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  1. Alshawi1234

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    General Atomics MQ-1 Predator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It's an old image when the US were still in Iraq.
  2. Alshawi1234

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    With the current mess in the ME, I doubt Iraq will have any real military cooperation or deals with Iran. The good thing is we have the US and Russia, and even china. The US doesn't want to sell Iraq advanced weapons, but they kind of changed their minds after Russia offered some nice toys to...
  3. Alshawi1234

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Tikkah and Kabab, this looks a bit burnt. :D
  4. Alshawi1234

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Masgoof depend on two things, the type of fish, and the way it's cooked. In Iraq they use mostly local fish. They taste much better than imported ones. They have less fish odor and better quality meat. No I'm Arab from Basrah, but these foods and names are the same all over Iraq. The pacha...
  5. Alshawi1234

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Pacha? Lol ok il post a sensor image of it. It's one of the "taste better than it looks" food. Basically a lambs head and legs boiled. Served with bread and sometimes rice. Dolma, basically stuffed vine leaves(mostly) as well as stuffed eggplant, pepper, And onions. We call stuffed...
  6. Alshawi1234

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Poetry and literature anyone Read it horizontaly and vertically. Enjoy It's a poem for Imam Ali ibn abi Talib. ألــــــــــــوم صديقـــــي وهـــــــــذا محـــــــــــــــــــال صديقــــــــي أحبــــــــــــه كـــــــــلام يقـــــــــــــــــال وهـــــــــــذا كــــــــــــــلام...
  7. Alshawi1234

    Another Saudi number plated ISIL pick up captured by the army

    Really? So how about all the suicide bombing and car bombs before the Syrian conflict. Excuses excuses and more excuses... Have you ever questioned yourself what the average person in a market, or a school, or a mosque, or just a person who happens to be waking at the wrong place in the wrong...
  8. Alshawi1234

    Another Saudi number plated ISIL pick up captured by the army

    Thanks for the essay. I said these new land cruiser pick up trucks have not been imported by Iraq. The fact that ISIL has them with Saudi licence plates prove? Maybe not directly from KSA, , but through Syria or Jordan.
  9. Alshawi1234

    Iraq's reconstruction and development

    Pretty surprising, all this empty desert is an extremely fertile land which could be used for agriculture. Notice that all this land was just a lifeless desert. Unfortunately all this land belongs to the ministry of oil. Olive trees would be perfect as a way to control the salt level...
  10. Alshawi1234

    Iran sending warships close to US borders

    Chill guys the Iranians are just going for a vacation on the cost of Florida. They are making a peaceful and friendly visit. :rofl:
  11. Alshawi1234

    Arabic Coffee shop

    It's Arab with dialect, 80% of it won't be translated correctly.
  12. Alshawi1234

    Blaze kills 12, injures 130 pilgrims in Medina hotel

    RIP, unfortunate accident. May Allah bless their souls.
  13. Alshawi1234

    1 killed in car bomb explosion in Tel Aviv

    I'd really wish for the dirty suicide/ bombs against civilians to end everywhere. If you want to fight them, grab a gun and declare war.if you can't, than prepare, going to kill civilians isn't the way to go. In fact it is Forbidden in Islam.
  14. Alshawi1234

    Another Saudi number plated ISIL pick up captured by the army

    These beige colored trucks don't exist in Iraq. Iraq has never imported them they have come from Saudi Arabia either via Jordan or Syria. It isn't a secret. Right now KSA supporting and Alqaeda(Nusra) which is allied with FSA(Islamic front). Support for ISIL from the gulf in is widespread...
  15. Alshawi1234

    Iraq Near Implosion

    Has it got worse- yes, it's pretty bad with some areas turned into a war zone. The reports is biased though. Especially with the "war against Sunnis". I mean if the terrorists just happen to be Sunnis, the ISIL is Sunni, is the Iraqi governemnt supposed to stand aside and let them kill and...
  16. Alshawi1234

    1 killed in car bomb explosion in Tel Aviv

    Just like every other country.
  17. Alshawi1234

    Egypt intelligence report: Israel had 36 spying stations in Sinai

    Both sides have spies and that not a secret. Arab countries usually use Israeli arabs, while Isrealis target high level officials for their spying needs. Israeli hires normal citizens from Arab countries to do the dirty jobs. In Lebanon they hired people to mark buildings for airstrikes.
  18. Alshawi1234

    Egypt intelligence report: Israel had 36 spying stations in Sinai

    I meant the largely desert areas in North Sinai near the Gaza border, the southern part of Sinai has very little terrorist or no activity. Let's not forget that right now the majority of Arab Muslims support jubhat al Nusrah, which is Alqaeda. Go to the Jihadi forums and you will find that many...
  19. Alshawi1234

    Egypt intelligence report: Israel had 36 spying stations in Sinai

    You'll find the Israeli spies on the beach in Sharm al Shiek, not in Sinai :lol:. Not exactly a secret. Israel has every inch of Egypt inspected, they know the locations and functions of every government institutions, they have all military factories pinpointed. The beduins in Egypt as they...
  20. Alshawi1234

    Yemeni Shiite rebels overtake key tribal area, defeat dominant Sunni tribes

    No need for such speech. Anyways, after the Ahmar clan got humiliated, they agreed to a truce. The army will be deployed. See the difference between the Shias and the rest? The Shias respect their treaties. I assure you if the Ahmar clan were winning they would never agree to a truce...
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