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  1. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    Well, that is rich! If that happened, we can't be having this argument now.
  2. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    Mr gambit, maybe you forget the EP-3 entered Chinese territorial airspace without a clearance after the collision and landed at a Chinese airport.
  3. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    Could Russian pilots also made a emergency landing on US airport without a clearance after doing a reconnaissance around US soil? Don't lecture me on how the rule works, the only reason you didn't shot down the USSR spy planes is that you didn't have the gut to risk a war with USSR, just like...
  4. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    If anyone flies a spy plane that close to American soil, US is gonna wage a war against him.
  5. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    The US government said they regreted what had happened.
  6. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    Under the enormous prssure of the powerful US, Chinese government was forced to release the EP-3 crew.
  7. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    The EP-3 of US airforce.
  8. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    Chinese airforce in 2001.
  9. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    Jiang met Wang's wife and son. Wang's wife, after the collision.
  10. BigTree.CN

    Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

    I blieve many Chinese members have already known the details of this incident, so I will just post the pictures here. The pictures demonstrate what happened. Wang wei and his airplane, a J8. Wangwei, with his wife and his son.
  11. BigTree.CN

    Chinese Government Bans Television Time Travel - ROFL

    It is not a ban, it is more like a guide line for TV industry, which demands the entertainment industry to respect history fact and promote positive concepts about life and people when shooting TV serials about historical figures, as it is explained in the original post by the thread starter...
  12. BigTree.CN

    Chinese Government Bans Television Time Travel - ROFL

    http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-club/104799-china-banning-time-travel-tv.html A thread about the same topic opened by another Indian member in another section, Indians are very concerned with Chinese issues, even our entertainment industry. By the way, why posted it in the world...
  13. BigTree.CN

    China to cut the size of its military by 1/3 over next ten years?

    Well, no one is gonna praise China for doing that. I wonder how would people respond if China is expanding PLA?
  14. BigTree.CN

    Facebook may 'block content' as speculation grows over entry into China

    200 years ago, British conquered India with guns, and they met with minor resistance of Indians. Today, US is conquering India with internet, and they are warmly welcomed. The world is changing, so are the Indians.
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