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  1. C

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Were the Massagetae and other Scythians really fully Iranic? We have almost not language material about the ancient Scythians but Wikipedia portays it strangely as a fact that Scythians only spoke Eastern Iranian language. I really doubt that and I'm not a pan-Turanist. It can't be a coincidence...
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    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    I was actually very surprised when I read that the great Cyrus was defeated and killed by a women named Tomyris. Here are some information about the queen of the Massagetae Tomyris: Tomyris /ˈtoʊmɨrɪs/, from the Persian...
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    Turks, Mongols and a Persian Secretarial Class in Early Delhi Sultanate

    It's just because you said that we don't have genetically anything in common with other Turkics which is false. The Mongoloid admixture in Iranians is not really worth mentioning and the European admixture in African Americans is a result of slavery unlike Turks which was more a result of...
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    Turks, Mongols and a Persian Secretarial Class in Early Delhi Sultanate

    Turks themselves have 7-10 % Mongoloid admixture on average. It's a fairytale imagination that some "Mongoloid" looking nomads were able to to spread their language to dozens of Anatolians without mixing with them. Turkmens weren't fully Mongoloid when they conquered Anatolia, as Turkmens from...
  5. C

    Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

    They were still able to conquer your ancestors. It's hilarious how Persians failed completely against Mongols. I think I don't need to remind you that Merv, Samarkand and Buchara were once Persian cities
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    Turks, Mongols and a Persian Secretarial Class in Early Delhi Sultanate

    Thank you for proving your butthurtness over "Turko-Mongols". Turkic peoples have at least 6 indepented states while you Iranians have only Iran and and tiny Tajikistan which is surrounded by Turkic states and Turkic peoples. 15 % of the population of Tajikistan are Uzbeks anyway. Turks usually...
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    Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

    Not another racist Persian!:sick: What's so bad about being Mongoloid?
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    Documentary on Emam Khomeini

    I don't really think that 40.000 Persians in the Netherlands are representative for all 60 million Persians in Iran. I have also noticed that Iranians are mainly secular in Europe and America but the reason for this is, that their ancestors fled because of the Mullah regime in Iran. Of course...
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    Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

    I've never said that I like Timur. He was too cruel in my eyes but also a genious strategist. I have mixed feelings for the Ottoman empire. Of course I'm somehow proud that we had such a large and important empire and the conquest of Constantinopel but I still favour REAL Turkic empires like the...
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    Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

    Timur is also a very controversial figure in history. Uzbeks consider him as their national hero while Persians and Indians curse him because of his brutal brutal military campaign against them Timur's armies were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe, sizable parts of which were laid to...
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    Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran

    I don't know their Autosomal DNA but they should also have Mongoloid admixture just like the Turks from Anatolia
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    Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran

    Turks from Kayseri have 6 % Mongoloid admixture on average. The capital of the Sultanate of Rum was Konya not Kayseri.
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    Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran

    I was also surprised but I'm also happy about that because the stereotype that Turks from Western Turkey are all Turkiczied Greeks annoyed me very much. You mean that Konya was mostly populated by Turks don't you? Konya was the capital of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum, not Kayseri. Chechens...
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    Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran

    Speaking an Eastern Iranian language and having a Pashtun culture makes someone in no sense Turkic. The language is the most important cultural feature of a nation, not the genetic heritage. Turks are mixed just as Iranians, Pashtuns, Arabs, Germans and EVERY ethnicity in this world. It's the...
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    Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran

    I wouldn't say that most Uzbeks are that radical Islamic. It's true that Uzbeks feel themselves closer to Islam than other Turkics but they were still under Soviet rule and I also heard that Uzbeks from Tashkent are mainly secular Muslims while the Uzbeks from Samarkand and Bukkara are more...
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    Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran

    I've never said that Turks in Turkey are pure. We could say that Turks are mainly a mix between Oghuz Turkic newcomers and Native Anatolians. The main difference between Ghilzais and Turks is that the Ghilzai speak an Eastern Iranian language and the Turks a Turkic language. Ghilzais are also...
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    Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran

    I often read in Tajik or Pashtun forums and it seems to me that they don't like each other. Many Tajiks hate it when you name them "Afghan" because this ethnonym is actually used only for Pashtuns as Afghan=Pashtun. Many Tajiks also consider Pashtuns as barbarian Taliban savages. Many Pashtuns...
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    Delhi Sultanate

    The Delhi Sultanate is a term used to cover five short-lived dynasties, Delhi based kingdoms or sultanates, mostly of Turkic and Pashtun (Afghan) origin in mediaeval India. The sultanates ruled from Delhi between 1206 and 1526, when the last was replaced by the Mughal dynasty. The five dynasties...
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    Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran

    Nationalism is very strong among the "Afghan" people. Tajiks are very proud of their high culture and Persian heritage. Many Pashtuns call Afghanistan "Pashtunistan" and they are very proud of their Pahtunwali culture and Afghan heroes like Ahmad Shah Durrani. Uzbeks alone a very proud of the...
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    Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran

    I know that the Mughals were Chagatai Turko-Mongols from Uzbekistan. I use the name "Afghan" only for Pashtuns. I don't believe in something like an "Afghan" nationality and I don't consider Uzbeks, Hazaras, Turkmens or Tajiks who live in Afghanistan as "Afghans".
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