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  1. p4kistan

    Turkey will ‘pay’ EU price

    Mark these words, the EU will need Turkey more than the Turks need the EU. Turks allow us another 100-200 years and we can guarantee you the muslims of Europe will ask you to join us with open arms. The EU is currently scared of its demographics changing drastically overnight. It is inevitable...
  2. p4kistan

    Jinnah made a mistake and I am ashamed of being Pakistani!

    Whoever is ashamed of being a pakistani I only have a few words for them. Renounce your pakistani citizenship & get the f out. Good riddance to such people. Despite all the trials, tribulations, problems etc a true pakistani will never be ashamed. PAKISTAN Zindabad.
  3. p4kistan

    The truth about the overpriced and inferior Leopard 2 Tank

    Just because something is more expensive does not make it inferior.
  4. p4kistan

    The truth about the overpriced and inferior Leopard 2 Tank

    You clearly contradict yourself. 1st point germans are inferior 2nd point you get 15% better quality. Which is it? Comparing a bmw. merc, vag group vehicle to a kia or hyundai is ludicrous they are miles apart. Simple you can't f11ck with german engineering. In a battle a leapord a6 will...
  5. p4kistan

    Iraqi Sunni Arab patriot and politician who called for war with Kurds barred from polls

    Saladin story is FACT and inshallah will be repeated. You are right we are in the 21st century where muslims will give up their faith and brotherhood for a pittance of worldly desires. I.e. the majority of all the arab leaders today. All you who are nationalists or were created through...
  6. p4kistan

    Iraqi Sunni Arab patriot and politician who called for war with Kurds barred from polls

    You're talking about IQ. I never said i would refute anything, in fact i asked you to refute it. But it seems you can't, so i'll let the rest of the users judge who needs to open a history book. My own backyard, yes i am worrying about it. It is called Makkah, Medina & Al Quds.
  7. p4kistan

    Iraqi Sunni Arab patriot and politician who called for war with Kurds barred from polls

    How am I trolling, refute any single point I made. There's no trolling involved, where did I state anything about Kurdish military history or Arabian military history. No where, I was relating to a single Kurd. I have clearly debunked your so called Arab military quests/empires before. Go ahead...
  8. p4kistan

    Iraqi Sunni Arab patriot and politician who called for war with Kurds barred from polls

    You dare talk about their leaders/rulers as such & such. Let me put it bluntly, it's your leaders that are causing the most disunity between Muslims. Your Zionist hypocritical leaders are the worst of the worst. Set your own house in order before looking at others. You talk about nationalism...
  9. p4kistan


    Tamils rise in the UK. They won't get far.
  10. p4kistan

    Pakistan buys Chinese subs to counter India 'threats'

    1) it can't stay underwater indefinitely. You do know that once food/supplies run out it needs to come up. Then technical difficulties etc. ask your navy the problems they have with ssbns 2) navy with satellite capability can figure out locations? 1st I've heard of that. If this is the case then...
  11. p4kistan

    Saudi Israel ties : Saudi Arabia to Buy Arms from Israel Soon

    Before I start I would like to state that I utterly hate & despise the house of Saud. But why are you putting up anti Saudi BS threads, no way will Saudi purchase weapons from the zionists. If they did they can kiss goodbye to their positions. If in fact they are buying such weapons from the...
  12. p4kistan

    Why aren't there any Liberal Parties in Pakistan?

    We as a people hold conservative values derived from our religion/culture. Why would we therefore want to be liberal. Liberal in your sense I assume includes accepting homosexuals, abortions, fornication etc. Thanks but no thanks puthar. We are not begairats & have izzat.
  13. p4kistan

    Indian Movie Dhoom-3 breaks Waar's Box Office Opening Record in Pakistan.

    We don't suffer from an inferiority complex like you guys. We have no intention in becoming westernised in our attire. & salwar kameez can always be fashionable. It looks a lot better than some scruffy jeans & a shirt/tshirt
  14. p4kistan

    Chinese anti-veil 'beauty' campaign sows ugly tensions

    As far as i understand its not a blanket ban as in france but merely trying to discourage wearing the veil. Bad policy on Chinas part as it shouldn't start alienating its Muslim population hence the rest of the muslim world. The chinese need to utilise the Uighur by allowing their identity as...
  15. p4kistan

    Egypt expels Turkish ambassador

    Of course another muslim can meddle in anothers affair depending on the scenario: For example a dictator oppressing people or not giving a citizen their rights, or taking down legitimate leaders for the sake of non muslim entities. Even family matters should be intervened for the betterment of...
  16. p4kistan

    Egypt expels Turkish ambassador

    I totally understand where you're coming from brother. I can go on all day, and you can probably as well. For that reason i will agree to disagree.
  17. p4kistan

    Egypt expels Turkish ambassador

    24,538,031 doesn't count for sh11t. If they didn't want Morsi they shouldn't have abstained and voted for someone else. 24,538,031 = we don't care who wins or loses.
  18. p4kistan

    Egypt expels Turkish ambassador

    So what if Yemen had one of the oldest civiliaations in the world. My ancestors may been part of the Indus Valley Civilisation that doesn't make me special. Can all arabs then trace their lineage to Yemen? I don't think so. Firstly you try to portray Islamic history as solely Arab history and...
  19. p4kistan

    Egypt expels Turkish ambassador

    @al-Hasani Bro before i carry on i would clearly like to state that i consider arabs, turks & persians etc as brothers however i would like to refute a few of your points. Firstly the notion that you are portraying as arabs controlling vast areas of arabia, africa, south asia, europe etc by...
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