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  1. Kolaps

    China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

    That is what our mainstream media said about China, oppression. Many of us live and believe in the illusion that we are living in "the real perfect democratic" country. Before Snowden, we are believe our privacy is secure. Insecurity and pressure that finally drove China democratic evolution...
  2. Kolaps

    BRICs stumble

    7.6% of growth is real. And it means SICK! IMF, Wall Street and the Fed are laughing at you. Their plan finally works! US is genius, China is idiot!
  3. Kolaps

    China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

    China internet monitoring is different. Most people in the world don't know how China run the country, the government model of China. What they know, China is not a democracy with public election like theirs. No public election means dictatorship. That's all. It is very good that Chinese...
  4. Kolaps

    China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

    FRANCE 24's hypocrite! Before accusing other for internet monitoring, France should see himself in the mirror. Beside China's internet monitoring is a very good thing for China.
  5. Kolaps

    BRICs stumble

    Please, stop listening CCP narrative. CCP don't want to tell you the truth, because it will bad for their image in people's eyes.
  6. Kolaps

    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    People at the time looked down the Chinese people capability. That is why everyone, including Malaysia government think that Singapore is going to collapse and begging to return to Malaysia one day. Just like people looked down on South Korea over Philippine too at the time. Where South Korea...
  7. Kolaps

    BRICs stumble

    The whole groups basically is just fake in the first place. There's no the so-called BRICS nor emerging market nor East Asia economy rise in reality. It just names, invented to hide something. It just a Western propaganda tactic. China is sick too. CCP don't want to honestly tell it to their...
  8. Kolaps

    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Not just the foreigners were looking down on Chinese, even some fellow Chinese too. Like the Christians and the Communists. That is why they are Christians and Communists in the first place, because they look down and don't have any fond to anything Chinese. At the time, Chinese was no...
  9. Kolaps

    Tokyo University is the best school in Asia

    National Taiwan University at 142...while Peking University at 45...??? Taiwanese usually love to brag about how superior their education system over the backwater mainland's. Mainland diploma is even not recognized in Taiwan, because the quality is believed to be very questionable. HK and...
  10. Kolaps

    US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban

    There will be a time...when China finally surpassed US in space race and technology. Suddenly US government and NASA in rush trying to establish a good relationship and cooperation. If they don't, China probably need to check their computer network from US's PRISM. Old tactic. *sign*
  11. Kolaps

    BRICs stumble

    BRIC recovered quickly because the West moved their money to these countries. But most of these countries misused the money and now pay the price. The truth HURTS! By seeing this I can understand that your politicians and economists....are in the mediocre level or even far worse! Yes, they...
  12. Kolaps

    Taiwan's armed forces capable of deterring China: Minister

    I don't think Taiwan military technology lack behind of mainland. We may be not as technology advanced as it supposed to be, because you are protesting too much to US for selling good military hardware to Taiwan! South Korea and Japan will get F35...and Taiwan change is ZERO. US is also fear to...
  13. Kolaps

    Taiwan's armed forces capable of deterring China: Minister

    Talk about reunification...that is hard to say. Before asking for reunification, we want to ask, How good China is? Reunification is not depend on Taiwan, it's all depend on the mainland government and people hand. If mainland government serve the people well, not just Taiwan want...
  14. Kolaps

    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    The high rent is because of government policy. They took the policy that enable high rent and land price. Singapore should learn from Germany, the forth largest economy power in the world. They don't have the so-called real estate speculation and buffing the price up. Germany can became world...
  15. Kolaps

    China: We don't do shutdowns

    I admit, that some of Taiwanese, in large number, love to worship US and Japanese, down to the shameless thing! But the so-called anti-US communist in mainland, turn out to be EVEN WORSE!!! An entire country FULL of HYPOCRITE!
  16. Kolaps

    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Have you people ever wondering....... Why are Chinese workers paid so low compare with other developed countries like US, Japan and Western Europe? Despite we study and work harder than any of these people. Our leaders love to say...for the sake of economy (aka SLAVE ECONOMY). Truth hurts!
  17. Kolaps

    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    BINGO! That is the real face of Singapore economy. Like any other Chinese states, like Taiwan, Singapore is just a slave for the Westerners. Truth hurts!
  18. Kolaps

    Our Founding Fathers included Islam

    US is licking Islam right now... What an 180 degree attitude change!
  19. Kolaps

    China: We don't do shutdowns

    It just a myth that the government don't have control over the private sector. And vice versa. You probably need to know a fact that Hollywood and Western private media have a deep tie with the CIA. As CIA is the main coordinator behind any news and trend to support US politics. From...
  20. Kolaps

    Disappearing Tibetans

    They are not gone missing, or the reality is like that. It just the media try to seek opportunity to defamed China.
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