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  1. S

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel's historical China map flap

    The rest of historical fact back up with historical map are a bunch of balony, you have bigger military usually end up with a map cover their territory you claim.
  2. S

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel's historical China map flap

    Just like gang war fighting to control drug smuggling territory, nation need military muscle to stage out their claim of the territory. Bigger gun usually end up with the territory.
  3. S

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel's historical China map flap

    Any nation want to claim territory better do it with a powerful military behind.
  4. S

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel's historical China map flap

    Historical map won't change the current situation on the ground. Last month map Crimea belong to Ukraine but in today map Crimea is part of Russia territory because Russia have the military power to take over Crimea and Ukraine powerless to do anything about the lost of territory. You want to...
  5. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    Who said any nation want to stop India annex other independent nation. All I said India try to annex any nation with powerful military force will suffer defeat like India did in 1962 war. You mention US national debt, my respond to you can U.S completely pay off the debt or how US government...
  6. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    US government will or will not pay off the national debt nobody ever know. As a matter of fact U.S 17 trillion national debt haven't hinder US population way of life. Majority of US population don't suffer as much as Indian population even with a enormous amount of debt incomparison to Indian...
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    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    My opinion did matter to you since you frivolous responding to what I stated.
  8. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    I'm not offer you any advice on Napal relation, I just pointed out India still consider a 3rd world nation shouldn't dream of any grandur ambition, use your time to think how to elevate your own people out of their misery first.
  9. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    Over 300 millions of Indian live below the poverty line and majority of Indian survive on 2 US dollar per day salary. Over 300 milions is equivalent of the whole US population suffer with the stricken poverty in India.
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    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    Feed your own people first before consider feeding other for any ambiguity reason.
  11. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    India couldn't feed and provide adequate housing and sanititation to most of 1.2 billions Indian, you expect people to believe India capable of providing better life for the Nepali?
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    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    Nepal is independent nation recognized by the U.N, other than Nepali worship Hindu and share some common in culture why didn't they want to be a part of India after British left the continent? Why Nepali want to vote to join 1.2 billions Indian with nothing to offer Nepal population?
  13. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    Whether China want to fight India over South Tibet is up to China government to decide, I'm just want to let Indian know China did defeat India army in 1962 because of Indian grand ambition in expansionism.
  14. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    You know the history in 1962 war base on India government propaganda spoon feeding Indian populate. Weren't Indian believe China was the aggressor in 1962 war and betrayed India friendship?
  15. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    China government always view India illegal occupied South Tibet that will never change. They never recognized South Tibet belong to India soveignty. Don't open your mouth to be thought of a fool or open your mouth to confirm it.
  16. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    Like I said India as a nation incapable of annex China territory. China just want to let the dispute territory remain as status quote, China did send their troop in 1962 and drove Indian army out of South Tibet didn't they?
  17. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    India occupied South Tibet because of Bristish trooped invaded South Tibet during British colonized the region. India wasn't a nation when British annex South Tibet.
  18. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    India incapable of annex China territory, history already taught Indian a lesson for messing with China. Do you really want revisit India past debacle in 1962 war? As for US decline status in this world, I don't see any nation can threaten US by military force or use their economy to destroy...
  19. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    I'm US citizen why can't I use US flag? Are you a dumb Indian?
  20. S

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    Indian just need someone to knock some sense into them with their dream of expansionis, India no longer want to annex China territory after 1962 defeated, now Indian look upon China as weary as their forward policy in the past but India present posture for defense purpose and no longer have the...
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