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    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    Why wont Muslims accept Sanskrit? No idea of the intention but it seems suspect after all, we are all now bickering. Im a malu. I just dont like to see my regional language downgraded andd diluted for Hindi. If not Sanskrit, then I guess English but that doesn't sit well with me either. After...
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    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    You get lost. Peope like you who supported Congress are the reason we are so backward. I guess you never read any of my posts if you state I am willing to sell the country out. This has nothing to do with respect. You are digging up an issue to make a stupid point. Why should anyone be forced to...
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    Remembering India’s Forgotten Holocaust

    Same here. While I appreciate the notion of Karma, I can't wait for it. I believe we should all act asap. Stop waiting for God to resolve everything on Earth. God or the Gods left earth in our hands to solve. The only way to truly meet God or the Gods is to create Earth in his vision, which is...
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    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    Yup Lets remind them they are desi first not foreigners.
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    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    F-k Hindi. Make everyone learn Sanskrit. I and others don;t give a damn if 60% know Hindi. Just because its convenient, doesn't mean its right. Southies and Northeast will boycott it. At least Sanskrit is neutral and doesn't rile sentiments
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    Going big on solar - India plans to cover its vast canal network with solar panels.

    Instead of using steel grids to hold these solar panels....we should also be investing in grids totally composed of rubber silcone ( with heat resistant chemicals) to hold flexible solar panels like webbing.....think of the employment potential, reusable green tech and spin off industries...
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    Sudhir Mishra to replace Pillai as BrahMos chief

    Tamils can say whatever they want. But S. Pillai is and will always be a MALU!
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    More Apache deals likely with US

    Ok fine, I'll give you another perspective. France and Russia sells us weapons and supposedly place no sanctions or restrictions but the tech sold to us is not cutting edge all the time. Compared to the same weapons platforms they have in their inventory, the product they sell us is not the...
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    Contrary to Claims, Arihant not Prepared for Sea Trials

    India got to take its time. Its the first indigneous nuke sub built in India by Indians for Indians. Just make sure we get it right the first time.
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    India's IISc unveils technique to spot explosives hidden in ANY container

    Good job....this the type of developments I like to hear. Now, can anyone verify if this is an exclusive discovery or have other nations discovered something similar?
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    More Apache deals likely with US

    So? Look at how the British treated us yet we still bend over backwards to lick their balls NO?
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    More Apache deals likely with US

    There are many other ways to stall besides of embargo. Why should we stall this acquistion? Oh yes because it involved big bad US....grow a pair.
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    India's Fighter Jet Negotiations Stall Over Delivery Commitments

    India gave Dassault “preferred bidder status” in 2012 for the $12 billion program. Tells you alot. As for Typhoon, that was a better bargain for the level of sharing of tech. Using costs as the sole determining factor....speaks volumes..
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    Remembering India’s Forgotten Holocaust

    Congress ignored and forced our textbooks to be full of lies for decades. Thank the Gandhi Family. The West particularly the British always supported the Gandhi's. It allowed them to keep control of India without having to ever set a foot into India again after Independence.
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    'We must strengthen our position on China border': Interview with Kiren Rijiju

    Some of Congi lickers were supporting UPA's decisions on the border. Finally. proof that UPA was a pos!
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    US offers Cutting Edge Technologies To India

    If we are so concerned about reliance then we would select Saab to co develop our fighters. We don't. I wouldn't turst Congress to handle that Dassault contract properly, kickbacks and bribes were probably part of the package!
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    No Mig Show on INS Vikramditya :PMO asks why ?

    I guess we are to busy to perform a decent paint job on our planes and ships! I what why the bar for standard maintenance is so low in India.....wtf
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