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  1. C

    Iran has two months until Azerbaijan prescribes polo to itself

    Please spare us your retarded racism:angry:. What's so bad about having Mongoloid genes? It's better than having terrorist genes like you Kurds.
  2. C

    Iran has two months until Azerbaijan prescribes polo to itself

    Blah blah blah! The same ******** Kurd crying from you again and again. Don't forget that your ancestors were Elamites and Mesopotamians who were too weak to keep their language and adopted the language of Aryan nomads.
  3. C

    Iran has two months until Azerbaijan prescribes polo to itself

    Blah blah blah! The same ******** Kurd crying from you again and again. Don't forget that your ancestors were Elamites and Mesopotamians who were too weak to keep their language and adopted the language of Aryan nomads.
  4. C

    Iran has two months until Azerbaijan prescribes polo to itself

    Blah blah blah blah! The same ******** Kurd crying from you again and again. You Persians and Kurds are also nothing than Mesopotamians and Elamites whose ancestors were too weak to keep their language and adopted the language of simple Aryan nomads.
  5. C

    Iran has two months until Azerbaijan prescribes polo to itself

    Azeris have 7-10 % Mongoloid admxiture on average which makes them genetically different than Persians or Kurds. Genetically Azeris are mainly a mix between Oghuz Turks and Turkiczied Iranian and Caucasian natives. It's false to say that you're only Turkiczied Iranians. The same goes for Turks...
  6. C

    Iran has two months until Azerbaijan prescribes polo to itself

    The only Turkic dynasties which were completely Persianzed were the Mughal empire and the Delhi Sultanates. Central Asia was definitely Turkiczied in the last centuries when mainstream history says that whole Central Asia was populated by Iranic peoples till the Turkic expansion started in the...
  7. C

    Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid

    That's true. I'm 100 % sure that the Scythians in Central Asia were absorbed and assimilated by the Turkic expansion. It seems that Scythians disappeared from Central Asia since the Gökturks appeared in the 6th century. But the cities which were attacked and invaded by the Mongols like Merv in...
  8. C

    Police school opens education year with prayer in eastern province

    Thank you! I also hope for Malaysians a peaceful and democratic country where everyone can live free no matter if Malaysian Muslims. Buddhist Chinese or Hindu Indians. These things are not possible with the intolerant Sharia law who opresses everything which is non convervative Sunni Muslim...
  9. C

    Police school opens education year with prayer in eastern province

    It's true that we have high numbers of religious conservatives but we also have a significant number of secularists. I don't think that Turkey will be ever a unprogressive Sharia state like other Muslim countries. Ataturks legacy is just too strong for that The majority of Turks oppose the...
  10. C

    Nader Shah - The second Alexander

    Ghorids were probably ethnically Iranic but definitely not Ghaznavids. The founder of the Ghaznavid empire was a former Turkic slave-solider from the Samanids called Sabuktigin
  11. C

    Nader Shah - The second Alexander

    If you have problems with my threads why do you read it then? This thread is mostly focused on the person of Nader Shah but the invasion of India by him belongs to this. There is actually only one thread by me which is about invasions of India and that was the "Mongol invasions of India" thread
  12. C

    Nader Shah - The second Alexander

    I would replace "obssesed" with interested in world history and especially Turko-Mongol, Iranian and Indian history
  13. C

    Nader Shah - The second Alexander

    Nāder Shāh Afshār or Nadir Shah (Persian: نادر شاه افشار‎; also known as Nāder Qoli Beg - نادر قلی بیگ or Tahmāsp Qoli Khān -...
  14. C

    Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

    Safavids have only claimed to be Sayyids so that they could rule over the Muslim world. It doesn't change the fact that Safavids were ethnic Azeri Turks. Shah Ismael contributed greatly to the literary development of the Azerbaijani language and is considered as a national hero for Azerbaijanis
  15. C

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    I also gave you many serious sources about the "Scythian" words and their relationship with modern languages and it seems like that Scythians had a strong Turkic element in them. We can definitely say that Scythians were a mixed group with mainly Eastern Iranic and Turkic elments. if you want to...
  16. C

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Sorry but it seem like that you don't have a clue about the language of Scythians as it's obivous that they were more a mixed group with a strong Turkic element There are only sparse written records about the Scythians, which makes statements about their language very difficult. Herodotus gives...
  17. C

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    1.) There is no proof for it that they only spoke Eastern Iranian languages. The language evidences of Scythans are zero and it's very unlikely that they only spoke one language 2.) The Ossetian language is full of Caucasian and Turkic words. It's genetically already proven that Ossetians are...
  18. C

    Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

    Turkmens conquered Anatolia in the 10th century with the Seljuks and formed with the native population of Anatolia the modern Turks. We have losers and winners in the history and Anatolia was called Turchia by the Romans since the 12th century. It's very normal and you should just live with it.
  19. C

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    There is no dogma in this world that you must be Mongoloid for being Turkic and Many Turkic peoples were also described with Caucasoid features aynway. The ancestors of the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz were known for their blue eyes and blonde hair. Many Tatars from the Volga region of Russia have blonde...
  20. C

    Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

    Kurds have nothing to do with the Safavid empire. The court language of the Safavid empire was Azerbaijani Turkish until Isfahan became the capital. The rulers and the military (Qizilbash) of the Safavid empire were all mostly Turks
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