaps

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    There are things that have been lost that most of mainlanders didn't see it. After a hundred years of chaos, Christian elites oppression and Mao's cultural revolution, it is hard to say if China didn't lost anything. The lost is REAL and A LOT. Yes, it's true that only China can promote Chinese...
  11. Kolaps

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    Malays nationalism is a BIG JOKE. Before asking about how great their people and culture are...and how they love it so much, bla bla bla... Ask them first about their current religion. A bunch of hypocrite traitors! :omghaha: Their nationalism movement is not came from the pure...
  12. Kolaps

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    Lee Kuan Yaw is a Christian. If I said this, you should already understand.
  13. Kolaps

    China a 'fertile field' of fresh business ideas

    Some people and companies in China are...probably almost, to equally creative and innovate as developed country. But it still hard to say that the whole society are creative and innovate. A lot of homework need to be done.
  14. Kolaps

    After Unveiling Chinese Hollywood, Wanda Aims To Surpass Disney In Wuxi

    With the current Communist backwater mentality of mainland Chinese... I don't think it can compete with the American Giant Disney. It just Wanda's marketing, don't take it so serious.
  15. Kolaps

    Chinese fury at US adoption revelations

    What you said is true... I'm wondering why CCP didn't do their homework right? Can mainland members here explain it to me? Hey, Western Communist Worshiper! Why you treat fellow Chinese as animal?
  16. Kolaps

    Chinese Hackers targeting American Drone Program

    Chinese drone is a child toy...
  17. Kolaps

    NSA accused of hacking into India's nuclear systems By Daniel Cooper

    Mainland China is even worse than India 1000x! As China regarded as the no.1 rival of US. And CCP said nothing about it... May be there's a unspoken agreement between China and US. You spied on us, so we spied on you too. All the US complaints about China stealing US technology are...
  18. Kolaps

    Chinese fury at US adoption revelations

    Thank you Lightingbolt. :smitten: CCP is communist, Western worshiper fanatics. This behavior is rooted in their mentality. What China need is a reform to completely ban communist, democracy, or anything that worshiping foreigners. And restored Confucianism and our Chinese civilization...
  19. Kolaps

    Shebab claim 137 hostages killed in Nairobi mall siege

    :laughcry: The terrorists are as smart as US. I think, UN should give an economy sanction and NATO preparing for invasion.
  20. Kolaps

    [The Atlantic]Another China's myth busted - Ghost Town that isn't

    Well, it was a real ghost town, a fail example of city development. Until the local government took measurements to fix the problem. Without it, New Ordos will remain a ghost town.
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