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  1. C

    Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

    I can't see where Russia is going to be predominantly Islamic when the two biggest Muslim groups the Bashkirs and Tatars have significant numbers of non-religious and atheists among themselves Religion in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. C

    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    I don't know how Ivan the terrible looks like but the Mongoloid admixture in Russians comes mainly from native Siberian and Finno-Ugric groups which is also supported by genetics. The "Ghengis Khan" haplogroup C3 is actually non-existent in Russians which means that the nomadic Mongols rarely...
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    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Russians have hardly Mongol blood. They have Mongoloid admixture but that comes from Finno-Ugric, Samoyedic and also to a lesser degree from Turkic groups which got assimilated by Eastern Slavs and created the modern Russian. The "Russians are heavily mixed with Mongols" theory is a...
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    An Lushan Rebellion

    The An Lushan Rebellion was a devastating rebellion against the Tang Dynasty of China. The rebellion overtly began on 16 December 755, when general An Lushan declared himself emperor in Northern China, thus establishing a rival Yan Dynasty, and ended when Yan fell on 17 February 763 (although...
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    Education for Afghans in Iran

    I've heard that there is extreme racism in Iran against Afghans where they call Afghans "uncivilized animals and thieves". Especially Hazaras despite being Shias have a hard time there and experience hatred and racism by Iranians.
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    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    This! Turkic countries shouldn't have any strong ties with backwards Shariah countries and their stone age mentality like many Islamic countries
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    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    Strong ties with European, some Islamic and some Turkic countries. A Turkic union is just as unlikely as Ummah. Russia and China would never allow this and Turkey and Uzbekistan have bad relations. Ummah is out of question for obvious reasons
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    Women in Turkish Armed Forces

    Great pictures. According to the "Book of Dede Korkut" which demonstrates the culture of Oghuz Turks Oghuz Turkish Woman were known to be expert horse riders, archers and athletes.
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    Turks in the Tang China military

    The military of the Tang Dynasty was staffed with a large population of Turkic soldiers, referred to as Tujue in Chinese sources. Tang elites in northern China were familiar with Turkic culture, a factor that contributed to the Tang acceptance of Turkic recruits. The Tang emperor Taizong adopted...
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    Khiljis are Pashtuns

    Not really. You will find hardly any samples above 50 individuals in population genetics. 5 samples would be too small but 22 are a good number. If you would take 50 samples you'd get similar results. I'm sure about this. Oh and there isn't any genetical difference between the Pashtun tribes. A...
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    Khiljis are Pashtuns

    Okay guys I've found something very interesting. The Autosomal DNA results from 22 Pathans and their average components https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadDUyeEtjNnBmY09EbnowN3M3UWRyNnc&hl=en_US&authkey=COCa89AJ&pli=1 East European, Mediterranian, West European...
  12. C

    Turks and Mongols are not the same

    https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadDUyeEtjNnBmY09EbnowN3M3UWRyNnc&hl=en_US&authkey=COCa89AJ Northeastern Asian and Southeastern Asian are Mongoloid components However these Turkmens in this study are probably from Iran I'm actually surprised about the high South...
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    Turks and Mongols are not the same

    There is nothing wrong with living in Yurts. These people are connected with the beautiful nature compared with our materalistic obssesed sedentary societies. However Turks are culturally very close to Islamized sedentary Turkics like Azeris, Uzbeks, Uyghurs and semi-nomadic Turkmens but there...
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    Turks and Mongols are not the same

    Nah not really. Turks are predominantly Caucasoid with 4-10 % Mongoloid admixture in average
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    Turks and Mongols are not the same

    Of course it's not lol. I didn't say that.
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    Turks and Mongols are not the same

    In this forum I have the feeling that people assume that Turks and Mongols are the same people who speak related languages. Well the problem here is that it's not even proven that Turkic and Mongolic languages are related to each other. The so called Altaic language family is only a hypothetis...
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    Khiljis are Pashtuns

    The Barlas who found the Timurid and Mughal dynasties were originally a Mongol tribe that became Turkified. The Barlas (Chagatay/Persian: برلاس‎ Barlās; also Berlas;Mongolian: Barlas) were a Turkified Mongol[1][2] nomadic confederation in Central Asia, later Persianized and were settled and...
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    Rise of Islam in Bengal, role of migration

    Yes by definition all Turkic are descendant of Proto-Turks so why are Khalajs special know? They are just as Proto-Turkic as Turks, Azeris, Uzbeks
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    Rise of Islam in Bengal, role of migration

    No Khaljis are not the descendants of Proto-Turks because there isn't any Proto-Turkic language anymore. Linguists and scholars only say that the Khalji language is close to the old Turkic language just like the Yugur language
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    Your thoughts on Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (Saladin) ?

    Ah yes Saladin. He was ethnically a Muslim Kurd and one of the most important rulers for the Islamic world world
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