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  1. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Only China can grow but other can't? believe me if China sink US ship in the SCS, you will see the respond of the west to fight a naval battle with China in SCS. Only China can be powerful and everyone stagnant, are you daydreaming?
  2. S

    China’s war drums beat

    This isn't about the perception of Vietnam important status in this world, of course most nation look out for their own interest but the west can rally together and fight a common foe. Vietnam can just jump camp and join the west to fight a naval battle with China. You can't box people into...
  3. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Not dramatic, currently Vietnam and Phillipine economy and military no match with China. In the near future their economy can growth to support their own military expansion. With their alliance among Japan, US, Australia military, can China win a naval war with all these nations? This small...
  4. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Same analogy you used to describe the big fish in the small pond but were no match to the shark that romp the ocean.
  5. S

    China’s war drums beat

    You think China a big bad untouchable superpower nation, even the rest of the world stand no chance?
  6. S

    China’s war drums beat

    You think China a big bad untouchable superpower nation, even the rest of the world stand no chance?
  7. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Big fish eat small fish just like turn of the tide and the wind change of direction. Smaller nation united together can form a big formidable opponent. A colony of ants can consume the whole dead elephant.
  8. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Vietnam can't offer you none but this territory still a disputed one, you want China take all the oil from the SCS without sharing with the nations live proximity to SCS? who will give in to your demand, China powerful but not that powerful without any nation match up the capacity to resist...
  9. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Soviet Union promise Vietnam the Communist glory with control of the IndoChina. Vietnam intention to challenge China in the region and be the sidekick of the Soviet Union. Vietnam bet on the wrong horse, the outcome was expected.
  10. S

    Why India Will Soon Outpace China

    Agriculture take up too much land with little profit in return. Agriculture can't provide Indian large population enough jobs, farmer don't give up their land in other to work in the factory. India government have to be an authoritative state in other to force their reclaimation of the farm...
  11. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Without a sound economy, any kind of political idealogy can turn into a big joke. USSR think with a powerful military can force their idealogy onto other. The Afghanistan war did place a part to bankrupt the Soviet Union.
  12. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Isn't for the weak but fair win win deal better for both nations with the final outcome of the dispute. One less headache to deal with.
  13. S

    China’s war drums beat

    You can't blame Vietnam for siding with the Soviet, Soviet was a superpower with a military might but Vietnam Chess move backfire, they follow the bankrupt Soviet union and eventually left out in the cold with S.U collpased and file bankrupcy.
  14. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Vietnam is fool to think without negotiate with China, China will cede back the territory to Vietnam. Vietnam have no mean to enforce their claim on the dispute area.
  15. S

    Why India Will Soon Outpace China

    India don't have enough land for the huge population room to growth. India can't never be a manufacture powerhouse because lack of infrastructure, not enough space to house the populaton where are the free space to build large factory, widen road, lessen the congestion traffic. Currently most...
  16. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Harder for Vietnam because China still part of the claimant, if China start to drill then Vietnam will get even less profit.
  17. S

    China’s war drums beat

    China currently have the rig to drill in the deepest part of the ocean, split 50-50 with China provide the rig platform for drilling is a win win for both. What there is a fuss about, not like Vietnam have the mean to drill the oil without partner with the west.
  18. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Even trillions dollars worth oil in comparision to the stable enviroment for China economy growth in Asia still not worth the time and resource to actully go war over it. China economy can last to 100 yrs of growth but the oils in SCS won't last forever.
  19. S

    China’s war drums beat

    Atleast China can put up a fight against the Soviet Union during the split. China took part to completely isolate Soviet Union, without a strong economy to support S.U, they eventually collapse from within. China right now won't be isolate from the world economy that you must remember. No...
  20. S

    China’s war drums beat

    But you need to know your limitation. You can't allow the outsider from far away to manipulate you into fighting against a stronger opponent, the loser will be you and not the one from world away.
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