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  1. M

    Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber'

    Funny, because you were making the same arguements that I am making on the Odessa thread on the eastern ukrainians who wanted self determination and shamefully strutting the ukrainian govt propaganda and NATO propaganda. You are lawyer. I think we should talk on legal grounds only.Bessarabia was...
  2. M

    Kazakhstan has similar Living standard like Poland, Hungary, Croatia & Baltics/Belarus above Romania

    If you had natural resources argument lol.Actually ,Romania has pretty good agricultural land,shale gas reserves and a considerable industrial base before the IMF shock therapy.Had you not become vassal state to EU ,your economy would be a lot stronger.If you want peace, get your nation...
  3. M

    Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber'

    Russia liberated Moldavia/Bessarabia from Ottoman Empire .Not Romania. Soviet and US position On Bessarabia ,both considered Bessarabia under Romanian occupation: In legal terms ,the two superpowers considered it occupation.
  4. M

    Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber'

    Well ,Romania took Bessarabia from Russian empire/SU by means of arms in the russian civil war.... Looking at what romania did ,russia was bound to use 'might is right '.Russia is like this,you hit hard them once,they will beat the shit out of you and beat the shit out of you.
  5. M

    Modi will move India closer to Japan and China, US expert on Sangh Parivar says

    Good.India needs to keep good strong distance from USA/West. Look at what West have done in nations they touched i.e Ukraine,Pakistan,Nigeria . India needs a Vladmir Putin type leader.Not US state dept puppets or political morons .
  6. M

    Kazakhstan has similar Living standard like Poland, Hungary, Croatia & Baltics/Belarus above Romania

    there are only 50,000 russians in Turkey. And those 'russian' girls were 1990's . Nowadays,its ukrainian girls mainly.Majority of the russian girls in 90's became mailorder bride gold diggers in West. Though many rich israeli businessman do keep eastern european girls romanian,ukrainian,russian...
  7. M

    Russia: governor kicks out McDonald’s from investments list

    Pavel durov the guy who owned vk was allowing Euromaidan,ukrainians/russian neo-nazis and western intelligence agencies to run their activities without check.Many pages were related to killing central asians and kavkazian workers in Moscow ,St.Petersburg by neo-nazis.That asshole Durov was not...
  8. M

    Kazakhstan has similar Living standard like Poland, Hungary, Croatia & Baltics/Belarus above Romania

    At least russian economy is not in massive debt like US economy .
  9. M

    China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia

    I see .Seems the tin foil helmet is already causing too many delusions to you. I recommend you visit a therapist or go on picnic and have fresh air. No more Xbox 360 for you.
  10. M

    Do American Cars really suck?

    Not all american cars suck .Chevrolet Suburban is pretty good ,though its lacking on average. Lada niva is good. Overall american automotive industry has better vehicles than russian one ,exception of trucks ,where russia excels.
  11. M

    China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia

    Still waiting for the evidence for the gibberish you post. I think that tin foil pyramid must be too tight for your head. Now shoo....
  12. M

    China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia

    I have village.cool. where did you conspiracy theory from that I am villager?
  13. M

    China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia

    Hey how much does NSA or US state dept pay you to troll? After all,snowden busted your cointelpro ops pretty bad. Next.
  14. M

    China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia

    I hope your 'evidence' is not US state dept propaganda. Because many of their reports have been proven to be fraud like that fake flyer in donetsk about jews to register.
  15. M

    China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia

    Well then pakistan,afghanistan belongs to india. mauryan empire. China is welcome to take Taiwan or if it has the necessary might in the future ,then parts of USA . Funny thing ,us supported right sector and svoboda killed 43 eastern ukrainians in odessa . US support al qaeda ,support...
  16. M

    Russia: governor kicks out McDonald’s from investments list

    Good enough. Russians should preferential taxation methods,like imposing lower taxes to favored companies and higher ones to american ones. Plus,start selling oil and gas in rouble,yuan,rupee . Preferably demand 10%-20% of total payment in form of alternative currencies or gold.This will be even...
  17. M

    US to Help Ukraine Gain Energy Independence from Russia – Biden

    Spare me of your BS you NSA troll.Your obama is a dictator who have implemented NDAA to torture,kill,detain anyone without warrant. already 27,000 people have disappeared under NDAA.
  18. M

    Russian Cars are superior to German Cars

    this vehicle is a mod of G55 and a 6x6 for more stability. obviously much more expensive than niva again . ^^^ this my friend is the best value for money supercar . An G63 AMG costs 3 crore Rs in india and more than 350,000 $. Actually Lada is biggest selling brand in Russia.Not every...
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