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  1. Dillinger

    Modi and the Two-Nation Theory

    Umm..simple bias, it does not serve his interests to apply the label of Jewish controlled media which his ilk bandy about at every turn (insinuating that it is ALL PERVASIVE and BEHIND EVERYTHING) in this case since doing so would undermine the thrust of his intent and wishes. So the...
  2. Dillinger

    Modi and the Two-Nation Theory

    Ju media does not take surveys on the topic of sharia, at least not one's which show trends in favor of its implementation.:mad: Get with the plan man!
  3. Dillinger

    BIMARU Corner.

    Was taking a break. Indeed form all the news trickling from the corridors of power some solid groundwork has been done, lets hope the momentum continues, aaj ka bharat aur iski nas fatte log toh Chanakya ko kuchal dein apni kartooton se, Modi's going to be spending a lot of time getting the...
  4. Dillinger

    Modi and the Two-Nation Theory

    The subcontinent has a 101 problems, similar and differing both as one moves across the borders. It will take time, this is a land which has been devastated by exploitation and a people (no matter how antagonistic they are towards each other) who have all endured suffering.
  5. Dillinger

    Modi and the Two-Nation Theory

    You've always been far too pessimistic, I can almost see an echo of @Hyperion in what you've posted, Kemalist much?:p:
  6. Dillinger

    Why all Israelis are cowards

    Your tone smacks of disregard towards the concerns of the ummah.:p:
  7. Dillinger

    BIMARU Corner.

    "and wait for the deep sea to come to them" :rofl::rofl: Btw, apparently the Chinese made some noise about considering a consortium approach on Sonadia where Indian, BD and Chinese entities would contribute jointly in the project.
  8. Dillinger

    BIMARU Corner.

    @ranjeet Kaisa hai launde? @Ravi Nair Please go and throw yourself off the nearest cliff, not a single witty post by you where I've been tagged in the last few weeks, disappointed to say the least. @Indischer Sup? Whip Ravi's bottom before he throws himself off the cliff. @arp2041 Kaisa hai...
  9. Dillinger

    Why all Israelis are cowards

    Moral cowardice perhaps, but then which nation in terms of its ruling dispensation and policies has not showcased that?
  10. Dillinger

    Modi led BJP govt may choose to support Awami govt atlast says Janes

    Again, we are not referring to bigotry existing within a specific political faction, did I not clearly state that irrespective of the political factions responsible for the violence at the end of the day the said factions are comprised of Bangladeshis, we were after all referring to the...
  11. Dillinger

    Modi led BJP govt may choose to support Awami govt atlast says Janes

    Mullahs not making the laws is not pertinent here is it, they exist, they preach open hatred against my kind (and we aren't talking deportation), and many BD posters here agree with their preaching out of an ideologically driven animus against my kind. Ergo bigotry is well and alive among...
  12. Dillinger

    Modi led BJP govt may choose to support Awami govt atlast says Janes

    Save yourself from Fenrir first, a wolf's belly is going to be a tight for your highness.:p:
  13. Dillinger

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    Cut me in and I'll sing praises of whoever pays me the most. You and I can team up for the job.
  14. Dillinger

    Modi led BJP govt may choose to support Awami govt atlast says Janes

    I remember reminding @UKBengali how the most respected religious leaders of his nations had openly declared that atheists (like me) should be butchered, it is the religious duty of the followers to do so, and how down to a man every BD poster either celebrated said proclamation or justified it...
  15. Dillinger

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    Does this mean that I cannot balance my usually brilliant posts with a few scathing pot shots at posters? :(:( How will I pull Buttsy's leg now, @Armstrong convince Manti to give us a standing exemption.
  16. Dillinger

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Using a jhadoo like a lightsaber can be potentially lethal for one's political prospects.:p:
  17. Dillinger

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

  18. Dillinger

    Now we've democratically elected a totalitarian government- Arunadhati Roy

    I was busy laughing over your supposed inclination towards certain groups. :p Indeed, we bongos can be stunners as long as we avoid the afternoon nap after a large plate of rice. Good looking indeed. :) @SarthakGanguly You're in the club now (+ve), don't ever disappoint me.
  19. Dillinger

    Gunmen attack Indian Consulate in Afghanistan

    I believe the figure had touched 65000+ last I checked, and that too in less than a decade, quite a relationship indeed.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
  20. Dillinger

    Military's role in the identity of Pakistan

    I see the jarnails playing their hand in Herat, kab sudhro ge.
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