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  1. usernameless

    US ‘not responsible’ for crisis in Iraq, Libya

    why is this isil or whatever terroristic group in the ME (beside Iran's obvious support for Hezbollah) not targeting Israel? and why haven't i heard any Israeli official condemn Isil (not that i follow much Israeli news) or stretching its hands out to help fellow ME countries combat terrorism...
  2. usernameless

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    Turkish parliament releases report on the ISIL According to the report, the ISIL has between 5,000 and 15,000 members and receives major financial backing from sponsors in the Arab Gulf states. World Bulletin / News Desk The Turkish parliament has prepared a report on the self-styled...
  3. usernameless

    Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in portions of Mosul

    agreed. I have the feeling many muslims first put emphasis on being muslim. This is fine if they are personally ok with that, but unfortunately some people care a lot about their own sect (be it sunni or shia etc.), this cannot be good. Iraq seems to have failed to forge a strong national...
  4. usernameless

    Çay Bahçesi

    this one looks really great imo
  5. usernameless

    Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant: “We Will Conquer Istanbul”

    cool, let them tell us which 'kuffar' cities they plan on conquering in the ME (ironic...) and the capitals they dont plan to touch, so we can narrow down who the probable main benefactors/supporters behind Isil's deeds are.
  6. usernameless

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    Check the comments lmao. IŞİD, Irak, IŞİD İstanbul, IŞİD Türkiye’yi cihat alanı ilan etti,-En Son Ortadoğu Haberleri-HABERTÜRK
  7. usernameless

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    i don't think that KRG would allow Turkish troops to travel through their territory. They'd rather let Turkmen places fall to Isil and then KRG will capture those places and say 'Iraqi govt and Turkey didn't do anything or we didnt need their help to help our Turkmen brothers' something like...
  8. usernameless

    Future direction for PAKTURK Military cooperation?

    As someone who is not that knowledgeable about the military, perhaps impossible, but I really would like Turkey to obtain nuclear technology/knowledge from Pakistan in order to enhance it's geopolitical level. This would give Turkey more safety against Russia and possible the west once they...
  9. usernameless

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Then proof it with reports. I keep seeing people write this, but no provided links or any credible reports so far. i will read it and consider it. Turkey has its own internal mess with various groups struggling for influence. It's not like those journalists are detained without any reason...
  10. usernameless

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    show that proof. Sure Turks are kinda biased, but many of us also stated that terrorist acts are not tolerated, anywhere. Aren't you biased either? believing everything the one state party forces down your throat with their media? Turkey and Turks should be welcome to China just like the other...
  11. usernameless

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    But many Chinese expressed support for Russia to protect 'its' Russian subjects in Ukraine. what about that? I understand what you mean, but still if a foreign govt was hostile to its own people of Chinese background, China surely would react somehwo, right? I dont get why Chinese are so hostile...
  12. usernameless

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Turks are not the ones boosting about IQ on this forum. Even if Chinese members are smarter, i wish they were more open-minded and friendlier to discuss these things instead of arrogantly mocking another man's country without any informative reply. I see this often happening to Vietnamese...
  13. usernameless

    Local Turkish Dialects

    In which province is your village?
  14. usernameless

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Good luck
  15. usernameless

    Local Turkish Dialects

    Suddenly this word came to my mind; Pindir. My grandmother uses this word instead of Peynir.
  16. usernameless

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Oh cmon, criticizing because ccp is 'too soft'. Who are you kidding? This is not criticizing the govt at all, it's actually in favor for the govt to do so. I really shouldnt be explaining this, but a regime like CCP gives you the twist it wants through media and state control policies, sure this...
  17. usernameless

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Sure i care if Uyghurs kill innocent Han people or any innocent Chinese citizen dies, but i dont care what policies CCP does to non-Uyghurs, simply because most/all Chinese seem to blindly defend every policy of CCP, seem to be happy with them and i bet Chinese dont mind them as long as they...
  18. usernameless

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    absolutely somewhere someone failed in leadership and decision-making. I just read that the Turkish consulate in Basra is being evacuated though. How do Iranians perceive this whole mess in Iraq? Just an average Turk
  19. usernameless

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    Iraqi Turkmen Front takes up arms against ISIL-UPDATED The Turkmen community in Iraq's northern city of Kirkuk have begun to take up arms after militants linked with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) reportedly captured the Turkmen-majority city of Tel Afar. “Turkmens have the...
  20. usernameless

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    according to a Kurdish member, yes. I, however, dont know.
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