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  1. sahaliyan

    Defence.pk Celebrates the Chinese National Day.

    The music of those videos 电影《海外赤å*ã€‹æ’曲: 我爱ä½*ä¸*国—在线æ’*放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 I Love You, China Lyrics: Qu Cong Music: Zheng Qiufeng A lark flies across the blue sky: "I love you, China!" I love you, China, I love you, China...
  2. sahaliyan

    Defence.pk Celebrates the Chinese National Day.

    China is my motherland, my flesh, my soul, my life.----Han Suyin To all patriot Chinese(mainland and worldwide)
  3. sahaliyan

    Saudi Arabia and China spur global economic growth

    You are American,you should loyal to your country
  4. sahaliyan

    Saudi Arabia and China spur global economic growth

    You are a troll,we Chinese have no enemy in muslim world
  5. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    Mao can't destroy a culture(5000 years history),he harm the traditinal culture,but after he gone away from history,the Chinese are still Chinese,they still speak Chinese,they still have Chinese surnames,they still have Chinese way of thinking,they still keep Chinese values.Let's make it...
  6. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    A strong China will only benefit the overseas Chinese population,a strong and powerful China will promote the Chinese language,and language is most important thing for an ethnic group.And overseas Chinese can be bridge between China and their countries,because of their cultural backgroud,they...
  7. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    China will only take care their citizens,we have warm wishes to overseas Chinese,but we can't take care you.You should take care yourself.And don't hate one group of People,maybe some Malay nationalists are bad,but not all Malays are bad,most are just ordinary people like others.Also you should...
  8. sahaliyan

    Indonesia-China hold defense consultation meeting

    I think most Japanese vote Abe because Abenomic,he is really brave to save Japan from economical failure
  9. sahaliyan

    Indonesia-China hold defense consultation meeting

    There are pro-Chinese PMs in Japan such as HASHIMOTO RYUTAIROU,Yukio Hatoyama,Kakuei Tanaka,Yasuo Fukuda。Especially Yukio Hatoyama suggest the East Asia Union,he want to move out the American troops in Okinwa,but he failed.Many may don't believe,but it's true the Americans...
  10. sahaliyan

    Indonesia-China hold defense consultation meeting

    I really don't want China and Japan become enemies,when we are children,we watch the Japanese anime(at least for our generation,I born in 1989 AD),after we grew up,our popular culture influenced by the Japanese,many popular songs of our Chinese world(China,Taiwan,HongKong) came from...
  11. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    But they are ethnic Chinese after all,even the Chinese in Malaysia have a Chinese edycation system,they even have their own college
  12. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    Of course,I'm Chinese.我当然是中国人,我的祖先在清朝的时候属于整白旗满洲
  13. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    Who closed the Nanyang University?In China,everythings are taught in Chinese,the students only learn English in limited times,can we say the same in Singapore?Your schools teach Chinese just like the schools in China teach English,this is not the Chinese education system,you can see it in China...
  14. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    I think Indians make up 9% of Singapore's population,and maybe there are more Indians in Singapore now
  15. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    One thing you can't change is that your neighbours,Singapore is just a tiny island,Malaysia and Indonesia are big,so the re-united between Singapore and Malaya is best solution(that will increase the Chinese and Indian popelation in Malaya),and you can seek a democratic and equal Malaya,and you...
  16. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    I'm not a supporter of UMNO,however Singapore's PAP is worse,while the Chinese and Tamil language education system still exist in Malaysia,while the dictator Lee Kuan Yew abolished in Singapore.While Malaysia has good relation with China,Singapore's PAP government want to be running dog of USA...
  17. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    What about the USA?The affirmative action to African Americans and Hispanic Americans?
  18. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    No,it's Malaysian founding father Tunku Abdul Rahman kicked the Singapore out,most Singaporeans don't want an independent Singapore that time,because a city state has no future. There are many new immigrants of Indian origin in Singapore in recent years,unlike the early Indian immigrants are...
  19. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    All citizens of Malaya should be treated equal:Malays,Chinese and Indians.However Malays are natives in this land,it's understandable they have some special rights
  20. sahaliyan

    Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

    In my opinion,the west Malaysia and Singapore should united as Greater Malaya,the east Malaysia has nothing to do with west Malaysia
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