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  1. BigTree.CN

    India, China emerging as IT giants

    Kid, finish your college first before commenting on this thread.
  2. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    Since when does what CPC says or doesn't say become the criteria of right and wrong? CPC claims South Tibet to be an integral part of China. Do you also accept that? CPC says Kashmir is a disputed land between India and Pakistan. Do you agree? Why don't you also quote CPC's stance when...
  3. BigTree.CN

    US Tries to Stifle Chinese Space Advances

    F22 is a great idea isn't it. But for now, only US is able to put that idea into reality. I believe it is not exaggerating to say, even if US gifted a real F22 plus all the blue prints to China, China can't build a F22 as good as the American one. All and all, boil down to the capability...
  4. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    Lol, can't give a direct answer now? Please refrain from replying my post if you can't say anything meaningful.
  5. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    Explain to me ,What is the point of setting up a Tibetan government in a foreign country if they just want autonomy ? Indian ignorance seldom ceases to surprise me.
  6. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    I don't have to write to CPC, because I am a CPC. You are entitled to gloat that China doesn't punish India for it duplicity over Tibet issue. Though being a CPC, I can't change everything, so enjoy poking your nose into Chinese affairs while you still can. China may not do what you have...
  7. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    CPC doesn't criticise India for its duplicity over Tibet doesn't mean I can't do that. So you don't need to pull CPC into this, not everything CPC contends is right, and not everything CPC does satisfies me. In fact, CPC is heavily criticised by Chinese netizens for failing to stand up to India...
  8. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    Setting up a Tibetan government in exile is the most blatant demonstration of separatism, are you gonna turn your blind eyes to that? What is the point of setting up a Tibetan government in a foreign country if they admit Tibet to be an integral part of China? Expain it to me! And save your...
  9. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    No, I have checked. China believes Kashmir is a disputed land between India and Pakistan. China certainly is favoring Pakistan, but we still believe the issue should settled by you two. And any result that works for Pakistan will be accepted by China.
  10. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    China has never recognized Kashmir to be Indian territory, China views Kashmir as a disputed land between India and Pakistan. Issuing stapled visa to people from a disputed land consists with China's official stance over Kashmir and can't be termed as an interference in Indian internal affair.
  11. BigTree.CN

    US Tries to Stifle Chinese Space Advances

    Copy is just a word they are using to discount Chinese ability to manufacture stuff. If people really want to discuss who would be the best with regard to copying, I say it will be US, because Americans have everything at hand to turn any great ideas into reality. The only reason they don't copy...
  12. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    Being a democracy doesn't make you have the right to host a group of separatists and meddle in your neighbors' internal affairs.
  13. BigTree.CN

    China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

    China has said Dalai Lama was behind all these activities, and he happens to be living on Indian soil and even set up a Tibetan government in exile under the permission of your government. Karthic Sri, denying your ambition over Chinese Tibet and your intention to interfere with Chinese...
  14. BigTree.CN

    China's first aircraft -carrier

    Instead of celebrating this Chinese future AC, I think it is a better idea to celebrate our ability to refit this empty shell into an operational AC. No matter how hard we have worked on this project, the AC itself doesn't impress me much, after all it is an old and outdated ship. But...
  15. BigTree.CN

    US Tries to Stifle Chinese Space Advances

    Another important similarity you fail to mention is both are spaceships!
  16. BigTree.CN

    Break the Sino-Pak connection

    A better Sino-Indo relationship should never come at the cost of Sino-Pak relationship. Pakistan has been proved to be one of few trustful friends of China, while India has stolen 90,000 square kilometers land from China and is still financing a bunch of Tibetan separatists in order to grab...
  17. BigTree.CN

    China, Russia support India's UNSC bid

    Not really, China was the founder of UN, hence automatically became the permanent member of UNSC.
  18. BigTree.CN

    China, Russia support India's UNSC bid

    Well, I hope Indians will hate China less after reading this. After all, we are supporting you this time.
  19. BigTree.CN

    China to slow down speed of bullet trains

    Yes, we are definitely poor. But just because we are poor doesn't mean we don't need HSR in the future.
  20. BigTree.CN

    China to slow down speed of bullet trains

    I love the title of the article, which called Chinese HSR a showcase train. Only they have the privilege to build HSR to do real business, while we Chinese can only use it to show off.
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