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  1. Dillinger

    Should India accommodate and give refugee to persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh?

    Damn it! I like the turks, Ok so I am cool with the arbis and iranis too but seeing the spectacle (of them going at each other) is so satisfying in a very base manner. I miss the good old days of the Naswar darbar, where we'd pull Buttsy's (Armstrong) leg and hunt fundoos (hype, me, jaibi and...
  2. Dillinger

    Should India accommodate and give refugee to persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh?

    I was hoping for major Irani-Arbi fireworks on the ISIS aims at Tehran thread, not much luck, a few sporadic shots is all.:( Think you can tag a few people, throw about a few comments, be the agent provocateur and get the fire going?8-) Oh man, you better be VERY vigilant from now on, after...
  3. Dillinger

    Should India accommodate and give refugee to persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh?

    Because Hype is my fraand, unlike you you tub of lard, now go drown in nihari!:mad: AND ATHEIST BANIYA!
  4. Dillinger

    Should India accommodate and give refugee to persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh?

    Offered a finger and tried to grab the whole hand hunh?:mad: BESHARAM! @Hyperion He wants to throw pukhtoons out of Pakistan, make him sit on himself!
  5. Dillinger

    Sheikh Hasina's painting goes viral on facebook

    Well, you're the mean bloke who mistreated him for eons....:mad: @Loki koithai chilish tui, BD section er shine ta phurie gaeche with the absence of @Anubis and you.:(
  6. Dillinger

    Iranian Envoy Skips Reference to JK, Disappoints Separatists

    You've become a bit sparse around here, what up?
  7. Dillinger

    Iranian Envoy Skips Reference to JK, Disappoints Separatists

    In 01-02 he was even clamoring for covert ops. Whats the political situation in the valley like now, 370 and its suggested removal causing a stir?
  8. Dillinger

    Iranian Envoy Skips Reference to JK, Disappoints Separatists

    Mirwaiz could have done some good for his people but alas..btw I dunno why you think Omar Abdullah is a bad nut, have been pouring through his writings and views form the past, some of them are rather hardline (and I mean Indian hardliner positions, not against us).
  9. Dillinger

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    Come to think of it, I've been feeling insecure too, will I look as regal as Modi when I am his age, the question has been haunting me.
  10. Dillinger

    Sheikh Hasina's painting goes viral on facebook

    I wouldn't mind being painted as such, stunning bloke that I am, and Roy dada might just cause such a flutter that the painter might be too busy ogling him.8-)8-)
  11. Dillinger

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    Not particularly, as the puja is held in a mandap and a large crowd gathers, all the folks present will generally bow down before the deities being invoked regardless of their professions, this is aside from the puja which they might conduct in their own houses.
  12. Dillinger

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    Ayudha puja Oscar, in fact during Navaratri every tool, every implement (auzar) is set before the gods so as to incur their blessings, so that a fellow may use the said implements in the conduct of his dharma in a righteous manner. Everything form an artisan's tools to weapons are laid before...
  13. Dillinger

    Indian minister makes surprise visit to his office

    Sidhe kabar me daffan kar deta you mean, dimwit! As it is the UPA stouts did a stellar job of screwing up the power sector thanks the turmoil in the coal sector brought on by their scam.
  14. Dillinger

    No Lessons Learnt

    Not till dedicated berthing facilities come up, thank goodness for the go ahead for Seabird, lets hope more such projects will get executed, specially for the Arihants which will need submarine pens (in fact a dedicated facility as such is required) and attendant infra that is required when you...
  15. Dillinger

    China, India and Japan are sketching out new growth models

    For our part we don't have an issue with the stated peaceful rise, between our two countries the major issue lies in the border dispute alone. Lets see whether any course can be charted out for resolution. I believe Minister Wang Yi's trip was said to be fruitful, hopefully this will extend...
  16. Dillinger

    China, India and Japan are sketching out new growth models

    I'm pretty confident that the respective leaders will deliver, my concern (stated in the previous post) was that the existing lack of trust between the nations (India, China and Japan) could lead to incidents and scenarios where the prosperity resulting from the aforementioned reforms in the...
  17. Dillinger

    China, India and Japan are sketching out new growth models

    But all the three countries also have both active and somewhat nascent disputes, the next few years could also see every tom dick and harry flaming the fires along with the said three nations themselves perhaps engaging in actions that might lead to instability, without a certain amount trust...
  18. Dillinger

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    Leave him be, the OP is having a Setalvad moment.:p:
  19. Dillinger

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    He's already been educated about the practice of Ayudha Puja but he wants to be obdurate and bemoan some blog post/title, leave him be, wind jammed indeed.
  20. Dillinger

    BIMARU Corner.

    Yes sahib, looking up some details from the army's IP for the current decade. Bolo.
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