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  1. usernameless

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    imo they only give green light to matters that don't harm them seriously. Russia wont mind good ties between Turkic countries, but anything that might threaten Russian influence on geopolitical and economical level won't be tolerated by them, im sure. They dont look warm to Trans caspian...
  2. usernameless

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    Almost every Turk emotionally wishes for either an ummah and/or union with Turkic countries. I believe this mindset/awareness will only increase in the future when Turkey definitely say goodbye to the EU (Turkish public support for EU is already very low) and when Turkic countries get rid of...
  3. usernameless

    Fasting Restricted for Government Employees and Students in Xinjiang

    And then they wonder why some Uyghurs resort to violence. If such policies are used and democratically you have no voice, i might go mad one day too. China's policy regarding Uyghurs seems to come down to; shut up and slowly assimilate through the decades/centuries or eat lead if you try to open...
  4. usernameless

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    First he lowers our flag and then Turkish doctors treat his wound o_ODouble spat on our face. But if the police killed him, bdp and/or human rights blabla would have something to rant about, i guess.
  5. usernameless

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    Turkey doesnt have a great relationship with NATO. IMHO Turkey gives more than it takes from NATO. Turkey needed nato membership against the Soviets, which served western nations more than Turkey, and since that threat is gone, nato is nothing but just a term on paper for Turkey, though the exp...
  6. usernameless

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    who benefits from isil, seriously? the only thing they do is destroy muslim countries, kill muslims in barbarian ways which are not endornsed in Islam etc. muslims, no matter sunni or shia, should work together asap and get rid of such groups asap.
  7. usernameless

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    what is the exact goal of this exercise?
  8. usernameless

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    i do believe though that Pakistani bros and sisters only choose China because China offers them more than Turkey does now. We cannot protect Pakistan against India. Neither do we have much serious systems to sell them yet. Neither do we have the international political nor economical card to...
  9. usernameless

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    is it always muslims' fault? I wrote that there are lazy and criminal immigrants too. and imho these should be send back whenever they repetitively get caught again. 100% integration will be impossible to achieve to begin with anyway. However, there is definitely a two-faced approach in some...
  10. usernameless

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    didn't read after page 7, will do later, but already can tell that certain people already link muslim presence in a country with chaos and doom. That goes to show how the media really influenced people into making them think that Islam is naturally something evil. Doesnt mean though that the...
  11. usernameless

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    Given their circumstances, they will do what's the best for them, but if they knowingly sacrifice their long term sovereignty for Russia, it will be game over for them. If they stick with Russia for now and later on switch to a possible Turkic union, no problem imo. Let Turkey and Azerbaijan...
  12. usernameless

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    Turkic union. Have good trade and neutral politic relationship with EU and Arab countries, and gradually increase co-operation/integrity with Azerbaijan and then later on with Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Today's Turkic dictators (from Soviet times) will go at a time, but i bet the younger...
  13. usernameless

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Sooner or later the local people will increasingly know the true face of this pkk shit. They can have their political party and express their voice, but pkk is only using them for their own goals through brainwashing young people, like in this case. Most anti-pkk should be the Kurds, who are...
  14. usernameless

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    Didnt read after a few sentences. Basically it seems you like to keep drawing a link between any issue with islam. then why dont you just write in short 'wherever there is a problem with muslims, be it right or wrong, they must get crushed'? Pathetic, but didnt expect much from a biased brit anyway.
  15. usernameless

    US ‘not responsible’ for crisis in Iraq, Libya

    Did i understand you correctly? Turkey working together with isil? Bro, i think such a thing will backfire. It's too dangerous and doesnt suit Turkey. More importantly they are killing Turkmens as well, who should be saved as much as possible, but the govt cant do much with its hands tied due...
  16. usernameless

    Kurdish soldiers trained by Israelis

    Kurdish soldiers trained by Israelis Newsnight has obtained the first pictures of Kurdish soldiers being trained by Israelis in Northern Iraq, as well as an interview with one of the former commandos who carried out the work. When the former Israeli special forces soldiers were sent to Iraq...
  17. usernameless

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    only cannot fully agree with that, but that is a matter of ccp's policies, an off-topic altogether.
  18. usernameless

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    on the contrary i think quite many Uyghurs know Turkey. My Uyghur friends told me that Turkish brands, especially food, clothes and Turkish series are famous there. Chinese govt even allows Turkish PM and other officials and Turkish artists to visit Uyghur places. it isnt important that they...
  19. usernameless

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    may i see that survey? :)
  20. usernameless

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    your reply is based on what you see and hear. if these people were related to you in whatever way, your opinion would be different because you would know their background and motives better. Yes, anyone who commits terrorist deeds should be punished, but you cannot ignore their complaints...
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