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  1. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Have you saw my HK student photos I posted above? You still don't understand?
  2. Kolaps

    The Bamboo Network: Asia's Family-run Conglomerates

    After the East Asian economy crisis, half of these families wealth now owned by the Westerners. With a genius plan and then rob all the hardworking with huge discount!
  3. Kolaps

    Political solution for Taiwan can't wait forever – China's Xi

    People live in LA don't know the problem in Taiwan and mainland! It's beyond that just a simple reunification. It's much bigger than that. It's all about the fate of the future of Chinese civilization! Taiwan is holding the key. We are a responsible people, loyal to our ancestor. People...
  4. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    You can't use HK journalists to represent the entire Chinese people. Mainland journalists are well-known to behave, full of respect and very carefully in their report. I just tell you the reality of HK journalists, it's not just Philippine who get the headache. I'm good enough to point it out...
  5. Kolaps

    China developing 180,000-ton double-hull aircraft carrier

    Is it better than traditional aircraft carrier with a single hull?
  6. Kolaps

    China- Tibet a long way conflict

    A huge multi ethnics and tribes country like India should not talk like that. You don't understand India too, the concept of India unity. But I'm agree with you if the communist is the cancer of East Asia. But no need to worry, after decades of stupidity, we, the children of East Asian will...
  7. Kolaps

    China- Tibet a long way conflict

    Because no one is going to bother with you. Tibet is a peaceful and quiet place too, if US never bother with them too. You don't understand about Tibet conflict. It's not ethnic nor religious conflict. It's a Cold War between US and China. Tibetan is just an idiot in the middle.
  8. Kolaps

    Political solution for Taiwan can't wait forever – China's Xi

    Listen to walle: China-Taiwan economy relationship is far more complicated than that. It can't be explained with that simple logic like that.
  9. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Dog to the British/US and Wolf to fellow Chinese... or Dog to the Confucianism protector and Wolf to the Foreign-Worshiper Communist... Which one correct? I'm not belong to the Christian KMT as I told you multiple times. Nor the Communist CCP too. I'm a Chinese.
  10. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    :lol: Filipino is dreaming! HK journalists will never learn nor apologize! They never do mistakes. They are HEROES and CHAMPIONS of freedom and human rights. Aquino? Look like a president of a country to me...remind me with Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi and Xi Jinping.
  11. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    That because your country is not importance. No superpower is going to bother with yours. Taiwan and HK are different! If we are not importance, HK and Taiwan will be as peaceful as Singapore. We probably even a single party state. No one is going to held street protests everyday, for any...
  12. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Our media is one package with the people and the government! Who's dare to complain with HK and Taiwan journalists? Even HK and Taiwan people are not! You are a communist, isn't? A dictator supporter? Traitor? Don't be so happy, since you are a Christian and Democracy state...you are...
  13. Kolaps

    The Global Teacher Status Index Is Now Available

    Damn! Taiwan is not included again!
  14. Kolaps

    Political solution for Taiwan can't wait forever – China's Xi

    You don't know the history of Taiwan-China economy relationship to became something like today. Economy is always connected to one to another. It is hard to say that Taiwan total dependence on China. Taiwan investment in mainland spur growth both in mainland and Taiwan. We don't get any...
  15. Kolaps

    Political solution for Taiwan can't wait forever – China's Xi

    Political solution for Taiwan (and mainland China) can't wait forever! – China's Kolaps I'm agree that this issue can't be passed on from generation to generation. Because, Young Taiwanese are starting to lose his Chinese identity. They are more related to the democracy, human rights and...
  16. Kolaps

    South China Sea Forum

    Everyone know...it's not the Philippine nor Japanese who are aggressive. It's US. And somehow...it's not North Korea nor South Korea. Even not Taiwan and HK too. I just want to say, EAST ASIAN are a bunch of IDIOTS!
  17. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    I don't think CIA controlled HK journalists are going to be happy with that. Just accepting the communist way, without bringing benefit to US influence in East Asia??? Despite the good relationship between China and Philippine government with smooth diplomatic at the time, I don't think HK...
  18. Kolaps

    2013 iGEM - Regional Championship - Asia

    Taiwan is the winner for undergrad and runner up for the overgrad. Not bad! :tup:
  19. Kolaps

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    How can you hate us? We are brothers of FREEDOM, isn't? Our CIA backed RUDENESS under the name of FREEDOM against communism is suppose to be superior than the "inferior" Confucianism. We were rewarded and get a lot praise around the world. You and entire Macau should apologize! :rofl:
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