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  1. S

    India's prospective PM has pro-China Inclinations

    Mongol occupied China for over 50 yrs and subconquentially Mongol ruler defeated by Chinese rebellion. Historical fact China never consider Mongol anything more than a nomadic and a barbaric tribe, less alone have a normalize diplomat relationship. As for US and Japan economy was rank in 1st...
  2. S

    Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

    I'm not a patriotic or nationalistic kind of a person, most common people in this world just want to have a good job and go on with their life and pay little to no politic. I don't like war, war only bring the worse to anyone involve especially the innocents.
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    Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

    MAD are self assure destruction on both side, nuke can prevent an all out war but limit convetional conflict won't lead to nuclear exchange.
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    Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

    [. :disagree: This is what he said, in his post that you quoted: He never said that the USA won't respond, because that is obviously illogical. quote="Chinese-Dragon, post: 5472272, member: 29684"]Except that @UKBengali never said that, you are putting words in his mouth I mention...
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    Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

    What is the different between what you said and mine? Russia intervention and annex both Georgia and Crimea have no direct threat to Nato and it allies. You can say with most the population in the region already anti Russia, people in the eastern Europe harden their anti stance against Russia...
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    Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

    I know, some think US will stay put and watch other nation destroy US in both conventional and nuclear war.
  7. S

    Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

    What do you mean Russia and China can destroy the US without them getting destroy by the US? In what planet are you living in? Russia can't defeat U.S and Nato in conventional warfare, they only thing Russia is a nuclear arm power and nuke allow Russia to dominate Russia backyard without...
  8. S

    India's prospective PM has pro-China Inclinations

    Japan allied with the US since the end of the WW2, why did China stop being hostile to Japan and started the diplomacy relationship with Japan before Nixon visited China in 1972? If you defined Japan as traditional enemy and not share any common interest, China wouldn't piggy back ride the West...
  9. S

    KARACHI:Trainee nurse raped, burnt to death

    You Indian have no shame and tried to distort fact from the real truth. What are you trying to hide?
  10. S

    India's prospective PM has pro-China Inclinations

    You went at length to say the same thing, an enemy depend on one perception.
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