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  1. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Well, all my posts are fair and accurate. I posted about the evilness of Communist mainland as well as Christian Taiwan. You just don't read and jump in the debate over the Communist and ignoring the Christian. The fact that the Communist destroyed Chinese civilization is real, just look...
  2. Kolaps

    Taiwan's armed forces capable of deterring China: Minister

    Only one? That's all? 99% is still following.
  3. Kolaps

    BRICs stumble

    Today is the era of information. We don't need to be big so we can to be great, nor having strong natural resources. What we need is the brain, the high quality human resource. This is 21st century, btw. Taiwan missed the opportunity and we pay the price now,...or actually Taiwan is not missed...
  4. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Hong Kong beats UK, US on 'human freedom' index Hong Kong ranks third-best globally for "human freedom", topping such well-established democracies as the United States and United Kingdom, according to the research from the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank. The mainland stood at...
  5. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Really? Soon, free speech and free press will overrun your country and Bali! Just look at HK and Taiwan. Are we still East Asians?
  6. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    What are you guys talking? HK and Taiwan free press and free speech behavior so far, are hugely praised! These young people are highly motivated and educated. So does that HK journalist in Indonesia. Remember, they are HEROES and CHAMPIONS.
  7. Kolaps

    China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

    Well, actually Taiwan has some contribution to the rumors... :partay: Some of us work for the CIA to infiltrate Chinese internet. Some of the center is in Taiwan and HK. The communist will be overthrown. Then Tiananmen Square Bully will be made into documentary film in the very fair...
  8. Kolaps

    China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

    What they do is...more democracy and government satisfaction! There's a different between Chinese and Western culture, and their perspective toward their government. You can't use one culture to explain the others. It's an act of selfish and ignorant. Beside, like Chinese, many of US citizen...
  9. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Chinese rude??? Chinese civilization is well known for respecting seniors and polite. Except that HK and Taiwan are democracy and have free speech. We are Western cultured. If you want to protest, go to US and Europe. Remember that we are not the coward oppressed mainland Chinese. We are...
  10. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Singapore don't have a free press and free speech culture as free as HK, Taiwan, and US. We have freedom to mock and make fun our leaders. In my opinion, you people should feel shame! Students’ humiliation of Hong Kong’s chief
  11. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Well, Indonesia is an ex-dictator country. No wonder if the journalism culture there is kind of passive and coward. HK and Taiwan is well-known to have the best free press and the freest in the world. I can understand if Indonesia feel shock at the time, because never saw the real free press...
  12. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    I think this HK journalist can't tell the different between the US-Ally Philippine government and Pro-Beijing HK government. You will be rewarded and praised for doing the same thing to Pro-Beijing HK government, but not to one of US ally. Too much working in HK break him... Many people...
  13. Kolaps

    China- Tibet a long way conflict

    Oh, the narrative... What is going on in Helsinki? Why is all the knowledge about China always so twisted? :lol:
  14. Kolaps

    China Economy Forum

    Shadow banking has a huge impact to China economy more than most people in China believe. State-owned bank don't lend money to private sector widely, it's the shadow banking do it all the time ever since the beginning of the Deng's reform. Financial sector is always huge. Financial sector...
  15. Kolaps

    BRICs stumble

    You will not see the effect of China economy today, but years to come. I will tell you the truth. Just look Taiwan. Years ago, because we are democracy and you are not, we were used by foreign media as a propaganda tool against the mainland. We were media darling and it made Taiwanese head...
  16. Kolaps

    China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

    You claimed to be a mainlander but you don't know the government model of yours. Yes, neighbor grass look greener. Even Taiwan may be look better than mainland, although the truth is not. I tell you as Taiwanese. Internet monitoring is part of the social monitoring program by the CCP. Without...
  17. Kolaps

    China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

    No, it should not be a propaganda one. China should already leave the Cold War mentality, no more communism versus democracy anymore. China should back to his root. In today China, there's no more Mao Zedong vs Chiang Kai Shek. Both of them are equally idiot, one is a communist and other is a...
  18. Kolaps

    BRICs stumble

    May be PRC government is not idiot, but the people of Mainland China are! The "smart" CCP able to manipulate all of you! How can you people fail to see the sick of Chinese economy? 7.6%??? Disgracefully fall from the double-digit! It won't rise again to the level of 10% of growth. Forget...
  19. Kolaps

    China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

    If China made a Tiananmen Square Protest documentary video, we should tell the truth. The story will begin with the Albert Einstein Institute in HK, including Taiwan involvement too. We see the opportunity when students started to protest in Tiananmen Square. We welcome and help a lot of US...
  20. Kolaps

    2013 Global Dynamism Index (GDI)

    Damn! Taiwan is always not included in the world ranking like this, because of pressure from One China policy. We never know our real position in the world.
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