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    What ails the Navy warships: 10 mishaps in last seven months

    What if I told you the majority of mishaps in the Indian Navy were intentional? Yeah that's right! It is being suppressed so that Congress does not look bad for elections. It will come out perhaps afterwards......but there may seem to be a Chinese hand involved as this was one area that was...
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    Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

    I cant believe this is still being debated by morons.....there should never be any limit on range and minariztion. Think of space travel and that being the end result. Thus we need to look for a propulsion system that works on that scale which will also satisfy a missile range comparable to...
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    Should India resort to Propaganda and Deceptive warfare on Large Scale?

    Deception is everything. CHina, US, Israel and Pakistan have major budgets solely devoted to changing perceptions across the globe. The fact that is even being debated, menas we are not doing it which is a major blunder on our part. I can go on for yrs blaming politics, but there is no excsue...
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    BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

    That's the thing...you are assuming its of a military nature when nothing has been spelt out. More than likely, you can think of it as a national boys scout set up where the youth are trained with basic skills, where regionalism is eradicated, where teamwork is encouraged, etc. This is where we...
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    BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

    Explain how it will bring down the quality?
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    A Hindutva variant of neo-liberalism

    So what? In certain states, you can eat beef. Its about respect....
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    BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

    Pretty dumb POV....if all you can think about is youngsters roaming the streets.... Dude dont give him or the BJP credit. Thi was sited by another person on this site. A few weeks after this person mentioned it on PDF, AK Anthony brings it up into debate and dismises it for the law/order...
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    BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

    I proposed this we I disagree. India has major issues that could be helped by such a thing. Many ppl do not know how to perfrom first aid, CPR, how to observe supsious ppl and take note, defend themselves against criminals, etc. Such training would be most beneficial for our ppl. It could...
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    south korean solid state s band aesa.............for KF-X project!!

    Blame Congress for not allowing a fab unit to be built decades ago...... Blame Congress for not working with S Korea when they offered to work with us hand in hand......we are the most clueless nation in the world.... sometimes
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    Affordable air power

    The problem is the Indian gov't for nailing the coffin shut after the Marut. Only idiots who don't care about India could do such a thing.
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    Why is Japan building up its Navy?

    Good for Japan. Sadly, it has to reshape its policies based on China's recnet bullying tactics......
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    Official: India Will Need To Hike Defense Spending by 30%

    Ralph, let me ask you something. Would there be a position available in your fund for someone who was intricate behind the scenes for India/US relations....
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    Indian Mujahideen caught in Dhaka and handed over to India- a spy game among BD, IND and PAK

    Again, local politics and media getting involved where they shouldn;t. Unless, this is clearly fixed, India will not be able to recover properly. Notice how the terrorist scum uses democractic rights to get over the interrogation? It is the reason why the US started water boarding and using...
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    How GOI was giving away siachin in US pressure

    So we will just use it to drink....
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    How GOI was giving away siachin in US pressure

    And what's you point? We could and can DAM the river for OUR NEEDS. I wasn;t referring to the Indus river, you did! I stated clearly Siachen Glacier could be used to alleviate future water problems that will become more evident.
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    U.S. gives Mumbai police equipment to fight terror

    Any Indian defending the fact that the police should continue using .303 and old revolvers should be shot! Upgrade immediately....
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    Achievements of India in various Fields

    You clueless Brit.....typical CON-gress supporter. Prety pathetic you cant understand where India should have have been afer 60 yrs of Independence! Exactly Brother....you hit the naill firmly on the head!! India should have been miles ahead of where we are.....
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    How GOI was giving away siachin in US pressure

    With water being a major problem in the future, it would unwise to give up this glacier. We have almost no water security, and Congress has no f-king clue how to run a gov't. Just taking a look at the previous decades, you can see there is a complete lack of long term planning in almost...
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    Army and Antony scuttled PM's Siachen initiative

    Congrss is a total complete failure since Independence
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    Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India

    So you threaten minorities in your country if Modi gets elected? LOL great logic and oh btw, minorities have been persecuted and continue to be persecuted NOW! I hope Modi wins......suck on it
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