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  1. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    Yeah, you own 1000$ a month and you believe your difference from the guy who earns 3000+$ is not that much. But even that difference isn't that much, difference still exists. The problem here is the one who is doing worse is whining about the poverty in China who is doing better. Think...
  2. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    Then what are you doing here? Reminding me of Chinese poverty while more of your own people are suffering from that?
  3. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    I have reviewed that thread, one Chinese member said he never heard of slums in China, but no Chinese member said there were no poor in China. Get your fact straight.
  4. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    Do me a favor, search the forum to find out how many threads about Indian proverty have been started by Chinese members, contrast them with the threads about Chinese poverty by Indian members, you will understand Chinese members here are always in a defensive position while Indian members are...
  5. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    Tell me, what is the point of lecturing Chinese on poverty when you are doing worse than us?
  6. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    You prove it to me any Chinese member here has said China has no poverty. I am waiting online.
  7. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    I remember that day, but I can assure you never a true chinese will say China has no poverty.
  8. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    Still you are worse that us. Which one makes you happier, China has poverty or China has less poverty than India?
  9. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    Who ever denied that? The article posted by the thread starter is from the official website of CRI (China Radio International). Isn't it enough to say we Chinese admit that there are poverty in China. So what by posting an article about Chinese poverty written by Chinese and published on a...
  10. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    All the Indian members, I am asking you is it a fact that poverty in India is worse than it is in China?
  11. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    We are talking about poverty here, don't derail the topic. Here I am asking you, is it a fact that poverty in India is worse than it is in China?
  12. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    No one said China has no poverty, all we have said is poverty in India is worse than it is in China.
  13. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    This is called debating tactics, we need to prove that China is doing better than India hence Indians are in no position to mock China. Only shameless people like you have the nerve to criticise others who are doing better than themselves.
  14. BigTree.CN

    Real poverty in china

    Show me evidence that we claim as if we are richer than Japanese in per capital. But I do agree we have claimed we are richer than India in per capital.
  15. BigTree.CN

    Chinese daily fears India may resume nuclear tests

    No one here want to debate with you on whether Chiang Kai Shek was almost a stooge of the US or not. The fact is we were having an independent Chinese government while you were ruled by a group of British.
  16. BigTree.CN

    Chinese daily fears India may resume nuclear tests

    Well, my post really hurt the feelings of a lot of Indian members here.
  17. BigTree.CN

    Chinese daily fears India may resume nuclear tests

    Ray, still can't accept China is a multi-ethnical country? Still possessed with idea that only Hans are Chinese?
  18. BigTree.CN

    China’s Race with the Gender Gap

    This thread features nothing international, in order to make this thread more international so that it deserves to be in the world-affair forum, let me add some ingredients to this thread. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/13/world/asia/13iht-letter13.html?_r=1&ref=asia
  19. BigTree.CN

    Chinese daily fears India may resume nuclear tests

    Only losers will complain like that. There is a reason why only the P5 are legitimate nuclear powers while others are not, it is because only the P5 managed to developed nuclear weapon before anyone else. This is a race, you fail to meet the deadline, you lose. That is what India did, it...
  20. BigTree.CN

    Chinese daily fears India may resume nuclear tests

    Then your nukes are illegal. And nuclear test by a non-signatory of NPT will cause more troubles to this world.
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