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  1. C

    A Brief History of The Warrior Rajputs

    He is not mixing up Mughals with Turkic. The Mughals WERE predominantly Turkic. The mother tongue of Babur was Chagatai Turkic. Neither he nor his great grandfather Timur could speak Mongolic. They were bilingual in Turki and Persian. However after Babur his descendants only spoke Persian and...
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    Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

    The Khazar theory of Ashkenazi Jews is a myth which was disproven by many genetic tests which were done on Jews. Jews are all genetically related to each other and they cluster genetically between Middle Eastern and European populations and far away from Turkic Central Asian populations. A...
  3. C

    The Uyghur issue

    Tocharians still existed in the Xinjiang region when the Uyghurs migrated there in the 7th century. Tocharian languages were also still spoken in the kingdom of Khotan untill the Turkic Khara khanids conquered the kingdom in the 10th century. Then the Indo-European Tocharians and the Khotanese...
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    The Uyghur issue

    The Uighurs were originally from Mongolia where they rebelled against the Göktürk rule and established their Khaganate in the 7th century together with the Karluk and Basmyl tribes. However the Khirgiz people from the Yenisei river invaded the Uyghur empire and destroyed their Khagante. Then the...
  5. C

    Why did the Turkic/Afghan rulers in India adopted and spread the Persian language?

    It is not really proven that the Barlas were a pure Mongol tribe. Most scholars say that they were more like a mixed Turco-Mongol people tribe who got later completely Turkicized. Neither Timur nor his descendants spoke Mongolic. Well, Baburs descendants also spoke only Persian lol. I think that...
  6. C

    Why did the Turkic/Afghan rulers in India adopted and spread the Persian language?

    Mughals had nothing to do with Mongols just like Tamerlane. They were called Mughals because they came from "Mughalistan". Ethnically they were Chagatai Turks who mixed with Persian women and later also with Hindu women. Even Babur had Tajik blood because bis great grandfather Timur married a...
  7. C

    Turkey makes every effort for liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories

    Nasarbayev is o Nasarbayevs Pan I'm not Persian, I'm a Turk who was born in Germany and I don't care if you believe me or not. I posted on this forum earlier as "Charon" but know I have a different E-Mail address. I created some threads in the Military History section You shouldn't speak so...
  8. C

    Turkey makes every effort for liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories

    Yes of course there are organzations like Turksoy and the Turkic Council but not all Turkic countries like Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan are not envolved in it. I mean the Kyrgyz revolted against their former president because he promoted Pan-turkism and everyone in Central Asia hates Uzbeks...
  9. C

    Turkey makes every effort for liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories

    This only shows to me that Pan-Turkism simply doesn't exist. Especially The Turkics from the former soviet countries hate themselves and have only pride for their own ethnic group. Kyrgyz are the most extreme case anyway. However Pan Iranism also doesn't exist. Most Persians I know hate Afghans...
  10. C

    Why did the Turkic/Afghan rulers in India adopted and spread the Persian language?

    Seljuqs aren't comparable to the Delhi Sultanates or the Mughals. The Seljuq Turks also used Persian as their Court language but they have never forgotten their Turkish roots. Seljuqs are the main reason why Turkey exists today. Seljuq have never Persianized Anatolia, they Turkified it. Maulana...
  11. C

    Why did the Turkic/Afghan rulers in India adopted and spread the Persian language?

    I don't understand why the Turkic and Afghan rulers of the Indian subcontinent adopted the Persian language as the court language for their dynasties instead their own native tongue. Do you think that the Muslim invasion of India was actually more "Persian" than Turkic or Afghan? Were Persians...
  12. C

    Afzal khan and treachery of Shivaji

    Mahmud Ghaznavis mother was Persian and they used Persian as court language. He and his sons were totally hated by the Turkmen nomads. So much that they killed his son during a battle
  13. C

    Afzal khan and treachery of Shivaji

    I I think that Ghori could be a mixed Turko-Iranian like Mahmud Ghaznavi but I think that the was either a Tajik or a Pashtun because he has a poetry where he says that the has no sons but thousand of Turkic slaves whom he consider as his sons. Aibak and Iltutmish were definitely Turkic
  14. C

    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    Yeah but Timur himself had no connections with Ghengis Khan. His Mother tongue was Chagatai Turkic which is closely related to the Uzbek language. Wikipedia says that this tribe was originally Mongolic that became Turkified but that doesn't count in my eyes.
  15. C

    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    Well Ghilzais were anythjng than pure Turks and that's also the reason why they became Pashtuns at the end. The Pashtun tribes no matter if Durranis or Ghilzais are all mixed with their neighbours but the core element in both tribes were Eastern Iranian peoples and that's also the reason why...
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    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    Sorry but I have never heared that. Ghilzais seem to take pride in being Pashtuns but I have never seen it that a Ghilzai feels connections with other Turkics and I was on many Afghan forums. I find it actually strange because Uzbeks also don't feel any connections with Mongols although their...
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    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    Ghilzais follow the Pashtunwali and speak an Eastern Iranian language today. They have nothing to do with other Turkics as they speak an Eastern Iranian language and belong to the Pashtun ethnic group. The Aryans themselves were also steppe nomads like the Turks but that still doesn't change the...
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    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    The case of the Khiljis is actually very similar to the case of the "Mongol" Khanates after Ghengis Khan death. The Golden Horde or the Chagatai Khanates (from which the Mughals descendent) had nothing to do anymore with Mongols and were completely Turkiczed. The Khiljis had also nothing to do...
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    Turkmenistan Armed Forces

    Turkmenistans regime is too autocratic and absolutely undemocratic. It's actually like a second North Korea. I find this whole glorification about "Turkmenbasy" totally creepy. Of course I have nothing against the place and the people from where my ancestors came from but I really don't like the...
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    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    Interresting to know that the Turkic nobility looked down on the Khiljis. Well they mixed so much with Pashtuns that they became Pashtuns themselves.
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