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    Why British Left India

    The UK govt responding to a plea to release documents on Bose stated it would not do so, unless the Indian govt granted commission....even then it would only do so in 2020. I am looking for it, so I can post. In the meanwhile, check out this link Government of India's secret files about...
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    Blueprint to tackle Maoists

    YOu just gave the reason why they dont trust the gov;t. There is increasing concern that their movement has gained much traction. Moe educated ppl are joining...
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    ELF Comms Facility Coming Up

    Project Sanguine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The US retired its system back in 2004......they have achieved better
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    Geelani’s health deteriorates again, to be flown to New Delhi

    We really need the media to publicize this
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    Fate of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 will prove us right or wrong: Indian pilots

    If the phones are truly ringing.....why wont they track the cellphone signals?
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    Rules bent for ex-navy chief DK Joshi's retirement benefits

    THey'll bend the rules for him (nothing against the Admiral)...but wont do squat for VK Singh...
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    ELF Comms Facility Coming Up

    You can always keep a secret....but India sucks at it. So what locals see the construction....at least you can inform them it is something else ....like a ammo dump....
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    Why British Left India

    I read the info from this article from other sources. To be honest, I highly doubt, Bose made it back to India. If he did, he would have got back in politics to build India up. My observation is that Bose died in Russia or killed by the UK. Perhaps the world powers had a meeting and decided his...
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    Indo-US relations : Strategic Miscalculations

    I am. But most of you guys think someone born and brought up in the West...is not Indian enough. And After hearing it repeatedly, I agree..
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    Indo-US relations : Strategic Miscalculations

    Why wont you read a bit.....before you claim its stupid. Thank you....sometimes my fellow Indians can be so stupid blindd by sheer patriotism ...
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    India tyres on Sukhois a runway hit | Tejas, Dhruv, LCH, MiG-29 K line up to script a gripping story

    Agreed I dont trust most of the generals either .....I just wish for something better, quicker, etc. Wishful thinking I guess...but like you pointed out....such coups can go either way.
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    Indian Army To Upgrade T-90 Tanks With Domestic Help

    None of you clueless wombats see how Russia is f-king us over AGAIN!
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    Indo-US relations : Strategic Miscalculations

    Nah....I think India is too corrupt to realize the opportunity it has. India thinks it can play the game and win. India for some dumb reasons believes, they are too important in this world. India needs to wake up and smack itself silly. India needs allies. Im not saying Russia is not a friend...
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    Indo-US relations : Strategic Miscalculations

    Its India's fault as well as the US. India, your policies are full of holes. You cant expect the Us to bend over backward when you are in serious need of help as well. You are calculating your position as being too important...when the fact is you are not. You have potential but many issues...
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    Ukrainians offer comprehensive Arjun upgrade, FMBT, FICV, etc.

    Oh yea just ask the Army brass who tried to kill the project.
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    Cyber attack on Russia hits India, secret defence documents leaked

    I have been telling you guys since Kargil...our defence is so backward its not even funny. You can import all the latest gadgets but India needs fundamental changes....otherwise those new weapons wont mean shit
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    Vodafone secretly sharing data with British intelligence: Home ministry

    Yet, again none of you see how another part of govt oversteps in and still allows for such Vodafone deal to got thru even though there were security issues raised. My question is ...such matters should be completely publicized when security issues are pushed to the side by idiotic, corrupt...
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    India tyres on Sukhois a runway hit | Tejas, Dhruv, LCH, MiG-29 K line up to script a gripping story

    There is nothing typical about it.....for a coup to be successful ..everybody has to be a part of it to make it work properly. There is no magic....sorry to burst your bubble
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    Why British Left India

    The fact that Congress continues to hide documents pertaining to him..irks the crap out of me...just so they dont ruin foreign relations....
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    Peculiar problems were dogging warship INS Kolkata

    Naval officers are not blind .....they see the corruption that seeped into their ranks involving admirals who are vying for top positions.....nobody is taking a step back to look into these matters....Arms lobbyists, corruption ,etc are all factors interested who gets the next top post. Time...
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