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  1. S

    China as BULLY

    China will have to flex her muscle sooner than later. Better to flex her muscle at the moment of the Ukraine, Syria, Irag crisis because US government can't effectively intervent in all the crisis at the same time. Some nations will be left out in the cold by the US foreign policy.
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    Turks and Mongols are not the same

    Turk are half breed deprive from Mongol invasion.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Japan couldn't occupied You said Japan show Japan absolute resolve to protect Japan sacred land so is China will never cede 1 inch to Japan on territorial dispute with Japan. In the future military conflict with China, Japan won't be able to defeat China without US military...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Japan couldn't conquer China in WW2 how the heck can Japan defeat China in the future warfare?
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    You said over 300 millions Chinese resided only in the coastal area during WW2?
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Look at the map, Japan didn't even occupied 1/10 of China territory after 15 yrs invading China.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    This is 21st century, China military industry can produce their own fighter jet, tanks, submarine, battleship, they are building their own aircraft carrier. Even US military won't be able to defeat China if US want to invade mainland China. This is 21st century, China won't fight a war right...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    China in the WW2 have no industrial base, China had no military industry, they had no tank, no airforce, no navy but they stop Japan army from completely conquer the whole China. Japan in WW2 was a military powerhouse of course China couldn't defeat Japan without modern military equipment.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Currently China military industrial can produce any weapons they intend to use in the war. I will always take a nations with 1.3 population in a war against a nation with 100 millions population when both nation can manufacture their own weapons. Future war between Japan and China fight on the...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    You can't say China media cry about Japan install missiles defend because the article written by the western press and not the Chinese. Russian defeat Japanese army in Manchuria. Russian still capture Japan territory as of now.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Without US military Japan won't be able to defeat China in a future war.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Do you believe without US military Japan can and will win a all out war in China in the future?
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    South China Sea Forum

    The combination of Japan, Phillippine, Vietnam still no match for China in term of military, economy, population, country size, nature resource. However US empire will never cede power over to China in Asia. US empire extend from Hawaii to Guam, Japan, Phillippines, South Korea with US waiting...
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    South China Sea Forum

    What did Vietnamese lost in the SCS? Vietnam can send their own oil rigs there to drill for oil same as China, both drill oil in SCS. No one will lose anything but both country will gain all the oil they find in the SCS.
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    FIFA Brazil 2014 World Cup

    Spain suck.
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    Japan fans clear up litter after opening defeat to Ivory Coast

    Japan soccer team brought shame to Asian. Japan rarely make out of the 1st round in world cup they participate in.
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    Japan fans clear up litter after opening defeat to Ivory Coast

    Japan suck at soccer. Another first round exit.
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    Envoy nominee open to lifting arms ban to Vietnam

    I don't really care for any who buy what from whom
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    40 Indians kidnapped in Iraq's Mosul, ISIS rebels suspected

    Indian government can pay ransome to the Muslim extremist to free the kidnap victim.
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    Video shows Japanese jets intruding in China’s ADIZ

    Why would the island belong to you? Japan invaded Taiwain in WW2 and occupied Taiwain, after Japan unconditional surrender in WW2, the island part of Taiwain shouldn't owned by Japan. Taiwain is part of China therefore it should belong to China or Taiwain but I mention this island is a...
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