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    China asked to cease its activities in Azad Kashmir

    Time for you Indians to learn a valuable lesson. Build Kashmir, formally accept into the Union with no exceptions, allow ppl to enter from any state to start business or settle down, change anything that helps Pakistan in our Kashmiri. Hell, even change the name.
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    VVIP copter probe may blow lid off deal for aerial recce systems

    I will. No need to dicuss here openly. I told you ...India is not as secure as you are led to believe. This just in, Nitish Kumar thinking of taking a ANTI CONGRESS and ANTI BJP STAND>.........I will vote for this guy above MODI. Who will you vote for SONIA? RAHUL? I would love to see your...
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    IAF kicks off massive combat exercise, activates all airbases

    Fine but seein how we allowed those Italian guards walk away doesn;t sit well with me. I see you mentioned height requirement but that is ridiculous. Look at Gurkhas, they are not tall but damn fierce.
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    VVIP copter probe may blow lid off deal for aerial recce systems

    YOu are the only fool who keeps on protecting Tyagi when the evidence keeps on pouring in. This just in, Nitish Kumar thinking of taking a ANTI CONGRESS and ANTI BJP STAND>.........I will vote for this guy above MODI. Who will you vote for SONIA? RAHUL? I would love to see your answer now?
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    Support Lokpal , Support Jail Bharo

    Wake up MFer's, time to put some work in
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    Democracy in India is a farce. Look at dynasty politics.

    Wow. You are so considerate. Helping educate Indians on this forum but you're full of it.
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    Naval guards: India moves to downgrade diplomatic ties with Italy

    Completely scripted BS. You guys think this is for real? Come on, wake up. Its so obvious, this is planned. How long do you think this go on for? Watch it wil work out to Italy's favor. The case will go to International court and the judgement will be to pay some half *** fine. What a bunch of...
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    Kerala Padmanabha temple's treasure worth US $ 200 billion or Rs 10 lakh cr

    We need leaders who protect and cherish India like Kerala rulers
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    The dangers of whistle-blowing in India

    READ UP why are ppl punished for exposing the truth. Power was given to politicans who do not represent the ppl
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    YOu cant take a stand against corruption when the change needs to come from govt. Look at how our women are bing raped for decades, lax laws in place since then. No change.
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