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    US should set up military base in India to tackle Pakistan-based terror groups: Think tank

    Even Ukraine could outwit you in a fight. :coffee:
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    China offers a “nuclear security guarantee” to the Ukraine

    Moldavia has been wanting to nuke Ukraine for years
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    Racism alive in India: Story of Kim Barrington Narisetti

    It is well-known that India is among the most racist countries in the world, especially towards Blacks. In fact, Indians are some of the few people in the world that actually take pride in their bigotry and hatred. It makes them feel more dominant and special. What I've noticed is that...
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    Science has the answer - speciation. Anyway, this thread will probably be closed if we keep discussing this because we are going WAY off-topic. Actually never mind, because the topic is a bunch of BS anyway.
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    Certainly not India! Besides, what does that mean anyway? Do you hold allegiance to sub-Saharan Africa... or more specifically the nation of Kenya?
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    Then don't scream accusations of racism when we start fighting back ;)
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    1. PIE stands for Proto-Indo-Europeans. PIE is not an individual. 2. Siddartha was said to have blue eyes.... what a coincidence... 3. Who said anything about the Chinese? You are becoming hysterical. The entire subcontinent was populated by an Australoid group who shared genetic affinity with...
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    They fought among each other much more savagely than we fought against them. Bashing each others children against rocks and ripping babies from their wombs? Yea, you're right, that's certainly no utopia. Since when is crime ok as long as it's consigned to a specific race? Don't be hypocritical...
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    Europeans were not living peacefully in Europe, nor were the Amerindian tribes, who were constantly at war with each other. You're right, I was just thinking further back to the earliest European influence That was after the PIE people invaded and colonized the subcontinent. Buddhism was an...
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    I don't know... I mean if the Indo-Aryan branch of the Proto-Indo-Europeans didn't colonize the subcontinent then I doubt that the Dravidian would have established a culture beyond that of pastoralists.
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    So the native Indians were living peacefully before the arrival of Europeans, right?
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    Exactly. Thank you. Without the Brits India would have still been in the pre-historic era.
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    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    More fake trash to make 3rd worlders feel better about being 3rd worlders. Dig up some ancient history that is supposedly great, or plaster a significant Western name on a piece of paper signifying the greatness of said culture, and it gets these people all emotional.
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    ‘USA’ be declared Anglo-Saxon-Occupied-Red-Indians (Native American) territory

    There is no such thing as a White Chinese, and despite your protestations, there will not be a White Indian one either. Good luck somewhere else slummy-dumb-dog. Jesus where do these cretinous and arrogant little twats come from? How can one be so daft and yet such an incredible arrogant...
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    ‘USA’ be declared Anglo-Saxon-Occupied-Red-Indians (Native American) territory

    The Americas is a term that combines the two continental landmasses of the Western Hemisphere; North and South America. I said that with the exception of Canada and the US, a large majority of most countries in The Americas are of predominately mestizo ancestry (to varying frequencies). For...
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    Abolitionist and capitalism by US: 85 richest people as wealthy as poorest half of the world

    The 100 richest people are not worth $110 trillion. Ridiculous.
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    ‘USA’ be declared Anglo-Saxon-Occupied-Red-Indians (Native American) territory

    Yes hundreds of millions, and you should be ashamed of your ignorance. There are hundreds of millions of mestizos living in the Americas today. They are descendants of both the Conquistadors, as well as the Amerindians. Most Mexicans for example are mestizo, being of European and Amerindian...
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    ‘USA’ be declared Anglo-Saxon-Occupied-Red-Indians (Native American) territory

    Indeed, which is why there are still tens of millions of Indians living in the Americas, and hundreds of millions of their descendants, living as mestizos (mixed Amerindian-White).
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    ‘USA’ be declared Anglo-Saxon-Occupied-Red-Indians (Native American) territory

    Says the Hindu pretending to be an American. At least I come out and say what I am, despite the low self-esteem ramblings of your race, who wish I was Chinese so they would feel less offended. Hahaha! If America is an occupied territory than so is most of the world. Dravidians belong on the...
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